| En
7 March 24, 03:40
Dmitry MetalLord
Lyrics : Obtest : Gyvybës Medis : Tai Ne Pabaiga
All lyrics from Dmitry |
8 February 10, 22:00
Ágels, akis uþmerks, ir kadanors nuðvis,
Aukos midum, krauju ir ðermenø gërybëm,
Deglais lydës, iðdegins takelius pirmyn,
Á rato vidury, kur erdvës susipynë....
Tai paskutinë kelionë ið mano kûno,
Bet dar ne pabaiga...
Nedelsk, nebus rytoj iðgarbintø vardø,
Tik toliai kruvini sau iðtakas suranda,
Tau ðmëkla Giltinës nusilenkia þemai,
Ilsëtis po mirties, dëja mums lemta...
Á nebûtá krenta garbus gyvybës rûbas,
Tai dar ne pabaiga....
Dar niekas nesugryþo ið pradþiø pradþios,
Atsiveria dausø ðviesoj jau viskà matæ,
Pritrûks tyla raudoj sugeltos iðminties,
Pas mirtá mes visi tokie panaðûs....
Tai paskutinë kelionë ið mano kûno,
Tai dar ne pabaiga....
[English translation:]
This Is Not The End
Eyes sting as the close, to rise again,
The sacrifice of mead, blood and the goods of a funeral feast
The torches will signal and burn the roads
To the heart of the circle in which emptiness meets
This is the last journey from my flesh
But still this is not the end
Do not linger – no names will rest here after today
Distant bloody unforgettable memories remain
The shadow of the reaper engulfs
But we will not rest yet
A blessed cloth of essence falls into the void
Yet this is not the end
No one returned from the beginning
Those who beheld as it all unfolded in the heavenly light
Silence will pass, the wisdom ripened in tears
We are all as one when are all embraced by death
This is the final journey for my body
But still this is not the end...
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