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3 April 10, 15:22
Alastis - Uniti (2001)
Artist: Alastis
Album: Uniti
Year: 2001
Style: Dark Metal
Country: Швейцария
01. The Right To Die
02. The Elect
03. The Sign
04. Another God
05. Who Created The Gods?
06. Ghastly Fancies
07. Existence
08. Antidote
09. To The Root Of Evil
10. ...And Death Smiled
3 April 10, 03:50
%D0%A0%D0%BE%D0%B3%D0%B0%D1%82%D1%8B%D0%B5+%D0%A2%D1%80%D1%83%D0%BF%D0%BE%D0%B5%D0%B4%D1%8B - Circvs+Ov+Sins%3A+Enter+The+Vices (2009)
Artist: Рогатые Трупоеды
Album: Circvs Ov Sins: Enter The Vices
Year: 2009
Style: Death Metal
Country: Россия
1. Welcome to the Show (intro)
2. SnakeLust (похоть)
3. Сахарная смерть (обжорство)
4. Лень и пламя (леность)
5. Твой маленький сейф... (алчность)
6. Die, Die, Bitch! (зависть)
7. Death by the Thread (гордыня)
8. Jungle Revenge (гнев)
9. Grand Finale (outro)
2 April 10, 22:32
Tracktor+Bowling+ - +Tracktor+Bowling (2010)
Artist: Tracktor Bowling
Album: Tracktor Bowling
Year: 2010
Style: Alternative | Female Vocal
Country: Россия
1. Intro
2. Ничья
3. Правда
4. Мы
5. Time Theme
6. Время
7. Ни шагу Назад
8. Ради Чего
9. Heart Theme
10. Сердце
11. Heart Instrumental
12. Rock
13. Memory Theme
14. Я Помню
15. Scars Theme
16. Шрамы
17. Outro
18. Мы (Bro version)
19. Мы (Karaoke version)
2 April 10, 22:20
+%D0%AD%D0%BF%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BC%D0%B8%D1%8F+ - %D0%94%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%B3%D0%B0+%D0%94%D0%BE%D0%BC%D0%BE%D0%B9 (2010)
Artist: Эпидемия
Album: Дорога Домой
Year: 2010
Style: Heavy/Power metal
Country: Россия
1. Последний Рассвет
2. Время Выбора
3. Беззвёздная Ночь
4. В Дюйме От Паденья
5. Дорога Домой
6. Страна Забвения
7. Сумеречный Ангел
8. В Этом Сне
9. Не Остановить Мечту
10. Взошла Луна
11. Встречный Ветер (инстр.)
12. Феникс
13. Вернись
2 April 10, 22:07
+Alastis - The+other+side (1997)
Artist: Alastis
Album: The other side
Year: 1997
Style: Dark Metal
Country: Швейцария
01. In Darkness
02. Never Again
03. The Other Side
04. Out Of Time
05. Remind
06. Through The Chaos
07. Fight And Win
08. Slaves Of Rot
09. Under The Sign
10. End Or Beginning?
2 April 10, 22:07
Sevendust+ - +Cold+Day+Memory+ (2010)
Artist: Sevendust
Album: Cold Day Memory
Year: 2010
Style: Alternative Metal
Country: USA
1. Splinter
2. Forever Dead
3. Unraveling
4. Last Breath
5. Karma
6. Ride Insane
7. Confessions (Without Faith)
8. Nowhere
9. Here And Now
10. The End Is Coming
11. Strong Arm Broken
2 April 10, 22:03
Agalloch - The+White+%28EP%29 (2008)
Artist: Agalloch
Album: The White (EP)
Year: 2008
Style: Atmospheric Doom/Dark Metal
Country: USA

