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14 August 19, 12:15
Artist: VA
Album: I'm Freaking Out: Punk Rock Compilation
Year: 2019
Style: Punk, Punk Rock
Country: Various
Album: I'm Freaking Out: Punk Rock Compilation
Year: 2019
Style: Punk, Punk Rock
Country: Various
001. Cаll Mе Mаlсоlm - Yоu'rе Wеlсоmе
002. Thеtаn - Sсареgоаt
003. Sluts Thеsе Dаys - Bеtty Whitе's Night Lifе
004. Agеnt Orаngе - Amеriса
005. Nо Cоmрly - Wаstеd
006. Squаrе Shареs - Piсk Yоur Fight
007. Thе Mugwumрs - Hаrdhаt
008. Singlе Mоthеrs - Switсh оff
009. Sсiеnсе Club - Sаlvаtiоn Envy
010. Pаnеllеt - Amiс Bоlеtаirе
011. Odd Rоbоt - Hоnеstly, I'm Tirеd
012. Swеаtshор Bоys - Thе Strоngеst Bоy
013. Thе Mеn - Wаlking оut оn Lоvе
014. Thе Distrасtiоns - Answеrs
015. Nеighbоrhооd Brаts - Misеry Pаrаdе
016. Knосkin' Chuсks - Multivеrsе
017. Rеvеngе оf thе Psyсhоtrоniс Mаn - Is This Cооl
018. Thе Drеаdnоughts - A Brоkеn Wоrld
019. Gеntlеmеn Prеfеr Blооd - Bееs Knееs
020. Hit Thе Switсh - Cоuntry Club Cirсlе Jеrk
021. Thе Jеffеrtоns - I Wаnnа Bе а Rаmоnе
022. Burn Burn Burn! - Rоаd tо Ruin
023. Pаndеmiх - Dоwnwаrd Trеnd
024. Thе Filаmеnts - All Wе'vе Evеr Knоwn
025. Clоsеd Sреесh - Swееt Middlе
026. This Sidе оf Anаrсhy - Dоn't Bе Sсаrеd
027. Euрhоriсs - Glittеr & Gоld
028. Bаd Timеs - Listеn Tо Thе Bаnd
029. Gеt It Tоgеthеr - Gеntlеmеn's сlub
030. BlасkDоts - Whаt's uр with This
031. Anti-Visiоn - Mеntаlly сhill
032. Ghоstрооl - Blееding Hеаrt
033. Bаd Luсk - Shеер Sоng
034. Grоuр оf Mаn - Cаn't Hасk thе Strаight Lifе
035. Nаsty Rumоurs - I'm Nоt оkаy
036. Lаndfill Crеw - Yоuth Rеvоlt
037. Thе Erаdiсаtоr - I'm Nоt thе оnе
038. Thе Shаrр Shаdоws - Bеliеvе in Yоursеlf
039. Shiр оf Fооls - Drudgе
040. Smоking Gооsе - Dеаr Mr
041. Pоwеrlinе - All аbоrt
042. Mхрх - Disаstеr
043. Jараn Fоr - Old Nеws
044. Twin рigs - Humаn Hybrid
045. Art Thiеvеs - Hаtе Mе Hаrdеr
046. Alright - Sоmеоnе Elsе
047. Nо Sоlutiоn - Sосiаl Mеdiа Quееn
048. Dirесt Hit! - Lоsing Fаith
049. Pаylеstеr - Thе Wаtсhеrs
050. Siсkbоyz - Drасulа
051. FоL - Viсtim's аnthеm
052. Bustеr - Truе Hеrоеs
053. Dirty Outs - Bаd Tаttооs
054. Thе Sеrреnt Mоtоrs - Mаkе yоu Blееd
055. Tеrritоriеs - Rоmаn Wаlls
056. Bumsy & Thе Mоосhеrs - Guilty Plеаsurе
057. Big Blасk - Thе Mоdеl
058. Thе Sеwеr Rаts - Rосkеt tо Ushеr
059. Hоsрitаl Jоb - Dеаd еnd Strееt
060. Wоrlds Sсаriеst Pоliсе Chаsеs - Wаtеrfаlls
061. Uр Frоm Hеrе - Brеаking
062. Sеаttlе's Nеw Gоds - Cоmmоn Cоnsumаblе Mаtеriаl
063. Lеftоvеr Crасk - Lifе саusеs саnсеr
064. Nаtiоns Afirе - Sifting Thrоugh аsh
065. Pаsсоw - Wundеrkind
066. Prеy Drivе - Sundаy Bеst
067. Brеаklights - Blаnk Slаtе
068. RKх - Jаsоn Cаllеd in Siсk
069. Hikikоmоri - Sаunа
070. Nеw Junk сity - Cоmе Tоmоrrоw
071. This Mеаns Wаr! - Grееd Is оut
072. Grаduаting Lifе - Stinky Mаn
073. Kеер Truе - Sеttlе In
074. Suburbаn Mеdiсinе - сhоking Hаzаrd
075. Diе Tоtеn Hоsеn - Enеrgiе
076. Wеrесаts - Juliаn
077. NUNо - Sigо Vivо
078. Sid Brоdеrius - By Thе Thrоаt
079. Shаmеs - Bеst рlасе
080. Lеgаl Disаstеr - Cigаrеttеs
081. Mаsсоts - Gооdbyе
082. Hillviеw - Piсturеs оf Yоu
083. Mооnrаkеr - Hurriсаnеs
084. Fullсоunt - Lеар оf Fаith
085. Brаinсоаts - Hаnk
086. Gооdfеllа - Writе It оff
087. Burn Burn Burn! - Lаdy Dоrmа
088. Lаwsuit Mоdеls - Lоgаn Strееt
089. Hеrе's Lооking аt Yоu - Thе Sесоnd аnnuа
090. Antаrсtigо Vеsрuссi - аnоthеr Gооd Thing
091. Tасо Lung - With оr Withоut Yоu
092. Awful Din - I'm Finе
093. Frоm Stаtеs Awаy - Stаlling оut
094. Pоwеr Fасе - Wеstеrn Mоviеs
095. Wе аrе Thе Uniоn - Thе Lоng Wаy
096. Rеmаtсh - Wаlking оut
097. Bе Still - Vаlеntinе
098. Psyсhоtiс Yоuth - Drеаms
099. Pоеbеl Und Gеsосks - Rаndvоll Rеiсht
100. Adrеnаlizеd - Thе Mаsk
101. Dоwn Mеmоry Lаnе - Cаtсh аnd Rеlеаsе
102. Pеасhy - Fеtish
103. Nеrdlingеr - Vidеоtареs
104. Fаstfаdе - Pаsstimе
105. Bаsh Brоthеrs - Pаrаlyzеd
106. Plаnеt Rохtеr - Frеund
107. Sесоnds Tо Livе - Build а Bridgе
108. Cоаst Tо Cоаst - Bохing
109. Summеr Wаrs - Gооd Intеntiоns
110. Lоng Wаy Dоwn - Minutеs Aраrt
111. Gеsturеs - Clоsе tо Nоwhеrе
112. Cаdеt Cаrtеr - Cаr Pаrk Sоng
113. Yоungеr Thаn Nеil - Trоublе Brеаthing
114. Thе Lizаrds - Using Fеаr
115. Fооt - Sоbriеty
116. Bring оn thе Stоrm - Alivе
117. Bеаrings - Hеаr Mе Sаy
118. Thе Run Uр - Kеер Gоing
119. Thоusаnd Oаks - реrреtuаl аbоminаtiоn
120. Driр-Fеd - Intеrtwinе
121. 7th Stаtе - Bеttеr Lеft Unsаid
122. Stuсk оut - Fаdе Awаy
123. F.U.а. - Blаmе It оn thе Wееd
124. Twеnty2 - Niсе Knоwin' Yа
125. Bury Miа - Dаisy
126. Nightmаrаthоns - Cull Yоur Hеаrt
127. Thе Wаy Wаy Bасk - Blink
128. Chumр - Cеssаtiоn
129. Grееn Dаy - Knоwlеdgе
130. Yvеt Gаrdеn - Sun аnd Rаin
131. Bеt Yоur Lifе - Gеtting оut оf thе Pigеоn
132. Lоng Knivеs - Tеmроrаry
133. High Signs - Wеrе Yоu Finе?
134. City Kids Fееl Thе Bеаt - Cоming Hоmе
135. Trаgiс Hеаrts - Iсе Yоur Bruisеs
136. Mоаning - Mishеаrd
137. Thе рurрs - Fоr thе Bеst
138. Hillviеw - Why I Hаd tо Lеаvе
139. BBS Pаrаnоiсоs - Mis Histоriаs
140. Gаmlа Pеngаr - Dеt Slаgnа Bаrnеt
141. YUH - Jаg Jоbbаr Ihjдl Mig
142. Kаyаk Jоnеs - Running Blind
143. Bоbсаt - Signроst
144. Durstigе Nасhbаrn - Unvеrbеssеrliсh
145. Mаlvinа - Hybrid Wаr
146. Fitасоlа - Rеdе Sосiаl
147. Culturе Shосk - Humаnity Dub
148. Fаt Chаnсе - Running
149. Stuрid Briсk - Rеbеls
150. Kidlаt - Mаgnоliа
151. Triсk Bluе - Mееt Mе by thе Gаtеs
152. Thе Shооting Gаllеry - Livе Fаst
153. Midfiеld - Dеfеrrеd
154. Hеаvy Drареs - Nightriррin'
155. 30 Milеs - Thе Illusiоnist
156. Risе аgаinst - Pоlitiсs оf Lоvе
157. Bаd Hоо - Bаnаnа Sрlаt
158. Artigо 21 - Sаbе а Rеаl
159. Byе Byе Cаlifоrniа - Sаngrе Suсiа
160. Turbоstааt - Sоhnеmаnn Hеin
161. Thе Dаmnеd - Lооk Lеft
162. Thе Suiсidе Tuеsdаys - Blооd оn Yоur Hаnds
163. Fоrеvеr Cаmе Cаlling - Wish
164. Hеr Mаnа - Tight Rоре, Mаn
165. Rоtting Yеllоw - Rеflесtivе аnd Hеаdlеss
002. Thеtаn - Sсареgоаt
003. Sluts Thеsе Dаys - Bеtty Whitе's Night Lifе
004. Agеnt Orаngе - Amеriса
005. Nо Cоmрly - Wаstеd
006. Squаrе Shареs - Piсk Yоur Fight
007. Thе Mugwumрs - Hаrdhаt
008. Singlе Mоthеrs - Switсh оff
009. Sсiеnсе Club - Sаlvаtiоn Envy
010. Pаnеllеt - Amiс Bоlеtаirе
011. Odd Rоbоt - Hоnеstly, I'm Tirеd
012. Swеаtshор Bоys - Thе Strоngеst Bоy
013. Thе Mеn - Wаlking оut оn Lоvе
014. Thе Distrасtiоns - Answеrs
015. Nеighbоrhооd Brаts - Misеry Pаrаdе
016. Knосkin' Chuсks - Multivеrsе
017. Rеvеngе оf thе Psyсhоtrоniс Mаn - Is This Cооl
018. Thе Drеаdnоughts - A Brоkеn Wоrld
019. Gеntlеmеn Prеfеr Blооd - Bееs Knееs
020. Hit Thе Switсh - Cоuntry Club Cirсlе Jеrk
021. Thе Jеffеrtоns - I Wаnnа Bе а Rаmоnе
022. Burn Burn Burn! - Rоаd tо Ruin
023. Pаndеmiх - Dоwnwаrd Trеnd
024. Thе Filаmеnts - All Wе'vе Evеr Knоwn
025. Clоsеd Sреесh - Swееt Middlе
026. This Sidе оf Anаrсhy - Dоn't Bе Sсаrеd
027. Euрhоriсs - Glittеr & Gоld
028. Bаd Timеs - Listеn Tо Thе Bаnd
029. Gеt It Tоgеthеr - Gеntlеmеn's сlub
030. BlасkDоts - Whаt's uр with This
031. Anti-Visiоn - Mеntаlly сhill
032. Ghоstрооl - Blееding Hеаrt
033. Bаd Luсk - Shеер Sоng
034. Grоuр оf Mаn - Cаn't Hасk thе Strаight Lifе
035. Nаsty Rumоurs - I'm Nоt оkаy
036. Lаndfill Crеw - Yоuth Rеvоlt
037. Thе Erаdiсаtоr - I'm Nоt thе оnе
038. Thе Shаrр Shаdоws - Bеliеvе in Yоursеlf
039. Shiр оf Fооls - Drudgе
040. Smоking Gооsе - Dеаr Mr
041. Pоwеrlinе - All аbоrt
042. Mхрх - Disаstеr
043. Jараn Fоr - Old Nеws
044. Twin рigs - Humаn Hybrid
045. Art Thiеvеs - Hаtе Mе Hаrdеr
046. Alright - Sоmеоnе Elsе
047. Nо Sоlutiоn - Sосiаl Mеdiа Quееn
048. Dirесt Hit! - Lоsing Fаith
049. Pаylеstеr - Thе Wаtсhеrs
050. Siсkbоyz - Drасulа
051. FоL - Viсtim's аnthеm
052. Bustеr - Truе Hеrоеs
053. Dirty Outs - Bаd Tаttооs
054. Thе Sеrреnt Mоtоrs - Mаkе yоu Blееd
055. Tеrritоriеs - Rоmаn Wаlls
056. Bumsy & Thе Mоосhеrs - Guilty Plеаsurе
057. Big Blасk - Thе Mоdеl
058. Thе Sеwеr Rаts - Rосkеt tо Ushеr
059. Hоsрitаl Jоb - Dеаd еnd Strееt
060. Wоrlds Sсаriеst Pоliсе Chаsеs - Wаtеrfаlls
061. Uр Frоm Hеrе - Brеаking
062. Sеаttlе's Nеw Gоds - Cоmmоn Cоnsumаblе Mаtеriаl
063. Lеftоvеr Crасk - Lifе саusеs саnсеr
064. Nаtiоns Afirе - Sifting Thrоugh аsh
065. Pаsсоw - Wundеrkind
066. Prеy Drivе - Sundаy Bеst
067. Brеаklights - Blаnk Slаtе
068. RKх - Jаsоn Cаllеd in Siсk
069. Hikikоmоri - Sаunа
070. Nеw Junk сity - Cоmе Tоmоrrоw
071. This Mеаns Wаr! - Grееd Is оut
072. Grаduаting Lifе - Stinky Mаn
073. Kеер Truе - Sеttlе In
074. Suburbаn Mеdiсinе - сhоking Hаzаrd
075. Diе Tоtеn Hоsеn - Enеrgiе
076. Wеrесаts - Juliаn
077. NUNо - Sigо Vivо
078. Sid Brоdеrius - By Thе Thrоаt
079. Shаmеs - Bеst рlасе
080. Lеgаl Disаstеr - Cigаrеttеs
081. Mаsсоts - Gооdbyе
082. Hillviеw - Piсturеs оf Yоu
083. Mооnrаkеr - Hurriсаnеs
084. Fullсоunt - Lеар оf Fаith
085. Brаinсоаts - Hаnk
086. Gооdfеllа - Writе It оff
087. Burn Burn Burn! - Lаdy Dоrmа
088. Lаwsuit Mоdеls - Lоgаn Strееt
089. Hеrе's Lооking аt Yоu - Thе Sесоnd аnnuа
090. Antаrсtigо Vеsрuссi - аnоthеr Gооd Thing
091. Tасо Lung - With оr Withоut Yоu
092. Awful Din - I'm Finе
093. Frоm Stаtеs Awаy - Stаlling оut
094. Pоwеr Fасе - Wеstеrn Mоviеs
095. Wе аrе Thе Uniоn - Thе Lоng Wаy
096. Rеmаtсh - Wаlking оut
097. Bе Still - Vаlеntinе
098. Psyсhоtiс Yоuth - Drеаms
099. Pоеbеl Und Gеsосks - Rаndvоll Rеiсht
100. Adrеnаlizеd - Thе Mаsk
101. Dоwn Mеmоry Lаnе - Cаtсh аnd Rеlеаsе
102. Pеасhy - Fеtish
103. Nеrdlingеr - Vidеоtареs
104. Fаstfаdе - Pаsstimе
105. Bаsh Brоthеrs - Pаrаlyzеd
106. Plаnеt Rохtеr - Frеund
107. Sесоnds Tо Livе - Build а Bridgе
108. Cоаst Tо Cоаst - Bохing
109. Summеr Wаrs - Gооd Intеntiоns
110. Lоng Wаy Dоwn - Minutеs Aраrt
111. Gеsturеs - Clоsе tо Nоwhеrе
112. Cаdеt Cаrtеr - Cаr Pаrk Sоng
113. Yоungеr Thаn Nеil - Trоublе Brеаthing
114. Thе Lizаrds - Using Fеаr
115. Fооt - Sоbriеty
116. Bring оn thе Stоrm - Alivе
117. Bеаrings - Hеаr Mе Sаy
118. Thе Run Uр - Kеер Gоing
119. Thоusаnd Oаks - реrреtuаl аbоminаtiоn
120. Driр-Fеd - Intеrtwinе
121. 7th Stаtе - Bеttеr Lеft Unsаid
122. Stuсk оut - Fаdе Awаy
123. F.U.а. - Blаmе It оn thе Wееd
124. Twеnty2 - Niсе Knоwin' Yа
125. Bury Miа - Dаisy
126. Nightmаrаthоns - Cull Yоur Hеаrt
127. Thе Wаy Wаy Bасk - Blink
128. Chumр - Cеssаtiоn
129. Grееn Dаy - Knоwlеdgе
130. Yvеt Gаrdеn - Sun аnd Rаin
131. Bеt Yоur Lifе - Gеtting оut оf thе Pigеоn
132. Lоng Knivеs - Tеmроrаry
133. High Signs - Wеrе Yоu Finе?
134. City Kids Fееl Thе Bеаt - Cоming Hоmе
135. Trаgiс Hеаrts - Iсе Yоur Bruisеs
136. Mоаning - Mishеаrd
137. Thе рurрs - Fоr thе Bеst
138. Hillviеw - Why I Hаd tо Lеаvе
139. BBS Pаrаnоiсоs - Mis Histоriаs
140. Gаmlа Pеngаr - Dеt Slаgnа Bаrnеt
141. YUH - Jаg Jоbbаr Ihjдl Mig
142. Kаyаk Jоnеs - Running Blind
143. Bоbсаt - Signроst
144. Durstigе Nасhbаrn - Unvеrbеssеrliсh
145. Mаlvinа - Hybrid Wаr
146. Fitасоlа - Rеdе Sосiаl
147. Culturе Shосk - Humаnity Dub
148. Fаt Chаnсе - Running
149. Stuрid Briсk - Rеbеls
150. Kidlаt - Mаgnоliа
151. Triсk Bluе - Mееt Mе by thе Gаtеs
152. Thе Shооting Gаllеry - Livе Fаst
153. Midfiеld - Dеfеrrеd
154. Hеаvy Drареs - Nightriррin'
155. 30 Milеs - Thе Illusiоnist
156. Risе аgаinst - Pоlitiсs оf Lоvе
157. Bаd Hоо - Bаnаnа Sрlаt
158. Artigо 21 - Sаbе а Rеаl
159. Byе Byе Cаlifоrniа - Sаngrе Suсiа
160. Turbоstааt - Sоhnеmаnn Hеin
161. Thе Dаmnеd - Lооk Lеft
162. Thе Suiсidе Tuеsdаys - Blооd оn Yоur Hаnds
163. Fоrеvеr Cаmе Cаlling - Wish
164. Hеr Mаnа - Tight Rоре, Mаn
165. Rоtting Yеllоw - Rеflесtivе аnd Hеаdlеss
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10 August 19, 21:41
Artist: Saxon
Album: The Eagle Has Landed 40
Year: 2019
Style: Hard Rock, Heavy Metal
Country: UK
Album: The Eagle Has Landed 40
Year: 2019
Style: Hard Rock, Heavy Metal
Country: UK
Disc 1
01. State of Grace (Berlin 2007) (5:19)
02. Red Star Falling (Berlin 2007) (6:18)
03. Attila the Hun (Berlin 2007) (8:14)
04. If I Was You (Sheffield 2007) (3:15)
05. Witchfinder General (Berlin 2009) (4:21)
06. Demon Sweeney Todd (Berlin 2009) (3:59)
07. The Letter + Valley Of The Kings (London 2009) (6:05)
08. Machine Gun (London 2009) (3:38)
09. Live to Rock (Berlin 2009) (4:29)
10. Hammer of the Gods (Berlin 2011) (4:16)
11. Back in '79 (Berlin 2011) (3:10)
12. I've Got to Rock (to Stay Alive) [Berlin 2011] (4:34)
13. Call to Arms (Berlin 2011) (4:26)
14. Rock 'n' Roll Gypsy (Berlin 2011) (4:34)
15. Chasing the Bullet (Berlin 2011) (4:26)
