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20 October 12, 04:54

Aleksandr Cannibal Sitnikov

Releases from Aleksandr

12 July 10, 14:09
Aesculetum - Aesculetum+%5BDemo%5D (2007)
Artist: Aesculetum
Album: Aesculetum [Demo]
Year: 2007
Style: Black Metal, Melancholic Black,Dark Ambient
3.Earth's Shape Vanishes
5.Embraced by Night
6.Where Night Has no End
12 July 10, 14:06
Nazhand - Light+Funeral+%5BDemo%5D (2006)
Artist: Nazhand
Album: Light Funeral [Demo]
Year: 2006
Style: Black Metal, Depressive Black, Dark Ambient
1.Funeral of Man 03:02
2.Darkness Rises 10:08
3.Last Breaths of the Stars Pt. I 01:36
4.Last Breaths of the Stars Pt. II 04:27
5.Najvaye Biabangard 04:59
6.Against the World, Against the Light 04:09
7.Last Gleam 06:11
8.Avaye Tanhayi 10:01
12 July 10, 14:02
Encircling+Sea - Ecru (2010)
Artist: Encircling Sea
Album: Ecru
Year: 2010
Style: Black Metal, Sludge/Doom/Black/Post-Metal
1.Écru (37:02)
12 July 10, 13:59
Sacrficio+%28De+Muerte%29 - Odio+%5BDemo%5D (2003)
Artist: Sacrficio (De Muerte)
Album: Odio [Demo]
Year: 2003
Style: Melodic Death, Doom Metal
01.Cielo Inmenso
02.Soledad Interna
04.Tercera Edad
05.Te Arrebataron La Flor De La Juventud
06.Odio I
07.Cielo Inmenso (Live)
08.Luz (Live)
09.Tercera Edad (Live)
10.Odio II
12 July 10, 13:56
Belzabet - Before+Night+Fall (2001)
Artist: Belzabet
Album: Before Night Fall
Year: 2001
Style: Melodic Black
01.They Return...
02.In The Dawn Of The Eternal Life
03.Between Moons
04.Mistress Of Figid Night
05.Tragedy In Theater Of Hermandstadt
06.Before Night Fall
12 July 10, 13:53
Delirium+In+Tremens - Suicidio+De+Suenos+%5BEP%5D (2009)
Artist: Delirium In Tremens
Album: Suicidio De Suenos [EP]
Year: 2009
Style: Technical Deathcore
01.Cierra Mis Ojos (Nunca Más)
02.Coma (Despertar)
03.Suicidio de Sueños
04.Delirium In Tremens
05.Lejos de la Realidad
26 June 10, 02:00
Forensic+Clinic - Robe+Of+Immortality+%5BEP%5D (2010)
Artist: Forensic Clinic
Album: Robe Of Immortality [EP]
Year: 2010
Style: Death Metal
Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina
1. Let The Payback Time Begin 07:58
2. Robe Of Immortality 04:34
3. Under The Pillory 06:08
4. All Hail The Wise 03:22
26 June 10, 01:28
Thyrgrim - Niedergang (2008)
Artist: Thyrgrim
Album: Niedergang
Year: 2008
Style: Black Metal
Country: Германия
1. Mit Blut Geschrieben
2. Besessen
3. Dorthin Wo Alles Begann
4. Des Schmerzes Reiz
5. Niedergang
6. Aus Ruinen
7. Hass
8. In Die Einsamkei
26 June 10, 01:22
One+of+These+Days - Live+Rehearsal+%5BDemo%5D (2010)