01. The Isle Of Summer
02. Birch Black
03. Hollow Stone
04. Pantheist
05. Birch White
06. Sowilo Rune
07. Summerisle Reprise
2 April 10, 21:59
Agalloch - Ashes+Against+the+Grain (2006)
Artist: Agalloch
Album: Ashes Against the Grain
Year: 2006
Style: Atmospheric Dark Metal
1. Limbs
2. Falling Snow
3. This White Mountain on Which You Will Die
4. Fire Above, Ice Below
5. Not Unlike the Waves
6. Our Fortress Is Burning... I
7. Our Fortress Is Burning... II
8. Our Fortress Is Burning... III
2 April 10, 21:56
Agalloch - The+Mantle (2002)
Artist: Agalloch
Album: The Mantle
Year: 2002
Style: Atmospheric Doom/Dark Metal
Country: USA
01. A Celebration For The Death Of Man...
02. In The Shadow Of Our Pale Companion
03. Odal
04. I Am The Wooden Doors
05. The Lodge
06. You Were But A Ghost In My Arms
07. The Hawthorne Passage
08. ...And The Great Cold Death Of The Earth
09. A Desolation Song
2 April 10, 21:53
Nox+Aurea - Via+Gnosis (2009)
Artist: Nox Aurea
Album: Via Gnosis
Year: 2009
Style: Gothic Doom/Death Metal
Country: Sweden (Gothenburg, Vastra Gotalands lan)

01. Opus Draconus.[01:56]
02. the Funeral of All.[10:18]
03. Suffer.[07:50]
04. Odium Divinum.[11:12]
05. Nights in Solitude.[02:19]
06. Distant Stars.[10:07]
07. Last Amongst Earth and Sky.[09:01]
08. Mother Alethia.[12:32]
09. Via Gnosis.[06:27]
2 April 10, 21:51
+Evadne - The+13th+Condition (2007)
Artist: Evadne
Album: The 13th Condition
Year: 2007
Style: Doom/gothic metal
Country: Spain (Valencia)
1. Intro [01:59]
2. No One Of Them [06:21]
3. Awaiting [08:44]
4. Follow In The Loveless [08:34]
5. A Decadent Puppet [07:50]
6. Wounds That Time Is Unable To Close [08:10]
7. Los Temps e Loch [03:17]
8. I Will Place Them [08:09]
9. Torn Cry [06:06]

Current line-up:
Jose: Bass
Josan: Guitars
Albert: Vocals
Fernando: Guitars
Rafa: Drums
Ethenmar: Keyboards (Deepain, 666 (Esp), Carrioned)

Guest musician:
Lady Nott (Narsilion) in vocals and violin
2 April 10, 12:19
Nickelback+ - No+Respect+ (2010)
Artist: Nickelback
Album: No Respect
Year: 2010
Style: Post-Grunge
Country: Канада

01 - Animals
02 - Pusher
03 - Feelin' Way Too Damn Good
04 - In front of me
05 - Fly
06 - Should've Listened
07 - Another Hole In The Head
08 - Good Times Gone
09 - Someone That You're With
10 - Rockstar
11 - See You At The Show
12 - Saturday Night's Alright (For Fighting)
2 April 10, 12:03
%D0%A5%D0%B0%D1%80%D0%B8%D0%B7%D0%BC%D0%90 - +%D0%9E%D1%82%D0%BA%D0%BB%D1%8E%D1%87%D0%B8%D1%81%D1%8C+%D0%BE%D1%82+%D0%A1%D0%B5%D1%82%D0%B8 (2010)
Artist: ХаризмА
Album: Отключись от Сети
Year: 2010
Style: Heavy Metal
Country: Россия