16. Play It Loud (Berlin 2011) (3:04)
Disc 2
01. Sacrifice (BYH Balingen 2013) (4:08)
02. Night of the Wolf (BYH Balingen 2013) (3:39)
03. Conquistador + Drum Solo (BYH Balingen 2013) (7:31)
04. Stand Up and Fight (BYH Balingen 2013) (4:30)
05. Crusader (Wacken Open Air 2014) (7:48)
06. Battalions of Steel (Wacken Open Air 2014) (4:24)
07. The Eagle Has Landed (Wacken Open Air 2014) (6:27)
08. Power and the Glory (Wacken Open Air 2014) (4:59)
09. Dallas 1PM (Wacken Open Air 2014) (6:20)
10. Princess of the Night (Wacken Open Air 2014) (3:59)
11. Denim and Leather (Wacken Open Air 2014) (5:44)
Disc 3
01. Eye of the Storm (Zoetemeer 2015) (3:38)
02. 747 (Strangers in the Night) [with Phil Campbell] [Live In Helsinki, 2015] (5:26)
03. Killing Ground (London 2016) (4:16)
04. Ace of Spades with _Fast_ Eddie Clarke (London 2016) (3:05)
05. 20,000 FT. with Andy Sneap (San Antonio 2018) (3:39)
06. Thunderbolt (San Antonio 2018) (4:36)
07. Sons of Odin (Los Angeles 2018) (3:29)
08. This Town Rocks (Los Angeles 2018) (4:14)
09. Nosferatu (the Vampire's Waltz) [Manchester 2018] (4:17)
10. Predator (Manchester 2018) (3:17)
11. They Played Rock and Roll (Stockholm 2018) (3:42)
12. The Secret of Flight (London 2018) (4:29)
13. Battering Ram (London 2018) (4:48)
01. State of Grace (Berlin 2007) (5:19)
02. Red Star Falling (Berlin 2007) (6:18)
03. Attila the Hun (Berlin 2007) (8:14)
04. If I Was You (Sheffield 2007) (3:15)
05. Witchfinder General (Berlin 2009) (4:21)
06. Demon Sweeney Todd (Berlin 2009) (3:59)
07. The Letter + Valley Of The Kings (London 2009) (6:05)
08. Machine Gun (London 2009) (3:38)
09. Live to Rock (Berlin 2009) (4:29)
10. Hammer of the Gods (Berlin 2011) (4:16)
11. Back in '79 (Berlin 2011) (3:10)
12. I've Got to Rock (to Stay Alive) [Berlin 2011] (4:34)
13. Call to Arms (Berlin 2011) (4:26)
14. Rock 'n' Roll Gypsy (Berlin 2011) (4:34)
15. Chasing the Bullet (Berlin 2011) (4:26)
16. Play It Loud (Berlin 2011) (3:04)
Disc 2
01. Sacrifice (BYH Balingen 2013) (4:08)
02. Night of the Wolf (BYH Balingen 2013) (3:39)
03. Conquistador + Drum Solo (BYH Balingen 2013) (7:31)
04. Stand Up and Fight (BYH Balingen 2013) (4:30)
05. Crusader (Wacken Open Air 2014) (7:48)
06. Battalions of Steel (Wacken Open Air 2014) (4:24)
07. The Eagle Has Landed (Wacken Open Air 2014) (6:27)
08. Power and the Glory (Wacken Open Air 2014) (4:59)
09. Dallas 1PM (Wacken Open Air 2014) (6:20)
10. Princess of the Night (Wacken Open Air 2014) (3:59)
11. Denim and Leather (Wacken Open Air 2014) (5:44)
Disc 3
01. Eye of the Storm (Zoetemeer 2015) (3:38)
02. 747 (Strangers in the Night) [with Phil Campbell] [Live In Helsinki, 2015] (5:26)
03. Killing Ground (London 2016) (4:16)
04. Ace of Spades with _Fast_ Eddie Clarke (London 2016) (3:05)
05. 20,000 FT. with Andy Sneap (San Antonio 2018) (3:39)
06. Thunderbolt (San Antonio 2018) (4:36)
07. Sons of Odin (Los Angeles 2018) (3:29)
08. This Town Rocks (Los Angeles 2018) (4:14)
09. Nosferatu (the Vampire's Waltz) [Manchester 2018] (4:17)
10. Predator (Manchester 2018) (3:17)
11. They Played Rock and Roll (Stockholm 2018) (3:42)
12. The Secret of Flight (London 2018) (4:29)
13. Battering Ram (London 2018) (4:48)
Views: 3145
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2 August 19, 03:25
Artist: VA
Album: Driving In My Car: Ultimate Car Anthems
Year: 2019
Style: Pop, Rock, Pop Rock
Country: Various
Album: Driving In My Car: Ultimate Car Anthems
Year: 2019
Style: Pop, Rock, Pop Rock
Country: Various
CD 1:
01. Madness - Driving In My Car (7' Single) 3:17
02. Roxette - Joyride (Single Version) 4:22
03. Talk Talk - It's My Life 3:51
04. a-ha - The Sun Always Shines On T.V. 4:41
05. Propaganda - Duel 4:46
06. Kirsty MacColl - A New England 3:47
07. Tracey Ullman - They Don't Know 2:59
08. Blow Monkeys - Digging Your Scene 4:00
09. Aztec Camera - Somewhere In My Heart 3:54
10. Alison Moyet - Is This Love (2009 Remastered) 3:54
11. Princess - Say I'm Your Number One 3:39
12. Kylie Minogue - Step Back In Time 3:03
13. The Corrs - Dreams 4:00
14. B-52's - Roam 4:52
15. James Blunt - 1973 4:39
16. M & Robin Scott - Pop Muzik (From 'Priscilla Queen of the Desert') 3:17
17. Electronic - Getting Away With It (7' Edit) 4:12
18. The Dream Academy - Life In A Northern Town 4:18
19. Frankie Goes To Hollywood - The Power Of Love 5:29
CD 2:
01. Whitesnake - Here I Go Again (2017 Remaster) 4:34
02. Tom Robinson Band - 2-4-6-8 Motorway 3:17
03. Dr. Feelgood - Milk And Alcohol 2:48
04. Warren Zevon - Werewolves Of London 3:24
05. Jonathan Richman & The Modern - Roadrunner 4:05
06. Flamin' Groovies - Shake Some Action 4:31
07. Christopher Cross - Ride Like The Wind 4:28
08. Ace - How Long 3:22
09. Alannah Myles - Black Velvet 4:43
10. City Boy - 3:14
11. Hot Chocolate - Heaven Is In The Back Seat Of (2011 Remaster) 5:17
12. Yes - Owner Of A Lonely Heart 4:25
13. A Flock Of Seagulls - I Ran (So Far Away) 3:39
14. Flash And The Pan - Waiting For A Train 3:43
15. The Stranglers - Always The Sun 4:04
16. Andreas Johnson - Glorious 3:28
17. Biffy Clyro - Many Of Horror 4:17
18. Kula Shaker - Hush 2:56
19. Little Feat - Willin' 2:54
20. Chris Rea - The Road To Hell 4:28
CD 3:
01. They Might Be Giants - Birdhouse In Your Soul 3:17
02. Madness - Wings Of A Dove 2:57
03. Dexy's Midnight Runners - Geno 3:27
04. The Beat - Hands Off... She's Mine 2:57
05. Tenpole Tudor - Swords Of A Thousand Men 2:56
06. Faces - Ooh La La 3:28
07. Black Rebel Motorcycle Club - Ain't No Easy Way 2:36
08. Hard-Fi - Living For The Weekend 3:41
09. Idlewild - You Held The World In Your Arm 3:22
10. Jesus & Mary Chain - Sidewalking 3:29
11. Echo & The Bunnymen - People Are Strange 3:37
12. New Order - True Faith (7' Edit) (2015 Remaster) 4:11
13. Duran Duran - Ordinary World 4:18
14. Spacehog - In The Meantime 4:58
15. Terrorvision - Perseverance 3:09
16. Super Furry Animals - Golden Retriever 2:26
17. Babybird - You're Gorgeous 3:41
18. Catatonia - Road Rage (Radio Edit) 3:59
19. I Am Kloot - Over My Shoulder 2:56
20. Richard Hawley - Tonight The Streets Are Ours 3:38
CD 4:
01. ZZ Top - Gimme All Your Lovin' 3:59
02. Nickelback - Rockstar 4:12
03. Deep Purple - Black Night 3:25
04. Jet - Are You Gonna Be My Girl 3:34
05. The Darkness - I Believe In A Thing Called Lo 3:35
06. David Lee Roth - A Lil' Ain't Enough 4:42
07. Foreigner - Cold As Ice 3:19
08. L7 - Pretend We're Dead 3:54
09. Headgirl - Please Don't Touch 2:47
10. The Stooges - I Wanna Be Your Dog 3:08
11. Ramones - Blitzkrieg Bop 2:12
12. Chris Spedding - Motor Bikin' 2:34
13. Motorhead - Bomber 3:40
14. The Damned - New Rose (2017 Remastered) 2:42
15. Jilted John - Jilted John (Single Version) 2:54
16. Television - See No Evil 3:51
17. Nazareth - Broken Down Angel 3:43
18. Uriah Heep - Easy Livin' (2017 Remastered) 2:35
19. Mud - Tiger Feet 3:49
20. Sweet - Blockbuster 3:11
21. Marillion - Incommunicado (2018 Re-Mix) 5:17
22. Emerson Lake & Palmer - Fanfare For The Common Man (Single Edit) 2:58
CD 5:
01. Moloko - Sing It Back (Boris Dlugosch Mix) 4:38
02. Ultra Nate - Free (Mood II Swing Radio Edit) 3:51
03. Robin S - Show Me Love (Stonebridge Radio Edit) 4:12
04. Grace - Not Over Yet (Perfecto Edit) 5:59
05. Sister Sledge - We Are Family 3:31
06. Shalamar - I Can Make You Feel Good 4:16
07. The Whispers - And The Beat Goes On (Single Edit) 4:51
08. The Real Thing - Can You Feel The Force 4:05
09. Loleatta Holloway - Love Sensation 3:42
10. Stock Aitken Waterman - Roadblock 3:19
11. Grandmaster Flash & Melle Mel - Whites Lines (Don't Do It) 4:27
12. Desmond Dekker - You Can Get It If You Really W 2:35
13. Ken Boothe - Everything I Own 3:44
14. The Sugar Hill Gang - Apache 4:28
15. Snap! - Rhythm Is A Dancer (7' Edit) 3:41
16. MC Tunes - The Only Rhyme That Bites 4:29
17. Sunscreem - Perfect Motion 5:18
18. X-Press 2 feat. David Byrne - Lazy 4:14
19. 808 State - Pacific 707 3:53
01. Madness - Driving In My Car (7' Single) 3:17
02. Roxette - Joyride (Single Version) 4:22
03. Talk Talk - It's My Life 3:51
04. a-ha - The Sun Always Shines On T.V. 4:41
05. Propaganda - Duel 4:46
06. Kirsty MacColl - A New England 3:47
07. Tracey Ullman - They Don't Know 2:59
08. Blow Monkeys - Digging Your Scene 4:00
09. Aztec Camera - Somewhere In My Heart 3:54
10. Alison Moyet - Is This Love (2009 Remastered) 3:54
11. Princess - Say I'm Your Number One 3:39
12. Kylie Minogue - Step Back In Time 3:03
13. The Corrs - Dreams 4:00
14. B-52's - Roam 4:52
15. James Blunt - 1973 4:39
16. M & Robin Scott - Pop Muzik (From 'Priscilla Queen of the Desert') 3:17
17. Electronic - Getting Away With It (7' Edit) 4:12
18. The Dream Academy - Life In A Northern Town 4:18
19. Frankie Goes To Hollywood - The Power Of Love 5:29
CD 2:
01. Whitesnake - Here I Go Again (2017 Remaster) 4:34
02. Tom Robinson Band - 2-4-6-8 Motorway 3:17
03. Dr. Feelgood - Milk And Alcohol 2:48
04. Warren Zevon - Werewolves Of London 3:24
05. Jonathan Richman & The Modern - Roadrunner 4:05
06. Flamin' Groovies - Shake Some Action 4:31
07. Christopher Cross - Ride Like The Wind 4:28
08. Ace - How Long 3:22
09. Alannah Myles - Black Velvet 4:43
10. City Boy - 3:14
11. Hot Chocolate - Heaven Is In The Back Seat Of (2011 Remaster) 5:17
12. Yes - Owner Of A Lonely Heart 4:25
13. A Flock Of Seagulls - I Ran (So Far Away) 3:39
14. Flash And The Pan - Waiting For A Train 3:43
15. The Stranglers - Always The Sun 4:04
16. Andreas Johnson - Glorious 3:28
17. Biffy Clyro - Many Of Horror 4:17
18. Kula Shaker - Hush 2:56
19. Little Feat - Willin' 2:54
20. Chris Rea - The Road To Hell 4:28
CD 3:
01. They Might Be Giants - Birdhouse In Your Soul 3:17
02. Madness - Wings Of A Dove 2:57
03. Dexy's Midnight Runners - Geno 3:27
04. The Beat - Hands Off... She's Mine 2:57
05. Tenpole Tudor - Swords Of A Thousand Men 2:56
06. Faces - Ooh La La 3:28
07. Black Rebel Motorcycle Club - Ain't No Easy Way 2:36
08. Hard-Fi - Living For The Weekend 3:41
09. Idlewild - You Held The World In Your Arm 3:22
10. Jesus & Mary Chain - Sidewalking 3:29
11. Echo & The Bunnymen - People Are Strange 3:37
12. New Order - True Faith (7' Edit) (2015 Remaster) 4:11
13. Duran Duran - Ordinary World 4:18
14. Spacehog - In The Meantime 4:58
15. Terrorvision - Perseverance 3:09
16. Super Furry Animals - Golden Retriever 2:26
17. Babybird - You're Gorgeous 3:41
18. Catatonia - Road Rage (Radio Edit) 3:59
19. I Am Kloot - Over My Shoulder 2:56
20. Richard Hawley - Tonight The Streets Are Ours 3:38
CD 4:
01. ZZ Top - Gimme All Your Lovin' 3:59
02. Nickelback - Rockstar 4:12
03. Deep Purple - Black Night 3:25
04. Jet - Are You Gonna Be My Girl 3:34
05. The Darkness - I Believe In A Thing Called Lo 3:35
06. David Lee Roth - A Lil' Ain't Enough 4:42
07. Foreigner - Cold As Ice 3:19
08. L7 - Pretend We're Dead 3:54
09. Headgirl - Please Don't Touch 2:47
10. The Stooges - I Wanna Be Your Dog 3:08
11. Ramones - Blitzkrieg Bop 2:12
12. Chris Spedding - Motor Bikin' 2:34
13. Motorhead - Bomber 3:40
14. The Damned - New Rose (2017 Remastered) 2:42
15. Jilted John - Jilted John (Single Version) 2:54
16. Television - See No Evil 3:51
17. Nazareth - Broken Down Angel 3:43
18. Uriah Heep - Easy Livin' (2017 Remastered) 2:35
19. Mud - Tiger Feet 3:49
20. Sweet - Blockbuster 3:11
21. Marillion - Incommunicado (2018 Re-Mix) 5:17
22. Emerson Lake & Palmer - Fanfare For The Common Man (Single Edit) 2:58
CD 5:
01. Moloko - Sing It Back (Boris Dlugosch Mix) 4:38
02. Ultra Nate - Free (Mood II Swing Radio Edit) 3:51
03. Robin S - Show Me Love (Stonebridge Radio Edit) 4:12
04. Grace - Not Over Yet (Perfecto Edit) 5:59
05. Sister Sledge - We Are Family 3:31
06. Shalamar - I Can Make You Feel Good 4:16
07. The Whispers - And The Beat Goes On (Single Edit) 4:51
08. The Real Thing - Can You Feel The Force 4:05
09. Loleatta Holloway - Love Sensation 3:42
10. Stock Aitken Waterman - Roadblock 3:19
11. Grandmaster Flash & Melle Mel - Whites Lines (Don't Do It) 4:27
12. Desmond Dekker - You Can Get It If You Really W 2:35
13. Ken Boothe - Everything I Own 3:44
14. The Sugar Hill Gang - Apache 4:28
15. Snap! - Rhythm Is A Dancer (7' Edit) 3:41
16. MC Tunes - The Only Rhyme That Bites 4:29