Artist: One of These Days
Album: Live Rehearsal [Demo]
Year: 2010
Style: Death Metal, Grindcore
Country: Греция
1. 5th Element
2. Chaotic Generation
3. Strike A Blow At Them
4. Twist The Knife
26 June 10, 01:19
Trifixion - When+All+Else+Fails+%5BDemo%5D (2010)
Artist: Trifixion
Album: When All Else Fails [Demo]
Year: 2010
Style: Death Metal
Country: Великобритания
1. The Last Apocalypse 04:24
2. In Nomine Patre 03:58
3. Fucked in the Guttural Vortex 04:01
26 June 10, 01:15
Erfiq - Erfiq (2010)
Artist: Erfiq
Album: Erfiq
Year: 2010
Style: Death Metal
Country: США
1. Overcome (feat. Ed Corpse555 M.) 04:49
2. Stole My Smile 02:49
3. Kill the Plague 05:34
4. Medusa (feat. Ed Corpse555 M.) 03:59
5. The Greatness of the Bear (Demo Introduction to Next Album) 03:42
6. Great Bear (Ursa Major) (feat. Omar Waqar) 04:58
7. Stow Destroyed 04:01
8. Kill The Plague Memorial Edition 12:36
26 June 10, 01:07
Last+Rites - Future+World+%5BEP%5D (2009)
Artist: Last Rites
Album: Future World [EP]
Year: 2009
Style: Death/Thrash Metal
Country: Италия
1. Intro
2. Hate
3. The Hole Of White Rabbit
4. 26.04.86
5. Human Extinction
6. The Last Rites
26 June 10, 01:04
Corpse+of+Christ - Molested+by+Mormons+%5BEP%5D (2010)
Artist: Corpse of Christ
Album: Molested by Mormons [EP]
Year: 2010
Style: Death Metal
Country: США
1. Birth of Thee Aborted 03:33
2. Cranial Intercourse 03:35
3. Molested by Mormons 03:32
4. Steak-knife Sodomy 04:53
26 June 10, 00:58
Elwood+Blatch - Set+vs+Horus+%5BEP%5D (2009)
Artist: Elwood Blatch
Album: Set vs Horus [EP]
Year: 2009
Style: Death Metal, Thrash Metal
1. The Tagonist 03:28
2. Dance of the Dead 03:01
3. Prophets of Ashes 03:43
4. Set vs Horus 04:31
5. The Big Smoke Off 04:06
26 June 10, 00:54
Fetus+Feast - Demo (2010)
Artist: Fetus Feast
Album: Demo
Year: 2010
Style: Brutal Death
Country: США
1.Seminal Embalming Fluid 03:51
2.Augerbit Abortion 02:43
26 June 10, 00:52
Korrigan - Promo (2010)
Artist: Korrigan
Album: Promo
Year: 2010
Style: Atmospheric Doom/ Death Metal
Country: Греция
1. Hopeless Times
2. As Sanity Fades
26 June 10, 00:46
Coprophilic+Asphyxia - Inmortal+Brutality+%5BEP%5D (2009)
Artist: Coprophilic Asphyxia
Album: Inmortal Brutality [EP]
Year: 2009
Style: Slam Death Metal
Country: Германия
1.Emo Exekution
2.Slut Torture
3.Die Hafenschlachter
4.We Hacked This Scum Into Piece
5.The Crown Of Harvesting
6.Die Like Your Messiah
7.Necroplasmic Lifeform
8.Germanys Groovy Corpse Factory
9.This Is Our Last Party,Honey!
