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7 March 24, 03:40

Dmitry MetalLord

Lyrics : My Shameful : ...of Dust : Your Darkness Shine

0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Your Darkness Shine

...of Dust (2004)

My Shameful

All hope I have left behind me
With peacefull mind I face tomorrow
No use to fight anymore against my fate
Blinded have I been by false hope

There is no tomorrow
Yesterday, I left it all fall
My memories I burned, I burned them all
I sweep my hand through the ashes
That once were my life, still warm

Beyond all hope I've gone
So much pain I carried inside me
For vanity I suffered, made a marthyr of myself
I saw delight in my own demise
My pain was greater than yours

Still as I've reached this point
I see no reason to hold on
I have come beyond any reason to live
Moving on to the realm of dream

For your sake I still hold on
I will wait till I can't do no harm
Heed my words, we will all be gone
All the hope has fled from us
And the earth beckons for me...

Let your darkness shine on me
Shower me with your own tears
Let me fall, let me fall down
Don't wait, don't you wait for me


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