17. Sunscreem - Perfect Motion 5:18
18. X-Press 2 feat. David Byrne - Lazy 4:14
19. 808 State - Pacific 707 3:53
Views: 2920
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31 July 19, 21:18
Artist: VA
Album: Live At Wacken 2018: 29 Years Louder Than Hell
Year: 2019
Style: Rock, Hard Rock, Progressive Metal, Heavy Metal, Thrash Metal, Folk Metal, Industrial Metal, Alternative Metal
Country: Various
Album: Live At Wacken 2018: 29 Years Louder Than Hell
Year: 2019
Style: Rock, Hard Rock, Progressive Metal, Heavy Metal, Thrash Metal, Folk Metal, Industrial Metal, Alternative Metal
Country: Various
01. Sepultura - Kairos
02. Sepultura - Sworn Oath
03. Stiff Little Fingers - My Dark Places
04. Dirkschneider - Metal Heart
05. Korpiklaani - Henkselipoika
06. Korpiklaani - Metsämies
07. Walking Dead On Broadway - Song of Courage
08. Schandmaul - Bunt und nicht braun
09. Schandmaul - Pakt
10. Doro - I Rule The Ruins
11. Nightwish - Ghost Love Score
12. Clawfinger - The Price We Pay
13. Blues Pills - High Class Woman
14. Running Wild - Port Royal 15. Mantar - Cross The Cross
16. Soen - Opal
17. Riot V - Thundersteel
18. Riot V - Angel's Thunder, Devil's Reign
19. Knorkator - Der ultimative Mann
20. Knorkator - Buchstabe
21. Night Demon - Heavy Metal Heat
22. Long Distance Calling - Trauma
23. Steel Panther - Poontang Boomerang
24. Ensiferum - For Those About to Fight for
25. Helmet - I Love My Guru
26. Enslaved - Sacred Horse
27. Bonfire - Ready 4 Reaction
28. Zeal & Ardor - We Can't Be Found
29. In Extremo - Sternhagelvoll
30. Helloween - Pumpkins United
02. Sepultura - Sworn Oath
03. Stiff Little Fingers - My Dark Places
04. Dirkschneider - Metal Heart
05. Korpiklaani - Henkselipoika
06. Korpiklaani - Metsämies
07. Walking Dead On Broadway - Song of Courage
08. Schandmaul - Bunt und nicht braun
09. Schandmaul - Pakt
10. Doro - I Rule The Ruins
11. Nightwish - Ghost Love Score
12. Clawfinger - The Price We Pay
13. Blues Pills - High Class Woman
14. Running Wild - Port Royal 15. Mantar - Cross The Cross
16. Soen - Opal
17. Riot V - Thundersteel
18. Riot V - Angel's Thunder, Devil's Reign
19. Knorkator - Der ultimative Mann
20. Knorkator - Buchstabe
21. Night Demon - Heavy Metal Heat
22. Long Distance Calling - Trauma
23. Steel Panther - Poontang Boomerang
24. Ensiferum - For Those About to Fight for
25. Helmet - I Love My Guru
26. Enslaved - Sacred Horse
27. Bonfire - Ready 4 Reaction
28. Zeal & Ardor - We Can't Be Found
29. In Extremo - Sternhagelvoll
30. Helloween - Pumpkins United
Views: 2875
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29 July 19, 20:39
Artist: Soundgarden
Album: Live from the Artists Den
Year: 2019
Style: Grunge, Alternative Rock, Hard Rock
Country: USA
Album: Live from the Artists Den
Year: 2019
Style: Grunge, Alternative Rock, Hard Rock
Country: USA
01. Incessant Mace
02. My Wave
03. Been Away Too Long
04. Worse Dreams
05. Jesus Christ Pose
06. Flower
07. Taree
08. Spoonman
09. By Crooked Steps
10. Blind Dogs
11. Rowing
12. Non-State Actor
13. Drawing Flies
14. Hunted Down
15. Black Saturday
16. Bones Of Birds
17. Blow Up The Outside World
18. Fell On Black Days
19. Burden In My Hand
20. A Thousand Days Before
21. Blood On The Valley Floor
22. Rusty Cage
23. New Damage
24. 4th Of July
25. Outshined
26. Black Hole Sun
27. Ty Cobb
28. Slaves & Bulldozers
29. Feedbacchanal
02. My Wave
03. Been Away Too Long
04. Worse Dreams
05. Jesus Christ Pose
06. Flower
07. Taree
08. Spoonman
09. By Crooked Steps
10. Blind Dogs
11. Rowing
12. Non-State Actor
13. Drawing Flies
14. Hunted Down
15. Black Saturday
16. Bones Of Birds
17. Blow Up The Outside World
18. Fell On Black Days
19. Burden In My Hand
20. A Thousand Days Before
21. Blood On The Valley Floor
22. Rusty Cage
23. New Damage
24. 4th Of July
25. Outshined
26. Black Hole Sun
27. Ty Cobb
28. Slaves & Bulldozers
29. Feedbacchanal
Views: 2630
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17 July 19, 15:50
Artist: Elton John
Album: Essentials
Year: 2019
Style: Pop, Rock, Pop Rock, Soft Rock
Country: UK
Album: Essentials
Year: 2019
Style: Pop, Rock, Pop Rock, Soft Rock
Country: UK
01. Rocket Man (I Think It’s Going to Be a Long Long Time)
02. Tiny Dancer
03. Your Song
04. Goodbye Yellow Brick Road
05. Crocodile Rock
06. I’m Still Standing
07. Bennie and the Jets
08. Don’t Go Breaking My Heart (Remastered)
09. I Guess That’s Why They Call It the Blues
10. Saturday Night’s Alright for Fighting
11. Don’t Let the Sun Go Down On Me
12. Philadelphia Freedom
13. Candle In the Wind
14. Levon
15. Pinball Wizard
16. Someone Saved My Life Tonight
17. Daniel
18. Honky Cat
19. Can You Feel the Love Tonight
20. Sad Songs (Say So Much)
21. The Bitch Is Back
22. I Want Love
23. Funeral For A Friend Love Lies Bleeding (Remastered 2014)
24. The One
25. Mona Lisas and Mad Hatters
26. Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds
27. Circle of Life
28. Sacrifice
29. Sorry Seems To Be the Hardest Word
30. Little Jeannie
31. Believe
32. I Don’t Wanna Go On With You LikeThat (Just Elton &His Piano Mix) (Bonustrack)
33. Island Girl
34. Blessed
35. This Train Don’t Stop There Anymore
02. Tiny Dancer
03. Your Song
04. Goodbye Yellow Brick Road
05. Crocodile Rock
06. I’m Still Standing
07. Bennie and the Jets
08. Don’t Go Breaking My Heart (Remastered)
09. I Guess That’s Why They Call It the Blues
10. Saturday Night’s Alright for Fighting
11. Don’t Let the Sun Go Down On Me
12. Philadelphia Freedom
13. Candle In the Wind
14. Levon
15. Pinball Wizard
16. Someone Saved My Life Tonight
17. Daniel
18. Honky Cat
19. Can You Feel the Love Tonight
20. Sad Songs (Say So Much)
21. The Bitch Is Back
22. I Want Love
23. Funeral For A Friend Love Lies Bleeding (Remastered 2014)
24. The One
25. Mona Lisas and Mad Hatters
26. Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds
27. Circle of Life
28. Sacrifice
29. Sorry Seems To Be the Hardest Word
30. Little Jeannie
31. Believe
32. I Don’t Wanna Go On With You LikeThat (Just Elton &His Piano Mix) (Bonustrack)
33. Island Girl
34. Blessed
35. This Train Don’t Stop There Anymore
Views: 2570
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8 July 19, 10:02
Artist: Bob Dylan
Album: Legends [Deluxe Edition]
Year: 2019
Style: Folk Rock
Country: USA
Album: Legends [Deluxe Edition]
Year: 2019
Style: Folk Rock
Country: USA
1. Freight Train Blues
2. House of the Rising Sun
3. Man of Constant Sorrow
4. Pretty Peggy-O
5. Highway 51 Blues
6. Song to Woody
7. Fixin' to Die
8. Takin' New York
9. Gospel Plow
10. In My Time of Dyin'
11. See That My Grave Is Kept Clean
12. Baby, Let Me Follow You Down
13. You're No Good
14. Blowin' in the Wind (Live)
15. Death of Emmett Till (Live)
16. He Was a Friend of Mine (Live)
17. Hiram Hubbard (Live)
18. Let Me Die In My Footsteps (Live)
19. Muleskinner Blues - Blue Yodel #8 (Live)
20. Quit Your Lowdown Ways (Live)
21. Ramblin' on My Mind (Live)
22. Rocks and Gravel (Live)
23. Stealin' (Live)
24. Two Trains Runnin' (Live)
2. House of the Rising Sun
3. Man of Constant Sorrow
4. Pretty Peggy-O
5. Highway 51 Blues
6. Song to Woody
7. Fixin' to Die
8. Takin' New York
9. Gospel Plow
10. In My Time of Dyin'
11. See That My Grave Is Kept Clean
12. Baby, Let Me Follow You Down
13. You're No Good
14. Blowin' in the Wind (Live)
15. Death of Emmett Till (Live)
16. He Was a Friend of Mine (Live)
17. Hiram Hubbard (Live)
18. Let Me Die In My Footsteps (Live)
19. Muleskinner Blues - Blue Yodel #8 (Live)
20. Quit Your Lowdown Ways (Live)
21. Ramblin' on My Mind (Live)
22. Rocks and Gravel (Live)
23. Stealin' (Live)
24. Two Trains Runnin' (Live)
Views: 2239
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5 July 19, 05:03
Artist: Rammstein
Album: Radio aus Berlin
Year: 2019
Style: Industrial Metal
Country: Germany
Album: Radio aus Berlin
Year: 2019
Style: Industrial Metal
Country: Germany
01. Was ich liebe
02. Links 2 3 4
03. Tattoo
04. Sehnsucht
05. Zeig dich
06. Mein Herz brennt
07. Puppe
08. Heirate mich
09. Diamant
10. Deutschland
11. Radio
12. Mein Teil
13. Du hast
14. Sonne
15. Ohne dich
16. Engel (Piano Version)
17. Ausländer
18. Du riechst so gut
19. Pussy
20. Rammstein
21. Ich will
02. Links 2 3 4
03. Tattoo
04. Sehnsucht
05. Zeig dich
06. Mein Herz brennt
07. Puppe
08. Heirate mich
09. Diamant
10. Deutschland
11. Radio
12. Mein Teil
13. Du hast
14. Sonne
15. Ohne dich
16. Engel (Piano Version)
17. Ausländer
18. Du riechst so gut
19. Pussy
20. Rammstein
21. Ich will
Views: 2224
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20 June 19, 22:38
Artist: VA
Album: Ultimate Rock. The Classics
Year: 2019
Style: Rock, Hard Rock, Heavy Metal
Country: Various
Album: Ultimate Rock. The Classics
Year: 2019
Style: Rock, Hard Rock, Heavy Metal
Country: Various
CD 1
01. Deep Purple - Hush - 00:04:25
02. Nazareth - Hair Of The Dog - 00:03:19
03. The Stooges - I Wanna Be Your Dog - 00:03:07
04. The Velvet Underground - Rock & Roll - 00:04:43
05. Iron Butterfly - In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida - 00:02:52
06. The Stooges - 1969 - 00:04:04
07. Deep Purple - Black Night - 00:03:25
08. Nazareth - This Flight Tonight - 00:03:22
09. Warren Zevon - Werewolves Of London - 00:03:25
10. Uriah Heep - Easy Livin' - 00:02:34
11. Atomic Rooster - Tomorrow Night - 00:03:56
12. Faces - Stay With Me - 00:04:38
13. Emerson, Lake & Palmer - Fanfare For The Common Man - 00:02:58
14. The Hollies - Long Cool Woman (In A Black Dress) - 00:03:15
15. Juicy Lucy - Who Do You Love - 00:03:00
16. Nazareth - My White Bicycle - 00:03:25
17. Jo Jo Gunne - Run Run Run - 00:02:33
18. Ken Hensley - When Evening Comes - 00:04:36
19. The Sweet - The Ballroom Blitz - 00:04:01
20. The Animals - The House Of The Rising Sun - 00:04:28
CD 2
01. Foreigner - Hot Blooded - 00:03:03
02. Ramones - Blitzkrieg Bop - 00:02:12
03. ZZ Top - La Grange - 00:03:49
04. Foghat - Slow Ride - 00:03:57
05. Scorpions - Another Piece Of Meat - 00:03:31
06. Uriah Heep - Free 'n' Easy - 00:03:04
07. Nazareth - Love Hurts - 00:03:51
08. Dr. Feelgood - Milk And Alcohol - 00:02:47
09. Foreigner - Feels Like The First Time - 00:03:50
10. Sweet - Blockbuster - 00:03:11
11. Rose Tattoo - Rock 'n' Roll Outlaw - 00:03:19
12. Motorhead - Bomber - 00:03:40
13. Girlschool - Race With The Devil - 00:02:50
14. Angel Witch - Angel Witch - 00:03:22
15. Samson - Riding With Angels - 00:03:37
16. Girlschool - Hit And Run - 00:03:02
17. Dokken - Alone Again - 00:04:18
18. Angel Witch - Loser - 00:02:48
19. Andrew Gold - Lonely Boy - 00:04:18
20. The Climax Blues Band - Couldn't Get It Right - 00:03:16
CD 3
01. Van Halen - Drop Dead Legs - 00:04:09
02. Foreigner - Waiting For A Girl Like You - 00:04:34
03. Yes - Owner Of A Lonely Heart - 00:04:23
04. Atomic Rooster - Devil's Answer - 00:03:23
05. Alannah Myles - Black Velvet - 00:04:39
06. Marillion - Kayleigh - 00:03:59
07. Nazareth - Dream On - 00:03:24
08. Magnum - The Spirit - 00:04:17
09. Toy Dolls - No Particular Place To Go - 00:02:22
10. Twisted Sister - We're Not Going To Take It - 00:03:33
11. Manowar - Fighting The World - 00:03:46
12. Faith No More - Epic - 00:04:51
13. Helloween - I Want Out - 00:04:39
14. Ratt - Lay It Down - 00:03:19
15. The Georgia Satellites - Keep Your Hands To Yourself - 00:03:22
16. Jane's Addiction - Mountain Song - 00:04:02
17. Hanoi Rocks - Mental Beat - 00:05:02
18. Gary Moore - Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood - 00:03:34
19. The Jesus & Mary Chain - Just Like Honey - 00:03:01
20. The Damned - Lovely Money - 00:05:21
CD 4
01. Whitesnake - Here I Go Again - 00:03:52
02. Billy Idol - Scream - 00:03:52
03. L7 - Pretend We're Dead - 00:03:53
04. Skid Row - 18 And Life - 00:03:49
05. Thunder - Love Walked In - 00:06:22
06. Jane's Addiction - Been Caught Stealing - 00:03:32
07. Faith No More - Midlife Crisis - 00:04:14
08. Motorhead - Motorhead - 00:02:48
09. Pantera - Walk - 00:05:13
10. Celtic Frost - Into The Crypts Of Rays - 00:03:38
11. Sepultura - Roots Bloody Roots - 00:03:30
12. MC5 - Kick Out The Jams - 00:02:49
13. Bruce Dickinson - Starchildren - 00:04:16
14. Raging Speedhorn - The Gush - 00:03:51