14 June 10, 19:35
14 June 10, 03:25
Thirteen+Bled+Promises - Disimpregnations+%5BEP%5D (2010)
Artist: Thirteen Bled Promises
Album: Disimpregnations [EP]
Year: 2010
Style: Deathcore, Death Metal
Country: Испания
1. Smells So Bad It Makes You Cry
2. A Perfect Buyate
3. Darker Than Black
4. The Boy In The Clap Pajamas
14 June 10, 03:16
Osmosis - Demo (2010)
Artist: Osmosis
Album: Demo
Year: 2010
Style: Brutal Death
Country: Испания
1. Marches & Torches
2. Salting Thy Wound
3. Deities
4. Voices & Dwellers
14 June 10, 03:10
Necrostorm - The+Forgotten (2010)
Artist: Necrostorm
Album: The Forgotten
Year: 2010
Style: Black Metal
Country: Нидерланды
1. The Forgotten 5:00
2. Return To The Ancient Plains 4:02
3. Rise Of The Serpents 3:33
4. Non Existence 1:10
5. Lunar Exploitation 666 5:43
6. Necrostorm 6:09
7. Christ Stench (Fullmoon Fistfuck) 1:13
8. Cursed 969 4:59
9. Sacramentorium 2:36
10. Black Hole Womit 4:48
11. Exorcism Fails 2:28
12. Grave Desecration 6:00
13. Possessed 1608 3:27
14 June 10, 03:06
Carpticon - Occularis+Infernum+%5BDemo%5D (2005)
Artist: Carpticon
Album: Occularis Infernum [Demo]
Year: 2005
Style: Black Metal
Country: Норвегия
1.The Imprint Of Corrupted Souls 05:17
2.New Flesh 03:25
3.Darkened 04:46
4.Rovdyr Av Døden 03:55
5.Mankind's Putrefaction 04:17
14 June 10, 03:00
Means+To+An+End - Weathered+By+Time (2010)
Artist: Means To An End
Album: Weathered By Time
Year: 2010
Style: Black Metal, Depressive Black
Country: Бельгия
1. The Result Of Seclusion 05:06
2. Oppressive White Light 09:04
3. Bound To A Bleak Past 08:26
4. Legacy Of Failure 08:51
5. Weathered By Time 07:05
14 June 10, 02:51
Heretoir+%26+Thranenkind - Wiedersehen+-+Unsere+Hoffnung+%5Bsplit%5D (2010)
Artist: Heretoir & Thranenkind
Album: Wiedersehen - Unsere Hoffnung [split]
Year: 2010
Style: Black Metal/Shoegaze| Black Metal/Depressive Rock/Post-Punk
Country: Germany
1. Thränenkind - Niemehr (Intro)
2. Thränenkind - Posthuma
3. Heretoir & Thränenkind - Wiedersehen...unsere Hoffnung
4. Heretoir - Graue Bauten
5. Heretoir - Nihil
6. Thränenkind - Abschied (Outro)
14 June 10, 02:49
Malariah - Insanity+%5BEP%5D (2009)
Artist: Malariah
Album: Insanity [EP]
Year: 2009
Style: Death Metal
Country: Франция
1. Close your eyes...
2. ...And the Punishment Comes
3. A Life of Agony
4. Bestial Perversion
5. An Oppressing Whisper
6. Bloody Impulses
7. No Escape
14 June 10, 02:46
Musica+Diablo - Musica+Diablo (2010)
Artist: Musica Diablo
Album: Musica Diablo
Year: 2010
Style: Thrash Metal
Country: Бразилия
1.Sweet Revenge
3.Live To Buy
5.Work Out
7.In The Name Of Greed
9.The Flame Of Anger
10.Twisted Hate
11.The Rack
13 June 10, 17:52
Melancholy+Pessimism - End+Of+Vermin+Nations (2010)
Artist: Melancholy Pessimism
Album: End Of Vermin Nations
Year: 2010
Style: Death Metal, Grindcore
Country: Чехия
1. Soul Parasites 03:59
2. Cunning Psychological Manipulation 04:20
3. Blind for Faith 03:56
4. Modern Stabbing Culture 03:10
5. End of Vermin Nations 04:58
6. Selfish Politicians intention 05:15
7. Malediction Hero 04:42
8. Spinning Circle of the Sport Industry 04:58
9. Get off Bastard 04:17
13 June 10, 17:36
Human+Infected - World+Genocide+Cult+%5BDemo%5D (2010)
Artist: Human Infected
Album: World Genocide Cult [Demo]
Year: 2010
Style: Death/Thrash Metal
Country: Chile
1. Extreme Repression 05:19
2. The Law Of Violence 02:42
3. Humankind Extermination 04:30
85 - 112 of 142
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