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7 March 24, 03:40

Dmitry MetalLord

Lyrics : Lik : Ma Ljuset Aldrig Na Oss Mer : Djupa Sinn

0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Djupa Sinn

Ma Ljuset Aldrig Na Oss Mer (2003)


kom in i mitt djupa sinn
lt din vilja bli min lag
bestt min sjl med rent hat
min handlingar styrs till min sista dag

m mrkret vara fr evigt
lt ljuset aldrig n oss mer
drnk all gldje drnk all sorg
frpestade blir bara fler & fler

ppna ditt sinne fr ondskan
snd dom kristna t dess de
brnn ner alla kyrkor till aska
slj din sjl till dden

[English translation:]

Deep Mind

come into my deep mind
let your will be my command
possess my soul with pure hatred
my actions are controlled until my last day

may the darkness last forever
never let the light reach us again
drown all joy drown all sorrow
the poisoned only become more and more

open your mind to the evil
send the Christians to their fate
burn all churches to the ground
sell your soul to death


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