15. The Donnas - Take It Off - 00:02:39
16. Thunder - Cosmetic Punk - 00:03:32
17. Fountains Of Wayne - Radiation Vibe - 00:03:39
18. Thunder - Something About You - 00:05:02
19. Fleetwood Mac - Man Of The World - 00:02:59
20. Corrosion Of Conformity - Stare Too Long - 00:04:54
CD 5
01. Nickelback - How You Remind Me - 00:03:42
02. Jet - Are You Gonna Be My Girl - 00:03:34
03. The Darkness - I Believe In A Thing Called Love - 00:03:35
04. Black Stone Cherry - Blame It On The Boom Boom - 00:03:07
05. P.O.D. - Alive - 00:03:21
06. Motorhead - Overkill - 00:05:11
07. Slash - Anastasia - 00:06:04
08. Jet - Cold Hard Bitch - 00:04:03
09. Black Stone Cherry - Please Come In - 00:03:53
10. Raging Speedhorn - The Hate Song - 00:01:51
11. Gene Simmons - Carnival Of Souls - 00:03:27
12. Stone Sour - Through Glass - 00:04:40
13. Black Stone Cherry - Me & Mary Jane - 00:04:03
14. Hard-Fi - Hard To Beat - 00:04:12
15. Idlewild - Readers And Writers - 00:02:51
16. The Ordinary Boys - Boys Will Be Boys - 00:02:39
17. Super Furry Animals - Golden Retriever - 00:02:24
18. The Enemy - Saturday - 00:03:13
19. Stray - All In Your Mind - 00:04:00
20. Black Rebel Motorcycle Club - Ain't No Easy Way - 00:02:36
01. Deep Purple - Hush - 00:04:25
02. Nazareth - Hair Of The Dog - 00:03:19
03. The Stooges - I Wanna Be Your Dog - 00:03:07
04. The Velvet Underground - Rock & Roll - 00:04:43
05. Iron Butterfly - In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida - 00:02:52
06. The Stooges - 1969 - 00:04:04
07. Deep Purple - Black Night - 00:03:25
08. Nazareth - This Flight Tonight - 00:03:22
09. Warren Zevon - Werewolves Of London - 00:03:25
10. Uriah Heep - Easy Livin' - 00:02:34
11. Atomic Rooster - Tomorrow Night - 00:03:56
12. Faces - Stay With Me - 00:04:38
13. Emerson, Lake & Palmer - Fanfare For The Common Man - 00:02:58
14. The Hollies - Long Cool Woman (In A Black Dress) - 00:03:15
15. Juicy Lucy - Who Do You Love - 00:03:00
16. Nazareth - My White Bicycle - 00:03:25
17. Jo Jo Gunne - Run Run Run - 00:02:33
18. Ken Hensley - When Evening Comes - 00:04:36
19. The Sweet - The Ballroom Blitz - 00:04:01
20. The Animals - The House Of The Rising Sun - 00:04:28
CD 2
01. Foreigner - Hot Blooded - 00:03:03
02. Ramones - Blitzkrieg Bop - 00:02:12
03. ZZ Top - La Grange - 00:03:49
04. Foghat - Slow Ride - 00:03:57
05. Scorpions - Another Piece Of Meat - 00:03:31
06. Uriah Heep - Free 'n' Easy - 00:03:04
07. Nazareth - Love Hurts - 00:03:51
08. Dr. Feelgood - Milk And Alcohol - 00:02:47
09. Foreigner - Feels Like The First Time - 00:03:50
10. Sweet - Blockbuster - 00:03:11
11. Rose Tattoo - Rock 'n' Roll Outlaw - 00:03:19
12. Motorhead - Bomber - 00:03:40
13. Girlschool - Race With The Devil - 00:02:50
14. Angel Witch - Angel Witch - 00:03:22
15. Samson - Riding With Angels - 00:03:37
16. Girlschool - Hit And Run - 00:03:02
17. Dokken - Alone Again - 00:04:18
18. Angel Witch - Loser - 00:02:48
19. Andrew Gold - Lonely Boy - 00:04:18
20. The Climax Blues Band - Couldn't Get It Right - 00:03:16
CD 3
01. Van Halen - Drop Dead Legs - 00:04:09
02. Foreigner - Waiting For A Girl Like You - 00:04:34
03. Yes - Owner Of A Lonely Heart - 00:04:23
04. Atomic Rooster - Devil's Answer - 00:03:23
05. Alannah Myles - Black Velvet - 00:04:39
06. Marillion - Kayleigh - 00:03:59
07. Nazareth - Dream On - 00:03:24
08. Magnum - The Spirit - 00:04:17
09. Toy Dolls - No Particular Place To Go - 00:02:22
10. Twisted Sister - We're Not Going To Take It - 00:03:33
11. Manowar - Fighting The World - 00:03:46
12. Faith No More - Epic - 00:04:51
13. Helloween - I Want Out - 00:04:39
14. Ratt - Lay It Down - 00:03:19
15. The Georgia Satellites - Keep Your Hands To Yourself - 00:03:22
16. Jane's Addiction - Mountain Song - 00:04:02
17. Hanoi Rocks - Mental Beat - 00:05:02
18. Gary Moore - Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood - 00:03:34
19. The Jesus & Mary Chain - Just Like Honey - 00:03:01
20. The Damned - Lovely Money - 00:05:21
CD 4
01. Whitesnake - Here I Go Again - 00:03:52
02. Billy Idol - Scream - 00:03:52
03. L7 - Pretend We're Dead - 00:03:53
04. Skid Row - 18 And Life - 00:03:49
05. Thunder - Love Walked In - 00:06:22
06. Jane's Addiction - Been Caught Stealing - 00:03:32
07. Faith No More - Midlife Crisis - 00:04:14
08. Motorhead - Motorhead - 00:02:48
09. Pantera - Walk - 00:05:13
10. Celtic Frost - Into The Crypts Of Rays - 00:03:38
11. Sepultura - Roots Bloody Roots - 00:03:30
12. MC5 - Kick Out The Jams - 00:02:49
13. Bruce Dickinson - Starchildren - 00:04:16
14. Raging Speedhorn - The Gush - 00:03:51
15. The Donnas - Take It Off - 00:02:39
16. Thunder - Cosmetic Punk - 00:03:32
17. Fountains Of Wayne - Radiation Vibe - 00:03:39
18. Thunder - Something About You - 00:05:02
19. Fleetwood Mac - Man Of The World - 00:02:59
20. Corrosion Of Conformity - Stare Too Long - 00:04:54
CD 5
01. Nickelback - How You Remind Me - 00:03:42
02. Jet - Are You Gonna Be My Girl - 00:03:34
03. The Darkness - I Believe In A Thing Called Love - 00:03:35
04. Black Stone Cherry - Blame It On The Boom Boom - 00:03:07
05. P.O.D. - Alive - 00:03:21
06. Motorhead - Overkill - 00:05:11
07. Slash - Anastasia - 00:06:04
08. Jet - Cold Hard Bitch - 00:04:03
09. Black Stone Cherry - Please Come In - 00:03:53
10. Raging Speedhorn - The Hate Song - 00:01:51
11. Gene Simmons - Carnival Of Souls - 00:03:27
12. Stone Sour - Through Glass - 00:04:40
13. Black Stone Cherry - Me & Mary Jane - 00:04:03
14. Hard-Fi - Hard To Beat - 00:04:12
15. Idlewild - Readers And Writers - 00:02:51
16. The Ordinary Boys - Boys Will Be Boys - 00:02:39
17. Super Furry Animals - Golden Retriever - 00:02:24
18. The Enemy - Saturday - 00:03:13
19. Stray - All In Your Mind - 00:04:00
20. Black Rebel Motorcycle Club - Ain't No Easy Way - 00:02:36
Views: 2684
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19 June 19, 02:49
Artist: Rammstein
Album: Raritaten
Year: 2019
Style: Industrial Metal
Country: Germany
Album: Raritaten
Year: 2019
Style: Industrial Metal
Country: Germany
01. Feuerrade (4:51)
02. Wilder Wein (5:43)
03. Das Modell (4:20)
04. Kokain (3:09)
05. Stripped (4:27)
06. Halleluja (3:47)
07. Mein Herz Brennt (Piano Version) (4:32)
08. Los (Full Band Version) (5:05)
09. Fuhre Mich (4:34)
10. Donaukinder (5:37)
11. Halt (4:21)
12. Roter Sand (Orchester Version) (4:07)
13. Liese (3:55)
14. Mein Land (3:55)
15. Vergiss Uns Nicht (4:11)
16. Gib Mir Deine Augen (3:46)
02. Wilder Wein (5:43)
03. Das Modell (4:20)
04. Kokain (3:09)
05. Stripped (4:27)
06. Halleluja (3:47)
07. Mein Herz Brennt (Piano Version) (4:32)
08. Los (Full Band Version) (5:05)
09. Fuhre Mich (4:34)
10. Donaukinder (5:37)
11. Halt (4:21)
12. Roter Sand (Orchester Version) (4:07)
13. Liese (3:55)
14. Mein Land (3:55)
15. Vergiss Uns Nicht (4:11)
16. Gib Mir Deine Augen (3:46)
Views: 2839
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16 June 19, 22:08
Artist: ZZ Top
Album: Goin' 50
Year: 2019
Style: Blues Rock, Classic Rock, Hard Rock
Country: USA
Album: Goin' 50
Year: 2019
Style: Blues Rock, Classic Rock, Hard Rock
Country: USA
1. La Grange (2019 Remaster) (03:52)
2. Sharp Dressed Man (2019 Remaster) (04:12)
3. Gimme All Your Lovin' (2019 Remaster) (04:00)
4. Tush (2019 Remaster) (02:16)
5. Legs (2019 Remaster) (04:33)
6. Rough Boy (2019 Remaster) (04:50)
7. I'm Bad, I'm Nationwide (2019 Remaster) (04:47)
8. Cheap Sunglasses (2019 Remaster) (04:46)
9. Got Me Under Pressure (2019 Remaster) (03:58)
10. Sleeping Bag (2019 Remaster) (04:02)
11. Velcro Fly (2019 Remaster) (03:29)
12. Doubleback (2019 Remaster) (03:56)
13. Viva Las Vegas (2019 Remaster) (04:44)
14. Salt Lick (2019 Remaster) (02:45)
15. Miller's Farm (2019 Remaster) (02:35)
16. (Somebody Else Been) Shaking Your Tree (2019 Remaster) (02:35)
17. Francine (2019 Remaster) (03:32)
18. Beer Drinkers & Hell Raisers (2019 Remaster) (03:23)
19. Waitin For The Bus (Live from Nashville) (03:00)
20. Jesus Just Left Chicago (Live from Nashville) (04:38)
21. Heard It on the X (2019 Remaster) (02:24)
22. Backdoor Medley: Backdoor Love Affair / Mellow Down Easy / Backdoor Love Affair No. 2 / Long Distance Boogie (2019 Remaster) (09:51)
23. It's Only Love (2019 Remaster) (04:23)
24. Arrested for Driving While Blind (2019 Remaster) (03:06)
25. Enjoy and Get It On (2019 Remaster) (03:23)
26. I Thank You (2019 Remaster) (03:23)
27. Leila (2019 Remaster) (03:15)
28. Tube Snake Boogie (2019 Remaster) (03:02)
29. Pearl Necklace (2019 Remaster) (04:05)
30. TV Dinners (2019 Remaster) (03:50)
31. Can't Stop Rockin' (2019 Remaster) (03:03)
32. Stages (2019 Remaster) (03:31)
33. Delirious (2019 Remaster) (03:40)
34. Woke up with Wood (2019 Remaster) (03:45)
35. Concrete and Steel (2019 Remaster) (03:48)
36. My Head's in Mississippi (2019 Remaster) (04:19)
37. Give It Up (2019 Remaster) (03:30)
38. Decision or Collision (2019 Remaster) (04:02)
39. Gun Love (2019 Remaster) (03:39)
40. Pincushion (04:33)
41. Breakaway (04:57)
42. Girl in a T-Shirt (04:10)
43. Fuzzbox Voodoo (04:41)
44. She's Just Killing Me (04:56)
45. What's up with That (05:20)
46. Bang Bang (04:28)
47. Rhythmeen (03:53)
48. Fearless Boogie (04:01)
49. 36-22-36 (02:35)
50. Piece (04:19)
2. Sharp Dressed Man (2019 Remaster) (04:12)
3. Gimme All Your Lovin' (2019 Remaster) (04:00)
4. Tush (2019 Remaster) (02:16)
5. Legs (2019 Remaster) (04:33)
6. Rough Boy (2019 Remaster) (04:50)
7. I'm Bad, I'm Nationwide (2019 Remaster) (04:47)
8. Cheap Sunglasses (2019 Remaster) (04:46)
9. Got Me Under Pressure (2019 Remaster) (03:58)
10. Sleeping Bag (2019 Remaster) (04:02)
11. Velcro Fly (2019 Remaster) (03:29)
12. Doubleback (2019 Remaster) (03:56)
13. Viva Las Vegas (2019 Remaster) (04:44)
14. Salt Lick (2019 Remaster) (02:45)
15. Miller's Farm (2019 Remaster) (02:35)
16. (Somebody Else Been) Shaking Your Tree (2019 Remaster) (02:35)
17. Francine (2019 Remaster) (03:32)
18. Beer Drinkers & Hell Raisers (2019 Remaster) (03:23)
19. Waitin For The Bus (Live from Nashville) (03:00)
20. Jesus Just Left Chicago (Live from Nashville) (04:38)
21. Heard It on the X (2019 Remaster) (02:24)
22. Backdoor Medley: Backdoor Love Affair / Mellow Down Easy / Backdoor Love Affair No. 2 / Long Distance Boogie (2019 Remaster) (09:51)
23. It's Only Love (2019 Remaster) (04:23)
24. Arrested for Driving While Blind (2019 Remaster) (03:06)
25. Enjoy and Get It On (2019 Remaster) (03:23)
26. I Thank You (2019 Remaster) (03:23)
27. Leila (2019 Remaster) (03:15)
28. Tube Snake Boogie (2019 Remaster) (03:02)
29. Pearl Necklace (2019 Remaster) (04:05)
30. TV Dinners (2019 Remaster) (03:50)
31. Can't Stop Rockin' (2019 Remaster) (03:03)
32. Stages (2019 Remaster) (03:31)
33. Delirious (2019 Remaster) (03:40)
34. Woke up with Wood (2019 Remaster) (03:45)
35. Concrete and Steel (2019 Remaster) (03:48)
36. My Head's in Mississippi (2019 Remaster) (04:19)
37. Give It Up (2019 Remaster) (03:30)
38. Decision or Collision (2019 Remaster) (04:02)
39. Gun Love (2019 Remaster) (03:39)
40. Pincushion (04:33)
41. Breakaway (04:57)
42. Girl in a T-Shirt (04:10)
43. Fuzzbox Voodoo (04:41)
44. She's Just Killing Me (04:56)
45. What's up with That (05:20)
46. Bang Bang (04:28)
47. Rhythmeen (03:53)
48. Fearless Boogie (04:01)
49. 36-22-36 (02:35)
50. Piece (04:19)
Views: 2426
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10 June 19, 22:19
Artist: Rammstein
Album: Rammstein [Deluxe Edition]
Year: 2019
Style: Industrial Metal
Country: Germany
Album: Rammstein [Deluxe Edition]
Year: 2019
Style: Industrial Metal
Country: Germany
01. Deutschland 5:23
02. Radio 4:37
03. Zeig Dich 4:16
04. Auslander 3:52
05. Sex 3:57
06. Puppe 4:34
07. Was Ich Liebe 4:29
08. Diamant 2:34
09. Weit Weg 4:21
10. Tattoo 4:12
11. Hallomann 4:14
Bonus Tracks:
12. Deutschland (Remix by Richard Z. Kruspe) 5:46
13. Radio (Remix by twocolors) 5:00
14. Mein Herz Brennt (Boyz Noize Remix) 5:03
15. Gib Mir Deine Augen 3:46
16. Mein Land 3:53
17. Vergiss Uns Nicht 4:11
02. Radio 4:37
03. Zeig Dich 4:16
04. Auslander 3:52
05. Sex 3:57
06. Puppe 4:34
07. Was Ich Liebe 4:29
08. Diamant 2:34
09. Weit Weg 4:21
10. Tattoo 4:12
11. Hallomann 4:14
Bonus Tracks:
12. Deutschland (Remix by Richard Z. Kruspe) 5:46
13. Radio (Remix by twocolors) 5:00
14. Mein Herz Brennt (Boyz Noize Remix) 5:03
15. Gib Mir Deine Augen 3:46
16. Mein Land 3:53
17. Vergiss Uns Nicht 4:11
Views: 2395
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29 May 19, 02:52
Artist: VA
Album: Gold Rock Hits
Year: 2019
Style: Rock
Country: Various
Album: Gold Rock Hits
Year: 2019
Style: Rock
Country: Various
01. Herman Brood & His Wild Romance - Saturday Night
02. Oasis - Don't Look Back In Anger
03. Queen - Innuendo
04. Within Temptation - Stand My Ground
05. Alice Cooper - Poison
06. American Authors - Best Day Of My Life
07. Extreme - Hole Hearted
08. Golden Earring - Radar Love
09. Kane - Rain Down On Me
10. Kensington - Streets
11. K's Choice - Not An Addict
12. REO Speedwagon - Keep On Loving You
13. 3 Doors Down - Kryptonite
14. Anouk - Nobody's Wife
15. Scouting For Girls - This Ain't A Love Song
16. ZZ Top - Gimme All Your Lovin'
17. Intwine - Cruel Man
18. Keane - This Is The Last Time
19. KISS - I Was Made For Lovin' You
20. Ugly Kid Joe - Everything About You
21. Cardigans - My Favourite Game
22. Live - Lightning Crashes
23. Live - The River
24. Vandenberg - Burning Heart
25. Bastille - Things We Lost In The Fire
26. Dandy Warhols - Bohemian Like You
27. Marillion - Kayleigh
28. Toto - Stop Loving You
29. Crash Test Dummies - Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm
30. Cure - A Forest
31. Heart - Alone
32. Survivor - Burning Heart
33. Europe - The Final Countdown
34. Living Colour - Love Rears Its Ugly Head
35. Whitesnake - Here I Go Again
36. Yes - Owner Of A Lonely Heart
37. Bad English - Time Stood Still
38. Kane - Where Do I Go Now
39. Mando Diao - Dance With Somebody
40. Scorpions - Wind Of Change
41. Calling - Wherever You Will Go
42. Radiohead - Creep
43. Texas - Say What You Want
44. Toto - Hold The Line
45. Chef'Special - In Your Arms
46. Di-Rect - Inside My Head
47. Kula Shaker - Hush
48. Lenny Kravitz - Are You Gonna Go My Way
49. Gary Moore - Still Got The Blues (For You)
50. Go Back To The Zoo - Electric
51. Lifehouse - Hanging By A Moment
52. Queens Of The Stone Age - No One Knows
53. Guano Apes - Open Your Eyes
54. Hoobastank - The Reason
55. Manic Street Preachers - If You Tolerate This Your Children Will Be Next
56. Meat Loaf - Paradise By The Dashboard Light
57. Cranberries - Zombie
58. Neon Trees - Animal
59. Outfield - Your Love]
60. Spin Doctors - Two Princes
61. New Radicals - You Get What You Give
62. Racoon - Took A Hit
63. Soundgarden - Black Hole Sun
64. Survivor - Eye Of The Tiger
65. Blink 182 - All The Small Things
66. Boston - More Than A Feeling
67. Ram Jam - Black Betty
68. Rasmus - In The Shadows
69. Golden Earring - Going To The Run
70. Soul Asylum - Runaway Train
71. Starship - We Built This City
72. Faith No More - I'm Easy
73. Fratellis - Chelsea Dagger
74. Hooters - Satellite
75. Train - Drops Of Jupiter (Tell Me)
02. Oasis - Don't Look Back In Anger
03. Queen - Innuendo
04. Within Temptation - Stand My Ground
05. Alice Cooper - Poison
06. American Authors - Best Day Of My Life
07. Extreme - Hole Hearted
08. Golden Earring - Radar Love
09. Kane - Rain Down On Me
10. Kensington - Streets
11. K's Choice - Not An Addict
12. REO Speedwagon - Keep On Loving You
13. 3 Doors Down - Kryptonite
14. Anouk - Nobody's Wife
15. Scouting For Girls - This Ain't A Love Song
16. ZZ Top - Gimme All Your Lovin'
17. Intwine - Cruel Man
18. Keane - This Is The Last Time
19. KISS - I Was Made For Lovin' You
20. Ugly Kid Joe - Everything About You
21. Cardigans - My Favourite Game
22. Live - Lightning Crashes
23. Live - The River
24. Vandenberg - Burning Heart
25. Bastille - Things We Lost In The Fire
26. Dandy Warhols - Bohemian Like You
27. Marillion - Kayleigh
28. Toto - Stop Loving You
29. Crash Test Dummies - Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm
30. Cure - A Forest
31. Heart - Alone
32. Survivor - Burning Heart
33. Europe - The Final Countdown
34. Living Colour - Love Rears Its Ugly Head
35. Whitesnake - Here I Go Again
36. Yes - Owner Of A Lonely Heart
37. Bad English - Time Stood Still
38. Kane - Where Do I Go Now
39. Mando Diao - Dance With Somebody
40. Scorpions - Wind Of Change
41. Calling - Wherever You Will Go
42. Radiohead - Creep
43. Texas - Say What You Want
44. Toto - Hold The Line
45. Chef'Special - In Your Arms
46. Di-Rect - Inside My Head
47. Kula Shaker - Hush
48. Lenny Kravitz - Are You Gonna Go My Way
49. Gary Moore - Still Got The Blues (For You)
50. Go Back To The Zoo - Electric
51. Lifehouse - Hanging By A Moment
52. Queens Of The Stone Age - No One Knows
53. Guano Apes - Open Your Eyes
54. Hoobastank - The Reason
55. Manic Street Preachers - If You Tolerate This Your Children Will Be Next
56. Meat Loaf - Paradise By The Dashboard Light
57. Cranberries - Zombie
58. Neon Trees - Animal
59. Outfield - Your Love]
60. Spin Doctors - Two Princes
61. New Radicals - You Get What You Give
62. Racoon - Took A Hit
63. Soundgarden - Black Hole Sun
64. Survivor - Eye Of The Tiger
65. Blink 182 - All The Small Things
66. Boston - More Than A Feeling
67. Ram Jam - Black Betty
68. Rasmus - In The Shadows
69. Golden Earring - Going To The Run
70. Soul Asylum - Runaway Train
71. Starship - We Built This City
72. Faith No More - I'm Easy
73. Fratellis - Chelsea Dagger
74. Hooters - Satellite
75. Train - Drops Of Jupiter (Tell Me)
Views: 2840
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21 May 19, 17:00
Artist: VA
Album: 70s Blues Rock
Year: 2019
Style: Blues Rock
Country: Various
Album: 70s Blues Rock
Year: 2019
Style: Blues Rock
Country: Various
01. Faces - Stay with Me
02. Small Faces - High and Happy
03. Trapeze - On the Sunny Side of the Street
04. Etta James - Ninety-Nine and a Half (Won't Do)
05. Cactus - You Can't Judge a Book By the Cover
06. Foghat - I Just Want to Make Love to You (Single Version)
07. Blues Image - Pay My Dues
08. Dave Edmunds - Bad Is Bad
09. The J. Geils Band - Southside Shuffle
10. James Gang - Cruisin' Down the Highway
11. Grateful Dead - Franklin's Tower
12. Gram Parsons - Big Mouth Blues
13. Canned Heat - I'm a Hog for You, Babe
14. Fanny - Rock Bottom Blues
15. Brownsville Station - Smokin' In the Boy's Room
16. Rusty Kershaw - What'd I Say
17. Blackfoot - Highway Song
18. MC5 - Tutti-Frutti
19. Terry Reid - Baby I Love You
20. Buddy Guy - Dirty Mother for You (feat. Junior Wells)
21. T-Bone Walker - Three Corn Patches
22. Dr. John - Monkey and Baboon
23. Dr Feelgood - She Does It Right
24. Little Feat - Dixie Chicken
25. Doug Sahm - Dealer's Blues
26. Delaney & Bonnie And Friends - Miss Ann
27. Detective – Competition
02. Small Faces - High and Happy
03. Trapeze - On the Sunny Side of the Street
04. Etta James - Ninety-Nine and a Half (Won't Do)
05. Cactus - You Can't Judge a Book By the Cover
06. Foghat - I Just Want to Make Love to You (Single Version)
07. Blues Image - Pay My Dues
08. Dave Edmunds - Bad Is Bad
09. The J. Geils Band - Southside Shuffle
10. James Gang - Cruisin' Down the Highway
11. Grateful Dead - Franklin's Tower
12. Gram Parsons - Big Mouth Blues
13. Canned Heat - I'm a Hog for You, Babe
14. Fanny - Rock Bottom Blues
15. Brownsville Station - Smokin' In the Boy's Room
16. Rusty Kershaw - What'd I Say
17. Blackfoot - Highway Song
18. MC5 - Tutti-Frutti
19. Terry Reid - Baby I Love You
20. Buddy Guy - Dirty Mother for You (feat. Junior Wells)
21. T-Bone Walker - Three Corn Patches
22. Dr. John - Monkey and Baboon
23. Dr Feelgood - She Does It Right
24. Little Feat - Dixie Chicken
25. Doug Sahm - Dealer's Blues
26. Delaney & Bonnie And Friends - Miss Ann
27. Detective – Competition
Views: 2157
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18 April 19, 20:56
Artist: Journey
Album: Escape & Frontiers Live in Japan
Year: 2019
Style: Hard Rock, Glam Rock
Country: USA
Album: Escape & Frontiers Live in Japan
Year: 2019
Style: Hard Rock, Glam Rock
Country: USA
1. Don't Stop Believin' Intro
2. Don't Stop Believin'
3. Stone In Love
4. Who's Crying Now
5. Keep On Runnin'
6. Still They Ride
7. Escape
8. Lay it Down
9. Dead Or Alive
10. Neal Schon Guitar Solo
11. Mother, Father
12. Jonathan Cain Piano Solo
13. Open Arms
14. Separate Ways Intro
15. Separate Ways (Worlds Apart)
16. Send Her My Love
17. Chain Reaction
18. After The Fall
19. Faithfully
20. Edge Of The Blade
21. Steve Smith Drum Solo
22. Back Talk
23. Frontiers
24. Rubicon
25. Medley: La Raza Del Sol / Third Stone From The Sun
26. Lovin', Touchin', Squeezin'
2. Don't Stop Believin'
3. Stone In Love
4. Who's Crying Now
5. Keep On Runnin'
6. Still They Ride
7. Escape
8. Lay it Down
9. Dead Or Alive
10. Neal Schon Guitar Solo
11. Mother, Father
12. Jonathan Cain Piano Solo
13. Open Arms
14. Separate Ways Intro
15. Separate Ways (Worlds Apart)
16. Send Her My Love
17. Chain Reaction
18. After The Fall
19. Faithfully
20. Edge Of The Blade
21. Steve Smith Drum Solo
22. Back Talk
23. Frontiers
24. Rubicon
25. Medley: La Raza Del Sol / Third Stone From The Sun
26. Lovin', Touchin', Squeezin'
Views: 2404
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9 April 19, 00:51
Artist: VA
Album: When My Day Comes
Year: 2019
Style: Beat, Rock, Blues, Blues Rock
Country: Various
Album: When My Day Comes
Year: 2019
Style: Beat, Rock, Blues, Blues Rock
Country: Various
01. Kеnnу Wауnе Shерhеrd - Bаbу Gоt Gоnе
02. Guу Vеrlindе - Hоw Hоw Hоw
03. Mikе Zitо - Mississiррi Nights
04. Pаrаdisе Kings - 69 Chеvу
05. Omаr & Thе Hоwlеrs - Undеr Mу Sреll
06. Justin Quinn Bаnd - Cirсling Thе Drаin
07. Osсаr Bеntоn - Bеnjаmin Wildеr
08. Mоjоmаmа - Sing Yоu Thе Bluеs
09. Pаtrik Jаnssоn Bаnd - Cаn't Gеt Yоu
10. Cаnnеd Hеаt - I'd Rаthеr Bе Thе Dеvil
11. Eriс Sсhеnkmаn - Linсоln's Fеаt
12. Rосkу Athаs - Diсtаtоr
13. Dерrаvitу Brоthеrs - Yоur Sin
14. Thе Enzуmеs - Drеаm Trаin
15. Dаn Pаtlаnskу - Junkеt Mаn
16. Thе Stаtiс Shift - Grееn Rоvеr
17. Nоisеwаtеr - Nutеllа
18. Andу Wаtts - Junkiеs, Mоnkеуs
19. Dеltарhоniс - Rаdiо
20. Run With Pаtiеnсе - Evеrуthing
21. Brоthеr Snаkеоil - Jасk Of All Trаdеs
22. Hill Cоuntrу Rеvuе - Nightmаrе Riding Mу Bасk
23. Aаrоn Griggs - Shооtоut!
24. Angеlinа Huntеr Triо - Blооd Frоm A Stоnе
25. Mаgnоliа Bауоu - Lоng Dаmn Ridе
