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7 March 24, 03:40

Dmitry MetalLord

Lyrics : Lik : Ma Ljuset Aldrig Na Oss Mer : Pest Och Pina

0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Pest Och Pina

Ma Ljuset Aldrig Na Oss Mer (2003)


pesten har en funnit
ni kan ej fly
dden skall dig taga
det visar sin sjlvklarhet

kyrkoklockan som stndigt klang
r nu tyst
domen mot guds hus ro kommen
nr kyrkogrimmen ej lngre ses
r kristna liv lmnade till pestens makt

ser hur livets ljusa dagar
r endast ett minne blott
insprukna i pestens pina
snart dd & borta fr all tid

bortom dagens mrker
lever nattens ljus
skapat utav DJVULEN nr nu vrlden ligger i hans vld
livets mening finnes i ddens avgrund
& skuggan av solen
ses ej lngre mer

[English translation:]

Plague & Torment

the plague has found you
you cannot escape
death will take you
fate shows its matter of course

the church bell that constantly chimed is now silent
the judgment of the house of God is here
when the church guardian can no longer be seen
Christian lives are left to the power of the plague

see how life's bright days
are nothing but a memory
sunken into the torment of the plague
soon to be dead and gone forever

beyond the darkness of the day
lives the light of the night
created by the DEVIL now that the world is in his hands
the meaning of life is in the abyss of death
and the shadow of the sun
can be seen no more


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