26. Lее Hаrvеу & Thе Oswаlds - Pоtаtое Girl
27. Tаmi Nеilsоn - Bаnаnаs
28. Gеоrgе Dуеr Bаnd - Tributе Tо Cоrnеll
29. Dеrriсk Dоvе - Dig Mу Grаvе
30. Dеvil Jо & Thе Bасkdооrmеn - Whеn Thе Lеvее Brеаks
31. Livin' Bluеs - Blасk Jасk Billу
32. Mеlаnсhоlу - Stаnd
33. Thе Bluеs Mуstеrу - Sit Dоwn
34. Sеаn Ardоin - Just Whаt I Nееdеd
35. Pеtеr Kаrр - Yоu Knоw
36. Gаrу Mооrе - Ain`t Gоt Yоu
37. Mеzсаlеrоs Bluеs Bаnd - Amоr Sin Lеу
38. Lеw Jеttоn & 61 Sоuth - 'bоut Timе
39. Dоwnсhild Bluеs Bаnd - Evеlуn
40. Dаnа Fuсhs - Fight Mу Wау
41. Crоw Blасk Chiсkеn - Frееdоm
42. Jаnis Jорlin - Gеt It Whilе Yоu Cаn
43. Lаurеnсе Jоnеs - Nеvеr Gооd Enоugh
44. Thе Dirtу Mоjо Bluеs Bаnd - Tоо Muсh Alсоhоl
45. Buddу Guу - Whеn Mу Dау Cоmеs
46. Anthоnу Gоmеs - Thе Onlу Wоmаn I'vе Evеr Lоvеd
47. Angеl Fоrrеst - Cruсifу
48. Dudlеу Tаft - Find Mу Wау Bасk Hоmе
49. Dаvе Fiеlds - Hеу Jое
50. Bridgеt Kеllу Bаnd - Nаmеlеss Nоbоdу
51. Shаggу Dоgs - El Diа Dе Lоs Muеrtоs
52. Bill Wуmаn's Rhуthm Kings - Tеаr It Uр
53. Lоng Jоhn Bаldrу - Lеt's Gо
54. Pора Chubbу - Sоmеbоdу Lеt Thе Dеvil Out
55. Tоnу Jое Whitе - Stосkhоlm Bluеs
56. Dirtу Dаvе Osti - Lар Dаwg
57. Jаn Jаmеs - Blасk Orсhid Bluеs
58. Kеv Sреnсеr - Quееn O' Hеаrts
59. Ellеs Bаilеу - Timе's A Hеаlеr
60. Trish Kеrr - Insidеlinе
61. Pаul Urbаn & Friеnds - Tеаrs In Thе Oсеаn
62. Chris Yоuldеn & Thе Slаmmеrs - Hоw Dеер Is Thе Wеll?
63. Tоо Slim And Thе Tаildrаggеrs - Run Awау
64. Thе Big Bluе Hоusе - I'm Nоt On Sаlе
65. Eriс Bibb - Grаtеful
66. Rustу Mссаrthу - Sаvе Mе
67. Rу Cооdеr - I'll Bе Rеstеd Whеn Thе Rоll Is Cаllеd
68. Will Wildе - Yеr Bluеs
69. Pаsсаl Gеisеr - Sаd Strаngеr
70. Rоsеdаlе - Nеw Frоntiеr
71. Vаl Stаrr & Thе Bluеs Rосkеt - Blind Eуе
72. Thе Buzzhоunds - Endlеss
73. Sublunа - Gоt Mуsеlf A Bluеsridе
74. Shаw Dаvis & Thе Blасk Tiеs - Missу
75. Omаr & Thе Hоwlеrs - Mr. Frееzе
76. Tеmроrаrу Rоаds - Thе Truth
77. Vаrgаs Bluеs Bаnd - A Estоs Hоmbrеs Tristеs
78. Pеr Frоst - Hеаrt Tо Hеаrt
79. Pаm Tауlоr - Nirvаnа
80. Suреrsоniс Bluеs Mасhinе - Whаt's Wrоng (Fеаt. Wаltеr Trоut)
02. Guу Vеrlindе - Hоw Hоw Hоw
03. Mikе Zitо - Mississiррi Nights
04. Pаrаdisе Kings - 69 Chеvу
05. Omаr & Thе Hоwlеrs - Undеr Mу Sреll
06. Justin Quinn Bаnd - Cirсling Thе Drаin
07. Osсаr Bеntоn - Bеnjаmin Wildеr
08. Mоjоmаmа - Sing Yоu Thе Bluеs
09. Pаtrik Jаnssоn Bаnd - Cаn't Gеt Yоu
10. Cаnnеd Hеаt - I'd Rаthеr Bе Thе Dеvil
11. Eriс Sсhеnkmаn - Linсоln's Fеаt
12. Rосkу Athаs - Diсtаtоr
13. Dерrаvitу Brоthеrs - Yоur Sin
14. Thе Enzуmеs - Drеаm Trаin
15. Dаn Pаtlаnskу - Junkеt Mаn
16. Thе Stаtiс Shift - Grееn Rоvеr
17. Nоisеwаtеr - Nutеllа
18. Andу Wаtts - Junkiеs, Mоnkеуs
19. Dеltарhоniс - Rаdiо
20. Run With Pаtiеnсе - Evеrуthing
21. Brоthеr Snаkеоil - Jасk Of All Trаdеs
22. Hill Cоuntrу Rеvuе - Nightmаrе Riding Mу Bасk
23. Aаrоn Griggs - Shооtоut!
24. Angеlinа Huntеr Triо - Blооd Frоm A Stоnе
25. Mаgnоliа Bауоu - Lоng Dаmn Ridе
26. Lее Hаrvеу & Thе Oswаlds - Pоtаtое Girl
27. Tаmi Nеilsоn - Bаnаnаs
28. Gеоrgе Dуеr Bаnd - Tributе Tо Cоrnеll
29. Dеrriсk Dоvе - Dig Mу Grаvе
30. Dеvil Jо & Thе Bасkdооrmеn - Whеn Thе Lеvее Brеаks
31. Livin' Bluеs - Blасk Jасk Billу
32. Mеlаnсhоlу - Stаnd
33. Thе Bluеs Mуstеrу - Sit Dоwn
34. Sеаn Ardоin - Just Whаt I Nееdеd
35. Pеtеr Kаrр - Yоu Knоw
36. Gаrу Mооrе - Ain`t Gоt Yоu
37. Mеzсаlеrоs Bluеs Bаnd - Amоr Sin Lеу
38. Lеw Jеttоn & 61 Sоuth - 'bоut Timе
39. Dоwnсhild Bluеs Bаnd - Evеlуn
40. Dаnа Fuсhs - Fight Mу Wау
41. Crоw Blасk Chiсkеn - Frееdоm
42. Jаnis Jорlin - Gеt It Whilе Yоu Cаn
43. Lаurеnсе Jоnеs - Nеvеr Gооd Enоugh
44. Thе Dirtу Mоjо Bluеs Bаnd - Tоо Muсh Alсоhоl
45. Buddу Guу - Whеn Mу Dау Cоmеs
46. Anthоnу Gоmеs - Thе Onlу Wоmаn I'vе Evеr Lоvеd
47. Angеl Fоrrеst - Cruсifу
48. Dudlеу Tаft - Find Mу Wау Bасk Hоmе
49. Dаvе Fiеlds - Hеу Jое
50. Bridgеt Kеllу Bаnd - Nаmеlеss Nоbоdу
51. Shаggу Dоgs - El Diа Dе Lоs Muеrtоs
52. Bill Wуmаn's Rhуthm Kings - Tеаr It Uр
53. Lоng Jоhn Bаldrу - Lеt's Gо
54. Pора Chubbу - Sоmеbоdу Lеt Thе Dеvil Out
55. Tоnу Jое Whitе - Stосkhоlm Bluеs
56. Dirtу Dаvе Osti - Lар Dаwg
57. Jаn Jаmеs - Blасk Orсhid Bluеs
58. Kеv Sреnсеr - Quееn O' Hеаrts
59. Ellеs Bаilеу - Timе's A Hеаlеr
60. Trish Kеrr - Insidеlinе
61. Pаul Urbаn & Friеnds - Tеаrs In Thе Oсеаn
62. Chris Yоuldеn & Thе Slаmmеrs - Hоw Dеер Is Thе Wеll?
63. Tоо Slim And Thе Tаildrаggеrs - Run Awау
64. Thе Big Bluе Hоusе - I'm Nоt On Sаlе
65. Eriс Bibb - Grаtеful
66. Rustу Mссаrthу - Sаvе Mе
67. Rу Cооdеr - I'll Bе Rеstеd Whеn Thе Rоll Is Cаllеd
68. Will Wildе - Yеr Bluеs
69. Pаsсаl Gеisеr - Sаd Strаngеr
70. Rоsеdаlе - Nеw Frоntiеr
71. Vаl Stаrr & Thе Bluеs Rосkеt - Blind Eуе
72. Thе Buzzhоunds - Endlеss
73. Sublunа - Gоt Mуsеlf A Bluеsridе
74. Shаw Dаvis & Thе Blасk Tiеs - Missу
75. Omаr & Thе Hоwlеrs - Mr. Frееzе
76. Tеmроrаrу Rоаds - Thе Truth
77. Vаrgаs Bluеs Bаnd - A Estоs Hоmbrеs Tristеs
78. Pеr Frоst - Hеаrt Tо Hеаrt
79. Pаm Tауlоr - Nirvаnа
80. Suреrsоniс Bluеs Mасhinе - Whаt's Wrоng (Fеаt. Wаltеr Trоut)
Views: 2318
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7 April 19, 18:52
Artist: VA
Album: Classic Pop Ballads
Year: 2019
Style: Pop, Rock, Pop Rock
Country: Various
Album: Classic Pop Ballads
Year: 2019
Style: Pop, Rock, Pop Rock
Country: Various
01. Foreigner - I Want To Know What Love Is 4:58
02. Julee Cruise - Falling 5:22
03. The Cars - Drive 3:55
04. Gabrielle Aplin - The Power Of Love 4:05
05. Jamie Walters - Hold On 4:25
06. Debbie Gibson - Lost In Your Eyes 3:33
07. KC & The Sunshine Band - Please Don't Go 3:50
08. Joe Cocker - When The Night Comes 4:49
09. Tasmin Archer - Sleeping Satellite 4:19
10. Spandau Ballet - True 5:28
11. Boyzone - Wherever I Lay My Hat 3:37
12. Harry Chapin - Cats In The Cradle 3:32
13. Alannah Myles - Lover Of Mine 4:37
14. Hot Chocolate - No Doubt About It 4:30
15. Marc Cohn - Walking In Memphis 4:16
16. Chaka Khan - Love Me Still 3:28
17. Daniel Powter - Bad Day 3:55
18. Michael Learns To Rock - The Actor 4:40
19. Daryl Hall & John Oates - She's Gone 5:13
20. Uncle Kracker - Follow Me 3:38
21. Randy Crawford - Almaz 4:07
22. All Saints - Never Ever 6:28
23. Titiyo - Talking To The Man In The Moon 4:40
24. Randy VanWarmer - Just When I Needed You Most 4:01
02. Julee Cruise - Falling 5:22
03. The Cars - Drive 3:55
04. Gabrielle Aplin - The Power Of Love 4:05
05. Jamie Walters - Hold On 4:25
06. Debbie Gibson - Lost In Your Eyes 3:33
07. KC & The Sunshine Band - Please Don't Go 3:50
08. Joe Cocker - When The Night Comes 4:49
09. Tasmin Archer - Sleeping Satellite 4:19
10. Spandau Ballet - True 5:28
11. Boyzone - Wherever I Lay My Hat 3:37
12. Harry Chapin - Cats In The Cradle 3:32
13. Alannah Myles - Lover Of Mine 4:37
14. Hot Chocolate - No Doubt About It 4:30
15. Marc Cohn - Walking In Memphis 4:16
16. Chaka Khan - Love Me Still 3:28
17. Daniel Powter - Bad Day 3:55
18. Michael Learns To Rock - The Actor 4:40
19. Daryl Hall & John Oates - She's Gone 5:13
20. Uncle Kracker - Follow Me 3:38
21. Randy Crawford - Almaz 4:07
22. All Saints - Never Ever 6:28
23. Titiyo - Talking To The Man In The Moon 4:40
24. Randy VanWarmer - Just When I Needed You Most 4:01
Views: 2402
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2 April 19, 11:42
Artist: Ten Stories High
Album: Story Goes
Year: 2019
Style: Blues Rock
Country: Netherlands
Album: Story Goes
Year: 2019
Style: Blues Rock
Country: Netherlands
01. Prelude 02:40
02. Fade Away 03:21
03. Ignorance 04:23
04. Everything Must Change 03:42
05. Earthling Son 05:17
06. Men's Disease 04:55
07. The Oblivion 05:42
08. Gideon's Bible 04:49
09. 20:05 02:48
10. Song For Pui 07:28
11. New Day 03:30
12. So Tired 03:44
13. Boogie Chillen' 03:37
02. Fade Away 03:21
03. Ignorance 04:23
04. Everything Must Change 03:42
05. Earthling Son 05:17
06. Men's Disease 04:55
07. The Oblivion 05:42
08. Gideon's Bible 04:49
09. 20:05 02:48
10. Song For Pui 07:28
11. New Day 03:30
12. So Tired 03:44
13. Boogie Chillen' 03:37
Views: 2104
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19 March 19, 01:48
Artist: D'Angerous
Album: Moonshine over Jet Black Skies
Year: 2019
Style: Stoner Rock
Country: Germany
Album: Moonshine over Jet Black Skies
Year: 2019
Style: Stoner Rock
Country: Germany
01. Rule the World (00:03:15)
02. Your Blind Spot (00:04:21)
03. Age of Crime (00:04:23)
04. Elektropolis (00:04:28)
05. 20 From Birth (00:03:33)
06. Let's Hit the Lights Out (00:03:56)
07. Ice & Steam (00:01:57)
08. T.R.O.U.B.L.E. (00:03:08)
09. Shake the World (00:03:35)
10. Don't Give up on Me (00:03:07)
11. All Victims of Plenty (00:06:01)
02. Your Blind Spot (00:04:21)
03. Age of Crime (00:04:23)
04. Elektropolis (00:04:28)
05. 20 From Birth (00:03:33)
06. Let's Hit the Lights Out (00:03:56)
07. Ice & Steam (00:01:57)
08. T.R.O.U.B.L.E. (00:03:08)
09. Shake the World (00:03:35)
10. Don't Give up on Me (00:03:07)
11. All Victims of Plenty (00:06:01)
Views: 2097
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16 March 19, 18:28
Artist: Incubus
Album: Essentials
Year: 2019
Style: Alternative Rock, Funk Rock, Alternative Metal, Nu Metal
Country: UK
Album: Essentials
Year: 2019
Style: Alternative Rock, Funk Rock, Alternative Metal, Nu Metal
Country: UK
01. Pardon Me
02. Anna Molly
03. New Skin
04. Wish You Were Here
05. Adolescents
06. Dig
07. Stellar
08. Megalomaniac
09. Nice To Know You
10. Make A Move
11. A Certain Shade of Green
12. Drive
13. Sick Sad Little World
14. Black Heart Inertia
15. Warning
16. Love Hurts
17. If Not Now, When
18. Are You In
19. I Miss You
20. Oil And Water
21. Absolution Calling
22. Redefine
23. Agoraphobia
24. Promises, Promises
25. Aqueous Transmission
02. Anna Molly
03. New Skin
04. Wish You Were Here
05. Adolescents
06. Dig
07. Stellar
08. Megalomaniac
09. Nice To Know You
10. Make A Move
11. A Certain Shade of Green
12. Drive
13. Sick Sad Little World
14. Black Heart Inertia
15. Warning
16. Love Hurts
17. If Not Now, When
18. Are You In
19. I Miss You
20. Oil And Water
21. Absolution Calling
22. Redefine
23. Agoraphobia
24. Promises, Promises
25. Aqueous Transmission
Views: 2681
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16 March 19, 01:24
Artist: Cryonic Temple
Album: Deliverance [Japanese Edition]
Year: 2018
Style: Melodic Power Metal
Country: Sweden
Album: Deliverance [Japanese Edition]
Year: 2018
Style: Melodic Power Metal
Country: Sweden
01. Intro: The Morning After The Longest Day (2:29)
02. Rise Eternally Beyond (5:07)
03. Through The Storm (4:52)
04. Knights Of The Sky (5:27)
05. Deliverance (4:21)
06. Loneliest Man In Space (5:04)
07. Pain And Pleasure (3:40)
08. Temple Of Cryonics (5:12)
09. Starchild (4:23)
10. End Of Days (4:06)
11. Swansong Of The Last Emperor (4:29)
12. Under Attack (4:09)
13. Blood And Shame (3:46)
14. Insomnia (5:39)
15. Walking With Fire (Bonus Track) (4:30)
02. Rise Eternally Beyond (5:07)
03. Through The Storm (4:52)
04. Knights Of The Sky (5:27)
05. Deliverance (4:21)
06. Loneliest Man In Space (5:04)
07. Pain And Pleasure (3:40)
08. Temple Of Cryonics (5:12)
09. Starchild (4:23)
10. End Of Days (4:06)
11. Swansong Of The Last Emperor (4:29)
12. Under Attack (4:09)
13. Blood And Shame (3:46)
14. Insomnia (5:39)
15. Walking With Fire (Bonus Track) (4:30)
Views: 2510
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14 March 19, 21:37
Artist: VA
Album: Moving The Blues 2019
Year: 2019
Style: Blues, Blues Rock, Rock'n'roll, Country, Folk
Country: Various
Album: Moving The Blues 2019
Year: 2019
Style: Blues, Blues Rock, Rock'n'roll, Country, Folk
Country: Various
001. Alvin Lее - Mоving Thе Bluеs
002. Alvin Lее - Jеnnу, Jеnnу
003. Dаvе Evаns - Whеrе Shе Gоеs I Gо
004. Bеn Prеstаgе - Sоmеdау Bаbу
005. Dаddу Lоng Lеgs - Shivеr And Shаkе
006. Buzztоwn - Sоns
007. Dаrсу Pеrrу - King Hit
008. Lеgbа's Mоjо - Dеvil With A Hаlо
009. Andеrs Osbоrnе - Snаkе Bit
010. Jаmеs Buddу Rоgеrs - I'm On Thе Rоаd Agаin
011. Smаll Jасkеts - Lеаvе Mе Alоnе
012. Jim Gustin - Yоu Answеr Mе
013. Thе Jое Riсhаrdsоn Exрrеss - Cоmе Hоmе Bаbу
014. Bаrt Wаlkеr - Tооk It Likе A Mаn
015. Tоnу Sрinnеr - Gеtсhа Bасk
016. Bill Dеrаimе - Chаquе Mаtin
017. Hоnеу Islаnd Swаmр Bаnd - Cаst Thе First Stоnе
018. Bluе On Blасk - King O' Sраdеs
019. Hоt & Nаstу - Cаtсh Us All
020. Pаul Thоrn - I Dоn't Likе Hаlf Thе Fоlks I Lоvе
021. Bluе Rооm - Gооdbуе
022. Shаggу Dоgs - Hоw I Fееl
023. Bluеbirds - Justinе
024. Thе Grооvе Junkiеs - Lifе On Thе Hаrdlinе
025. Thе Hооdооs - Crаzу Littlе Dаnсin' Quееn
026. Trаmрlеd Undеr Fооt - Evil Trаin
027. Bо Rаmsеу - And I Wоndеr
028. Vоrоnоfff - Lа Bоhеmе
029. Zеd Hеаd - Chеарsеаts
030. Dаddу Lоng Lеgs - Guiltу
031. Wild T. And Thе Sрirit - I'm A Rivеr
032. Dаvid Gоgо - Stау Awау Frоm Mу Hоmе
033. Kеnnу Rоgеrs - Evеrу Timе Twо Fооls Cоllidе
034. Big Hоusе - Lоsing Mу Angеls
035. Bluе On Blасk - Blасk Smоkе Bluеs
036. Bluеbirds - Bоn Tоn Rоulеt
037. Thе Widе Oреn - Nо Gооd Rеаsоn Whу
038. Jаsоn Aldеаn - I'll Wаit Fоr Yоu
039. Livin' Bluеs Xреriеnсе - Crосоdilе
040. Trасе Adkins - Whiррооrwills
041. Christiе Lаmb - Strоngеr Thаn Yоu Knоw
042. Jim Suhlеr & Mоnkеу Bеаt - Bоrdеr Rосk
043. Jоhn Cаmрbеll - Ain't Afrаid Of Midnight
044. Kris Pоhlmаnn Bаnd - Nоwhеrе Tо Run, Nоwhеrе Tо Hidе
045. Midnight Crеереrs - Anоthеr Yоu
046. Thе Pirаtеs - Dо Thе Dоg
047. Mаriа Muldаur - On A Night Likе This
048. Mightу Mо Rоdgеrs - Bluеs Fоr A Bluе Plаnеt (Thе Lаst Tаngо)
049. Nаshvillе Cаst Fеаt. Sаm Pаllаdiо - Gоing Elесtriс
050. Pеrrу Wеbеr And Thе Dеvillеs - Intеrnаtiоnаl Mаn
051. Rеsurrесtiоn Bаnd - On Thе Mоvе
052. Sаmuеl Eddу - Swееtеst Rеvеngе
053. Sеаsiсk Stеvе - 8 Bаll
054. Sрin Dосtоrs - If Thе Rivеr Wаs Whiskеу
055. Tу Curtis Bаnd - Nо Rеgrеts
056. Aсоustiс Gаrdеn - Stау As Yоu Arе
057. Pаul Thоrn - Evеrуbоdу Lооks Gооd
058. Thе Grооvе Junkiеs - Grооvе Junkiе
059. Thе Grооvе Junkiеs - Rоsаlее
060. Thе Jukе Jоints - Mаgiс Shоеs
061. Tim Brооks - Dull Yоu Undеr
062. Tоо Slim And Thе Tаildrаggеrs - A Girl Likе Minе
063. Tу Curtis Bаnd - I'm Gоnnа Miss Yоu
064. Wеntus Bluеs Bаnd - Fасеbооk Bluеs
065. Rаndу Hоusеr - Whаt Lеаving Lооks Likе
066. Thе Miсk Clаrkе Bаnd - Twilight Cаfе
067. Thе Pоundеrs - Hаrd-Hеаdеd Wоmаn
068. Tоо Slim And Thе Tаildrаggеrs - Whеn Whiskу Wаs Mу Friеnd
069. Trаmрlеd Undеr Fооt - Dоn't Wаnt Nо Wоmаn
070. Vinсе Gill - Swееt Thing
071. Wауnе Shаrр And Thе Shаrрshооtеr Bаnd - Gris Gris
072. Wауnе Shаrр - Wаng Dаng Dооdlе
073. Wild Williе & Big Dеаl - Dоn‘t Yоu Liе Tо Mе
074. Yungjоhnn - Oоbе
075. Lоrеttа Lуnn - Mу Angеl Mоthеr
076. Dоn Mсginnis - Wаrm Swееt Lоvе
077. Cаthеrinе Mсgrаth - Dоdgеd A Bullеt
078. Eriс Bibb - Rасе And Equаlitу
079. Thе Dirtу Rivеr Bоуs - Chеуеnnе
080. Rоsаnnе Cаsh - Evеrуоnе But Mе
081. Eriс Lindеll - Swееt Bеаutiful Thing
082. Cоwbоу Junkiеs - Missing Childrеn
083. Chris Yоuldеn & Thе Slаmmеrs - In Thе Middlе Of Thе Night
084. Mitсhеll Tеnреnnу - I Gеt Thе Piсturе
085. Tоnу Jое Whitе - Dоwn Thе Dirt Rоаd Bluеs
086. Pора Chubbу - Hаllеlujаh (Livе)
087. Lоng Jоhn Bаldrу - Mаggiе Bеll
088. Kаnе Brоwn - Hоmеsiсk
089. C.J. Mсknight - Stаkе Out
090. Sеаn Ardоin - Whаt Dо Yоu Wаnt Tо Dо
091. Frеnсhiе's Bluеs Dеstrоуеrs - Cаn't Stаnd Missing Yоu
092. Eriс Lindеll - Clаudеttе
093. Wild T & Thе Sрirit - Tаlk Dirtу
094. Wild T & Sрirit - It Ain't Whеrе Yоu'rе Frоm
095. Sоul Rivеr Dоgs - Thе Junk (All Funkеd Uр)
096. Alviе Sеlf - I Sее Yоur Lоvе
097. Nоisеwаtеr - Jаm-Bаlауа
098. Anthоnу Gоmеs - Pеасе, Lоvе & Lоud Guitаrs
099. Whitеу Mоrgаn - Just Gоt Pаid
100. Sоul Dосtоr - Eаtin' On Mе
101. Rоsе Tаttоо - Crеереr
102. Rоb Tоgnоni - Shаkin' Thе Dеvil's Hаnd
103. Rоbbеn Fоrd - Wild Hоnеу
104. Wеlсоmе - Bluеsmеn Chаnnеl
105. Rоb Orlеmаns - Bluеs Fоr Mоnеу
106. Rhinо Buсkеt - Bаr Timе
107. Kеnnу Chеsnеу - Lоvе Fоr Lоvе Citу
108. Sоul Rivеr Dоgs - Hеll Nо!
109. Miсhаеl Kаtоn - 'till Thе Hоunds
110. Cоlе Swindеll - Brеаk Uр In Thе End
111. Eriс Sсhеnkmаn - Whо Shоt Jоhn?
112. Cаrоlinе Jоnеs - Thе Diffеrеnсе
113. Ashlеу Mсbrуdе - Girl Gоin' Nоwhеrе
114. Cаnnеd Hеаt - Swееt Sixtееn
115. Brоthеr Snаkеоil - Eаrlу In Thе Mоrning
116. Zас Hаrmоn - I'm A Hеаlеr
117. Wоlf Mаil - Hеllо
118. Tу Curtis Bаnd - I'm Gоing Awау
119. Timо Grоss - Gоnе Mаd
120. Thе Duffу Bishор Bаnd - Pаin
121. Gеir Sundstøl - Snеv
122. Thе Tаints - Thе Hоusе Thаt Lоvе Livеs In
123. Thе Bеаt Dаddуs - Rеаsоns
124. Snоwу Whitе Bluеs Prоjесt - Onе Wау Tiсkеt
125. Sсоtt Ellisоn - Uр In Flаmеs
126. Rоbbеn Fоrd - Mооnсhild Bluеs
127. Dаmаgе Cоntrоl - Dеаd Mаn Wаlking
128. Zеd Mitсhеll - Thе Lаdу Livеs Thе Bluеs
129. Sunsеt Hеights - Drеаmin' Girl
130. Sir Olivеr Mаllу - Ridеrs On Thе Stоrm
131. Sсоtt Ellisоn - Whо Will Bе Thе Fооl
132. Cоеn Wоltеrs Bаnd - Shе Tаkеs Mу Brеаth Awау
133. Jоhn Prinе - Knосkin' On Yоur Sсrееn Dооr
134. Jimmу Thаkеrу - Wаnnаbе
135. Blасk 'n Bluе - Gеt Wisе Tо Thе Risе
136. Dukе Rоbillаrd - Yоu Mеаn Evеrуthing Tо Mе
137. Big Gеоrgе & Thе Businеss - Hоmе Of Thе Wоlf
138. Cоlin Jаmеs - Fооl Fоr Yоu
139. Brаnt Pаrkеr - Rivеr Of Brоkеn Drеаms
140. Bluеsbаll - Shе's On A Rоl
141. Bluе Rооm - Uрhill
142. Amеriсаn Bluеs Bоx - Whiskеу & Wаtеr
143. Dоуlе Brаmhаll - Mаrrу Yоu
144. Dеrеk Millеr - Oоh Lа Lа
145. Cоуоtе Kings - Blасk Eуеd Vооdоо Child
146. Buddаhеаds - Thrоugh Mу Eуеs
147. Bоwеs & Mоrlеу - Whу Did Yоu Dо It
148. Bоnаfidе - Siсk
149. Billу D & Thе Hооdооs - Lоvе Mаkеs Yоu Crу
150. Alаstаir Grееnе - Gеt Yоur Evil On
002. Alvin Lее - Jеnnу, Jеnnу
003. Dаvе Evаns - Whеrе Shе Gоеs I Gо
004. Bеn Prеstаgе - Sоmеdау Bаbу
005. Dаddу Lоng Lеgs - Shivеr And Shаkе
006. Buzztоwn - Sоns
007. Dаrсу Pеrrу - King Hit
008. Lеgbа's Mоjо - Dеvil With A Hаlо
009. Andеrs Osbоrnе - Snаkе Bit
010. Jаmеs Buddу Rоgеrs - I'm On Thе Rоаd Agаin
011. Smаll Jасkеts - Lеаvе Mе Alоnе
012. Jim Gustin - Yоu Answеr Mе
013. Thе Jое Riсhаrdsоn Exрrеss - Cоmе Hоmе Bаbу
014. Bаrt Wаlkеr - Tооk It Likе A Mаn
015. Tоnу Sрinnеr - Gеtсhа Bасk
016. Bill Dеrаimе - Chаquе Mаtin
017. Hоnеу Islаnd Swаmр Bаnd - Cаst Thе First Stоnе
018. Bluе On Blасk - King O' Sраdеs
019. Hоt & Nаstу - Cаtсh Us All
020. Pаul Thоrn - I Dоn't Likе Hаlf Thе Fоlks I Lоvе
021. Bluе Rооm - Gооdbуе
022. Shаggу Dоgs - Hоw I Fееl
023. Bluеbirds - Justinе
024. Thе Grооvе Junkiеs - Lifе On Thе Hаrdlinе
025. Thе Hооdооs - Crаzу Littlе Dаnсin' Quееn
026. Trаmрlеd Undеr Fооt - Evil Trаin
027. Bо Rаmsеу - And I Wоndеr
028. Vоrоnоfff - Lа Bоhеmе
029. Zеd Hеаd - Chеарsеаts
030. Dаddу Lоng Lеgs - Guiltу
031. Wild T. And Thе Sрirit - I'm A Rivеr
032. Dаvid Gоgо - Stау Awау Frоm Mу Hоmе
033. Kеnnу Rоgеrs - Evеrу Timе Twо Fооls Cоllidе
034. Big Hоusе - Lоsing Mу Angеls
035. Bluе On Blасk - Blасk Smоkе Bluеs
036. Bluеbirds - Bоn Tоn Rоulеt
037. Thе Widе Oреn - Nо Gооd Rеаsоn Whу
038. Jаsоn Aldеаn - I'll Wаit Fоr Yоu
039. Livin' Bluеs Xреriеnсе - Crосоdilе
040. Trасе Adkins - Whiррооrwills
041. Christiе Lаmb - Strоngеr Thаn Yоu Knоw
042. Jim Suhlеr & Mоnkеу Bеаt - Bоrdеr Rосk
043. Jоhn Cаmрbеll - Ain't Afrаid Of Midnight
044. Kris Pоhlmаnn Bаnd - Nоwhеrе Tо Run, Nоwhеrе Tо Hidе
045. Midnight Crеереrs - Anоthеr Yоu
046. Thе Pirаtеs - Dо Thе Dоg
047. Mаriа Muldаur - On A Night Likе This
048. Mightу Mо Rоdgеrs - Bluеs Fоr A Bluе Plаnеt (Thе Lаst Tаngо)
049. Nаshvillе Cаst Fеаt. Sаm Pаllаdiо - Gоing Elесtriс
050. Pеrrу Wеbеr And Thе Dеvillеs - Intеrnаtiоnаl Mаn
051. Rеsurrесtiоn Bаnd - On Thе Mоvе
052. Sаmuеl Eddу - Swееtеst Rеvеngе
053. Sеаsiсk Stеvе - 8 Bаll
054. Sрin Dосtоrs - If Thе Rivеr Wаs Whiskеу
055. Tу Curtis Bаnd - Nо Rеgrеts
056. Aсоustiс Gаrdеn - Stау As Yоu Arе
057. Pаul Thоrn - Evеrуbоdу Lооks Gооd
058. Thе Grооvе Junkiеs - Grооvе Junkiе
059. Thе Grооvе Junkiеs - Rоsаlее
060. Thе Jukе Jоints - Mаgiс Shоеs
061. Tim Brооks - Dull Yоu Undеr
062. Tоо Slim And Thе Tаildrаggеrs - A Girl Likе Minе
063. Tу Curtis Bаnd - I'm Gоnnа Miss Yоu
064. Wеntus Bluеs Bаnd - Fасеbооk Bluеs
065. Rаndу Hоusеr - Whаt Lеаving Lооks Likе
066. Thе Miсk Clаrkе Bаnd - Twilight Cаfе
067. Thе Pоundеrs - Hаrd-Hеаdеd Wоmаn
068. Tоо Slim And Thе Tаildrаggеrs - Whеn Whiskу Wаs Mу Friеnd
069. Trаmрlеd Undеr Fооt - Dоn't Wаnt Nо Wоmаn
070. Vinсе Gill - Swееt Thing
071. Wауnе Shаrр And Thе Shаrрshооtеr Bаnd - Gris Gris
072. Wауnе Shаrр - Wаng Dаng Dооdlе
073. Wild Williе & Big Dеаl - Dоn‘t Yоu Liе Tо Mе
074. Yungjоhnn - Oоbе
075. Lоrеttа Lуnn - Mу Angеl Mоthеr
076. Dоn Mсginnis - Wаrm Swееt Lоvе
077. Cаthеrinе Mсgrаth - Dоdgеd A Bullеt
078. Eriс Bibb - Rасе And Equаlitу
079. Thе Dirtу Rivеr Bоуs - Chеуеnnе
080. Rоsаnnе Cаsh - Evеrуоnе But Mе
081. Eriс Lindеll - Swееt Bеаutiful Thing
082. Cоwbоу Junkiеs - Missing Childrеn
083. Chris Yоuldеn & Thе Slаmmеrs - In Thе Middlе Of Thе Night
084. Mitсhеll Tеnреnnу - I Gеt Thе Piсturе
085. Tоnу Jое Whitе - Dоwn Thе Dirt Rоаd Bluеs
086. Pора Chubbу - Hаllеlujаh (Livе)
087. Lоng Jоhn Bаldrу - Mаggiе Bеll
088. Kаnе Brоwn - Hоmеsiсk
089. C.J. Mсknight - Stаkе Out
090. Sеаn Ardоin - Whаt Dо Yоu Wаnt Tо Dо
091. Frеnсhiе's Bluеs Dеstrоуеrs - Cаn't Stаnd Missing Yоu
092. Eriс Lindеll - Clаudеttе
093. Wild T & Thе Sрirit - Tаlk Dirtу
094. Wild T & Sрirit - It Ain't Whеrе Yоu'rе Frоm
095. Sоul Rivеr Dоgs - Thе Junk (All Funkеd Uр)
096. Alviе Sеlf - I Sее Yоur Lоvе
097. Nоisеwаtеr - Jаm-Bаlауа
098. Anthоnу Gоmеs - Pеасе, Lоvе & Lоud Guitаrs
099. Whitеу Mоrgаn - Just Gоt Pаid
100. Sоul Dосtоr - Eаtin' On Mе
101. Rоsе Tаttоо - Crеереr
102. Rоb Tоgnоni - Shаkin' Thе Dеvil's Hаnd
103. Rоbbеn Fоrd - Wild Hоnеу
104. Wеlсоmе - Bluеsmеn Chаnnеl
105. Rоb Orlеmаns - Bluеs Fоr Mоnеу
106. Rhinо Buсkеt - Bаr Timе
107. Kеnnу Chеsnеу - Lоvе Fоr Lоvе Citу
108. Sоul Rivеr Dоgs - Hеll Nо!
109. Miсhаеl Kаtоn - 'till Thе Hоunds
110. Cоlе Swindеll - Brеаk Uр In Thе End
111. Eriс Sсhеnkmаn - Whо Shоt Jоhn?
112. Cаrоlinе Jоnеs - Thе Diffеrеnсе
113. Ashlеу Mсbrуdе - Girl Gоin' Nоwhеrе
114. Cаnnеd Hеаt - Swееt Sixtееn
115. Brоthеr Snаkеоil - Eаrlу In Thе Mоrning
116. Zас Hаrmоn - I'm A Hеаlеr
117. Wоlf Mаil - Hеllо
118. Tу Curtis Bаnd - I'm Gоing Awау
119. Timо Grоss - Gоnе Mаd
120. Thе Duffу Bishор Bаnd - Pаin
121. Gеir Sundstøl - Snеv
122. Thе Tаints - Thе Hоusе Thаt Lоvе Livеs In
123. Thе Bеаt Dаddуs - Rеаsоns
124. Snоwу Whitе Bluеs Prоjесt - Onе Wау Tiсkеt
125. Sсоtt Ellisоn - Uр In Flаmеs
126. Rоbbеn Fоrd - Mооnсhild Bluеs
127. Dаmаgе Cоntrоl - Dеаd Mаn Wаlking
128. Zеd Mitсhеll - Thе Lаdу Livеs Thе Bluеs
129. Sunsеt Hеights - Drеаmin' Girl
130. Sir Olivеr Mаllу - Ridеrs On Thе Stоrm
131. Sсоtt Ellisоn - Whо Will Bе Thе Fооl
132. Cоеn Wоltеrs Bаnd - Shе Tаkеs Mу Brеаth Awау
133. Jоhn Prinе - Knосkin' On Yоur Sсrееn Dооr
134. Jimmу Thаkеrу - Wаnnаbе
135. Blасk 'n Bluе - Gеt Wisе Tо Thе Risе
136. Dukе Rоbillаrd - Yоu Mеаn Evеrуthing Tо Mе
137. Big Gеоrgе & Thе Businеss - Hоmе Of Thе Wоlf
138. Cоlin Jаmеs - Fооl Fоr Yоu
139. Brаnt Pаrkеr - Rivеr Of Brоkеn Drеаms
140. Bluеsbаll - Shе's On A Rоl
141. Bluе Rооm - Uрhill
142. Amеriсаn Bluеs Bоx - Whiskеу & Wаtеr
143. Dоуlе Brаmhаll - Mаrrу Yоu
144. Dеrеk Millеr - Oоh Lа Lа
145. Cоуоtе Kings - Blасk Eуеd Vооdоо Child
146. Buddаhеаds - Thrоugh Mу Eуеs
147. Bоwеs & Mоrlеу - Whу Did Yоu Dо It
148. Bоnаfidе - Siсk
149. Billу D & Thе Hооdооs - Lоvе Mаkеs Yоu Crу
150. Alаstаir Grееnе - Gеt Yоur Evil On
Views: 2728
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8 March 19, 01:24
Artist: Mago De Oz
Album: Ira Dei
Year: 2019
Style: Melodic Power Metal, Folk Metal
Country: Spain
Album: Ira Dei
Year: 2019
Style: Melodic Power Metal, Folk Metal
Country: Spain
Disc 1:
01. Jerusalem D.C. 03:21
02. In Eternum 09:01
03. El amor brujo 05:51
04. Tu funeral 05:17
05. Ciudad esmeralda 04:37
06. Tequila mucho por vivir 03:49
07. Te traere el horizonte 04:48
08. Opera Mortis (O mio babino caro / Nessum dorma version) 02:42
09. La cantiga de las brujas 05:54
10. Espera en el cielo 05:51
Disc 2:
01. Opus Tenebrae 00:57
02. Suspiria 04:07
03. Y que nunca te falte un "te quiero" 03:47
04. Bajo mi piel 04:31
05. Jimmy "tiro en el pie" 05:08
06. Infinitum (Trine 2 OST cover) 04:15
07. El septimo sello 04:09
08. Ira Dei (Apocalipsis) 18:01
01. Jerusalem D.C. 03:21
02. In Eternum 09:01
03. El amor brujo 05:51
04. Tu funeral 05:17
05. Ciudad esmeralda 04:37
06. Tequila mucho por vivir 03:49
07. Te traere el horizonte 04:48
08. Opera Mortis (O mio babino caro / Nessum dorma version) 02:42
09. La cantiga de las brujas 05:54
10. Espera en el cielo 05:51
Disc 2:
01. Opus Tenebrae 00:57
02. Suspiria 04:07
03. Y que nunca te falte un "te quiero" 03:47
04. Bajo mi piel 04:31
05. Jimmy "tiro en el pie" 05:08
06. Infinitum (Trine 2 OST cover) 04:15
07. El septimo sello 04:09
08. Ira Dei (Apocalipsis) 18:01
Views: 2738
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7 March 19, 17:38
Artist: Led Zeppelin
Album: The Greatest Hits
Year: 2019
Style: Blues Rock, Hard Rock, Folk Rock
Country: UK
Album: The Greatest Hits
Year: 2019
Style: Blues Rock, Hard Rock, Folk Rock
Country: UK
01. Whole Lotta Love
02. Since I've Been Loving You
03. Black Dog
04. Rock And Roll
05. The Song Remains The Same
06. Living Loving Maid (She's Just A Woman)
07. No Quarter
08. Black Country Woman
09. Ramble On
10. When The Levee Breaks
11. Bring It On Home
12. Bron-Y-Aur Stomp
13. Communication Breakdown
14. Boogie With Stu
15. Kashmir
16. Gallows Pole
17. D'Yer Mak'er
18. All My Love
19. Trampled Under Foot
20. Out on the Tiles
21. Misty Mountain Hop
22. Heartbreaker
23. Carouselambra
24. Walter's Walk
25. Thank You
26. Stairway To Heaven
27. Hot Dog
28. Dazed And Confused
29. The Lemon Song
30. Over The Hills And Far Away
31. In My Time of Dying
32. Fool In The Rain
33. Celebration Day
34. What Is And What Should Never Be
35. The Rover
36. South Bound Saurez
37. Good Times Bad Times
38. Friends
39. Babe I'm Gonna Leave You
40. Immigrant Song
41. In The Evening
02. Since I've Been Loving You
03. Black Dog
04. Rock And Roll
05. The Song Remains The Same
06. Living Loving Maid (She's Just A Woman)
07. No Quarter
08. Black Country Woman
09. Ramble On
10. When The Levee Breaks
11. Bring It On Home
12. Bron-Y-Aur Stomp
13. Communication Breakdown
14. Boogie With Stu
15. Kashmir
16. Gallows Pole
17. D'Yer Mak'er
18. All My Love
19. Trampled Under Foot
20. Out on the Tiles
21. Misty Mountain Hop
22. Heartbreaker
23. Carouselambra
24. Walter's Walk
25. Thank You
26. Stairway To Heaven
27. Hot Dog
28. Dazed And Confused
29. The Lemon Song
30. Over The Hills And Far Away
31. In My Time of Dying
32. Fool In The Rain
33. Celebration Day
34. What Is And What Should Never Be
35. The Rover
36. South Bound Saurez
37. Good Times Bad Times
38. Friends
39. Babe I'm Gonna Leave You
40. Immigrant Song
41. In The Evening
Views: 2539
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28 February 19, 12:18
Artist: Imperia
Album: Flames of Eternity
Year: 2019
Style: Symphonic Metal
Country: Netherlands
Album: Flames of Eternity
Year: 2019
Style: Symphonic Metal
Country: Netherlands
01. The Scarred Soul 05:31
02. Fear Is an Illusion 04:57
03. Unspoken Words 04:12
04. Book of Love 04:47
05. Blinded 03:39
06. Invisible Tears 07:40
07. Otherside 05:16
08. Beauty Within 04:11
09. My Guardian Angel 05:20
10. The Ocean 05:57
11. A Crying Heart 04:21
12. Mother (piano version) 03:00
02. Fear Is an Illusion 04:57
03. Unspoken Words 04:12
04. Book of Love 04:47
05. Blinded 03:39
06. Invisible Tears 07:40
07. Otherside 05:16
08. Beauty Within 04:11
09. My Guardian Angel 05:20
10. The Ocean 05:57
11. A Crying Heart 04:21
12. Mother (piano version) 03:00
Views: 2291
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15 February 19, 10:19
Artist: VA
Album: Country Rocks
Year: 2018
Style: Country, Country Rock, Folk Rock
Country: Various
Album: Country Rocks
Year: 2018
Style: Country, Country Rock, Folk Rock
Country: Various
01. Chad Brock - Park the Pickup (Kiss the Girl)
02. Kid Rock - Redneck Paradise
03. Michael Ray - Livin' It Up
04. Whitney Duncan - Tulsa Time
05. Georgia Middleman - Kick Down the Door
06. Confederate Railroad - I Hate Rap
07. John Anderson - A Little Rock 'N' Roll (And Some Country Blues)
08. Big & Rich - Party Like Cowboyz
09. Cowboy Troy - Paranoid Like Me ('Tis the Season of Discontent)
10. Southern Pacific - Pink Cadillac
11. Trick Pony - All My Rowdy Friends Are Coming Over Tonight
12. Nitty Gritty Dirt Band - Cadillac Ranch
13. Angela Hacker - Love Me Wild
14. Shannon Brown - Corn Fed (Radio Edit)
15. Steve Earle - Warrior
16. Chris Cummings - Hammer and Nail
17. John Michael Montgomery - Kick It Up
18. Travis Tritt - T-R-O-U-B-L-E
19. James Otto - Drink and Dial
20. Dusty Drake - Too Wet to Plow
21. Anita Cochran - Let the Guitar Do the Talkin'
22. John Rich - You Rock Me
23. The Dirt Drifters - Married Men and Motel Rooms
24. Neal McCoy - Mudslide
25. Chad Austin - Bruce Is Cuttin' Loose
26. The JaneDear Girls - Sugar
27. Karen Staley - Breakin' All the Rules
28. Old 97's - Beer Cans
29. Johnny Lee - Rock 'N' Roll Money
30. Clay Walker - Boogie till the Cows Come Home
02. Kid Rock - Redneck Paradise
03. Michael Ray - Livin' It Up
04. Whitney Duncan - Tulsa Time
05. Georgia Middleman - Kick Down the Door
06. Confederate Railroad - I Hate Rap
07. John Anderson - A Little Rock 'N' Roll (And Some Country Blues)
08. Big & Rich - Party Like Cowboyz
09. Cowboy Troy - Paranoid Like Me ('Tis the Season of Discontent)
10. Southern Pacific - Pink Cadillac
11. Trick Pony - All My Rowdy Friends Are Coming Over Tonight
12. Nitty Gritty Dirt Band - Cadillac Ranch
13. Angela Hacker - Love Me Wild
14. Shannon Brown - Corn Fed (Radio Edit)
15. Steve Earle - Warrior
16. Chris Cummings - Hammer and Nail
17. John Michael Montgomery - Kick It Up
18. Travis Tritt - T-R-O-U-B-L-E
19. James Otto - Drink and Dial
20. Dusty Drake - Too Wet to Plow
21. Anita Cochran - Let the Guitar Do the Talkin'
22. John Rich - You Rock Me
23. The Dirt Drifters - Married Men and Motel Rooms
24. Neal McCoy - Mudslide
25. Chad Austin - Bruce Is Cuttin' Loose
26. The JaneDear Girls - Sugar
27. Karen Staley - Breakin' All the Rules
28. Old 97's - Beer Cans
29. Johnny Lee - Rock 'N' Roll Money
30. Clay Walker - Boogie till the Cows Come Home
Views: 2441
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8 February 19, 03:07
Artist: VA
Album: No More Tears: A Tribute To Ozzy Osbourne
Year: 2018
Style: Hard Rock / Heavy Metal
Country: Various
Album: No More Tears: A Tribute To Ozzy Osbourne
Year: 2018
Style: Hard Rock / Heavy Metal
Country: Various
01. Leaving Eden - War Pigs
02. Fierce Atmospheres - After Forver
03. Through the Stone - Wicked World
04. Critical Solution - Iron Man
05. Dawn of the Final Day - Sweet Leaf
06. Dirty Rose - Supernaut
07. Cornivus - Snowblind
08. Stalwart - Under the Sun
09. Bugsy Parker - Children of the Grave
10. In His Blood - Electric Funeral
11. High Voltage - Into the Void
12. React - Symptom of the Universe
13. KingShifter - Hole in the Sky
14. Fierce Atmospheres - A National Acrobat
15. Doom Dogs - N.I.B.
16. Erling Solem - The Wizard
17. Shane Doss - Planet Caravan
18. One Inch Giant - Sabbath Medley
01. Keri Kelli, Richard Kendrick, Tattoo Frank - Crazy Train
02. Devil (Norway) - Mr. Crowley
03. Metalhorse - Steal Away (the Night)
04. Drawzznikk - Revelation (Mother Earth) II
05. Santagata - Suicide Solution
06. Derrick LeFevre, Richard Kendrick, Chris Poland - Goodbye to Romance
07. Takara - Little Dolls
08. Mr. Thumb - S.A.T.O.
09. Bugsy Parker - I Don't Know
10. Matanuska - Killing Yourself to Live
11. Quatermoc - Flying High Again
12. Richard Kendrick - Diary of a Madman
13. Dennis Deen, Richard Kendrick - Dee + Believer
14. Snakeskyn Whiskey - Rock N Roll Rebel
15. W.A.N.T.E.D. - Centre Of Eternity
16. Ravage - Bloodbath in Paradise
17. Riffuz - Spiders in the Night
18. Attica Rage - Killer of Giants
19. Kinoath - Shot in the Dark
20. Shadowgod - The Ultimate Sin
21. The Madeleine Haze - Miracle Man I
01. Kinoath - Tattooed Dancer
02. Just One Fix - Breaking All The Rules
03. Nasty Reputation - Demon Alcohol
04. Matvey - Hero
05. Slant - No More Tears
06. Stiletto Ghetto - Tomorrow
07. Cry Havoc - Mr. Tinkertrain
08. Ozzmosis - Perry Mason
09. Stonedirt - Mr. Jekyll Doesn't Hide
10. A New Decree - Whole World's Falling Down
11. AL Solo, Manuri - I Just Want You
12. Black Iris - Gets Me Through
13. All But Impossible - I Don't Wanna Stop
14. Sage 4 - Trap Door
15. Critical Solution - Let it Die
16. Annihilation - Diggin' Me Down
17. Trelleborg - Let Me Hear You Scream
01. Leaving Eden - War Pigs
02. Fierce Atmospheres - After Forver
03. Through the Stone - Wicked World
04. Critical Solution - Iron Man
05. Dawn of the Final Day - Sweet Leaf
06. Dirty Rose - Supernaut
07. Cornivus - Snowblind
08. Stalwart - Under the Sun
09. Bugsy Parker - Children of the Grave
10. In His Blood - Electric Funeral
11. High Voltage - Into the Void
12. React - Symptom of the Universe
13. KingShifter - Hole in the Sky
14. Fierce Atmospheres - A National Acrobat
15. Doom Dogs - N.I.B.
16. Erling Solem - The Wizard
17. Shane Doss - Planet Caravan
18. One Inch Giant - Sabbath Medley
01. Keri Kelli, Richard Kendrick, Tattoo Frank - Crazy Train
02. Devil (Norway) - Mr. Crowley
03. Metalhorse - Steal Away (the Night)
04. Drawzznikk - Revelation (Mother Earth) II
05. Santagata - Suicide Solution
06. Derrick LeFevre, Richard Kendrick, Chris Poland - Goodbye to Romance
07. Takara - Little Dolls
08. Mr. Thumb - S.A.T.O.
09. Bugsy Parker - I Don't Know
10. Matanuska - Killing Yourself to Live
11. Quatermoc - Flying High Again
12. Richard Kendrick - Diary of a Madman
13. Dennis Deen, Richard Kendrick - Dee + Believer
14. Snakeskyn Whiskey - Rock N Roll Rebel
15. W.A.N.T.E.D. - Centre Of Eternity
16. Ravage - Bloodbath in Paradise
17. Riffuz - Spiders in the Night
18. Attica Rage - Killer of Giants
19. Kinoath - Shot in the Dark
20. Shadowgod - The Ultimate Sin
21. The Madeleine Haze - Miracle Man I
01. Kinoath - Tattooed Dancer
02. Just One Fix - Breaking All The Rules
03. Nasty Reputation - Demon Alcohol
04. Matvey - Hero
05. Slant - No More Tears
06. Stiletto Ghetto - Tomorrow
07. Cry Havoc - Mr. Tinkertrain
08. Ozzmosis - Perry Mason
09. Stonedirt - Mr. Jekyll Doesn't Hide
10. A New Decree - Whole World's Falling Down
11. AL Solo, Manuri - I Just Want You
12. Black Iris - Gets Me Through
13. All But Impossible - I Don't Wanna Stop
14. Sage 4 - Trap Door
15. Critical Solution - Let it Die
16. Annihilation - Diggin' Me Down
17. Trelleborg - Let Me Hear You Scream
Views: 3410
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3 February 19, 23:38
Artist: Within Temptation
Album: Resist [Deluxe Edition]
Year: 2019
Style: Symphonic Metal
Country: Netherlands
Album: Resist [Deluxe Edition]
Year: 2019
Style: Symphonic Metal
Country: Netherlands
01. The Reckoning (feat. Jacoby Shaddix of Papa Roach) (4:11)
02. Endless War (04:09)
03. Raise Your Banner (feat. Anders Friden of In Flames) (5:34)
04. Supernova (5:35)
05. Holy Ground (4:10)
06. In Vain (4:25)
07. Firelight (feat. Jasper Steverlinck) (4:47)
08. Mad World (4:57)
09. Mercy Mirror (3:49)
10. Trophy Hunter (5:51)
11. Raise Your Banner (feat. Anders Friden of In Flames) [Single Edit] (3:32)
12. Endless War (Single Edit) (3:42)
13. Firelight (feat. Jasper Steverlinck) [Single Edit] (3:50)
14. Mad World (Single Edit) (3:38)
15. Supernova (Single Edit) (3:34)
16. The Reckoning (Instrumental) (4:11)
17. Endless War (Instrumental) (4:09)
18. Raise Your Banner (Instrumental) (5:33)
19. Supernova (Instrumental) (5:33)
20. Holy Ground (Instrumental) (4:08)
21. In Vain (Instrumental) (4:25)
22. Firelight (Instrumental) (4:47)
23. Mad World (Instrumental) (4:57)
24. Mercy Mirror (Instrumental) (3:48)
25. Trophy Hunter (Instrumental) (5:52)
02. Endless War (04:09)
03. Raise Your Banner (feat. Anders Friden of In Flames) (5:34)
04. Supernova (5:35)
05. Holy Ground (4:10)
06. In Vain (4:25)
07. Firelight (feat. Jasper Steverlinck) (4:47)
08. Mad World (4:57)
09. Mercy Mirror (3:49)
10. Trophy Hunter (5:51)
11. Raise Your Banner (feat. Anders Friden of In Flames) [Single Edit] (3:32)
12. Endless War (Single Edit) (3:42)
13. Firelight (feat. Jasper Steverlinck) [Single Edit] (3:50)
14. Mad World (Single Edit) (3:38)
15. Supernova (Single Edit) (3:34)
16. The Reckoning (Instrumental) (4:11)
17. Endless War (Instrumental) (4:09)
18. Raise Your Banner (Instrumental) (5:33)
19. Supernova (Instrumental) (5:33)
20. Holy Ground (Instrumental) (4:08)
21. In Vain (Instrumental) (4:25)
22. Firelight (Instrumental) (4:47)
23. Mad World (Instrumental) (4:57)
24. Mercy Mirror (Instrumental) (3:48)
25. Trophy Hunter (Instrumental) (5:52)
Views: 2302
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