01. Император (5:55)
02. Отключись от Сети (5:12)
03. Чужой (5:43)
04. Пентагор (6:29)
2 April 10, 11:42
Megadeth+ - Endgame+ (2010)
Artist: Megadeth
Album: Endgame
Year: 2010
Style: Trash Heavy Metal
Country: USA
01. Dialectic Chaos
02. This Day We Fight!
03. 44 Minutes
04. 1,320'
05. Bite The Hand That Feeds
06. Bodies Left Behind
07. Endgame
08. The Hardest Part Of Letting Go... Sealed With A Kiss
09. Head Crusher
10. How the Story Ends
11. The Right To Go Insane
12. Washington Is Next! (Live)
1 April 10, 21:26
Aerosmith+ - Get+A+Grip+ (2010)
Artist: Aerosmith
Album: Get A Grip
Year: 2010
Style: Hard Rock
Country: USA
02-Eat The Rich
03-Get A Grip
05-Livin On The Edge
07-Walk On Down
08-Shu Up And Dance
10-Gotta Love It
12-Line Up
13-Can't Stop Messin
15-Boogie Man
31 March 10, 23:30
Holy+Dragons+ - +Zerstorer (2010)
Artist: Holy Dragons
Album: Zerstorer
Year: 2010
Style: Heavy/Power metal
Country: Казахстан
01. Doomsday Angels
02. The Man who Saved the World / Crush of Chrome Dome
03. Project A119
04. M.A.D. Mutual Assured Destruction / AN602 – Wind of Hate
05. Сuban Crisis
06. F.R.A.G.I.L.E.
07. NORAD Alert
08. The Day After
09. HL7442
10. Able Archer 83 – DEFCON 1 / Zerstörer
31 March 10, 22:41
%D0%A0%D0%B0%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%B0%D1%82+ - +%D0%9E%D0%B3%D0%BD%D0%B8+%D0%94%D1%80%D1%83%D0%B3%D0%BE%D0%B9+%D0%A0%D0%B5%D0%B0%D0%BB%D1%8C%D0%BD%D0%BE%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B8+ (2010)
Artist: Раскат
Album: Огни Другой Реальности
Year: 2010
Style: Death Metal / Thrash Metal
Country: Россия
01. Intro
02. Master Of The Dead
03. Современный Инквизитор
04. Path To Eternity
05. Imitating Of Life
06. Правды Свет
07. Six Feet Under After Dawn
08. Но В Душе Твоей Мрак
09. Рву Вены
10. Умереть Одному
31 March 10, 22:01
%D0%A1%D0%BE%D0%BA%D0%B8%D1%80%D0%B0+%D0%9F%D0%B5%D1%80%D1%83%D0%BD%D0%B0+ - Invictus+ (2010)
Artist: Сокира Перуна
Album: Invictus
Year: 2010
Style: Pagan/Trash metal
Country: Ukraine
01. Січ (Sich) (5:05)
02. Punch distance (4:58)
03. Black shepherd (3:16 )
04. True till death (2:58)
05. Останній бунт (Last riot) (3:35)
06. Bars (3:29)
07. Відчуй силу (Feel the power) (3:21)
08. Ні толерантності (No tolerance) (4:17)
09. Invictus (2:56)
10. Байда (Baida) (4:03)
11. Братья в Вальхалле (Brothers in Valhalla) (4:40)
12. Відстань удару (Punch distance) (bonus) (4:39)
13. True till death (bonus) (2:58)
14. Грати (Bars) (bonus) (3:28)
15. Invictus (bonus) (2:53)
31 March 10, 17:14
Lethian+Dreams - Bleak+Silver+Streams (2009)
Artist: Lethian Dreams
Album: Bleak Silver Streams
Year: 2009
Style: Gothic Doom Metal
Country: France
1. Elusive 09:09
2. In Seclusion 08:12
3. Under Her Wings 09:17
4. Requiem 08:03
5. Severance 09:15
6. For A Brighter Death 09:55

Carlos D'Agua - Vocals (2005-) (Before the Rain, Evisceration (Prt), Sculpture (Prt))
Matthieu "Lethe" Sachs - Vocals, Guitar (2002- ) (Remembrance (Fra), Semper Dolens, In Somnis)
Carline "Kyrinla" Van Roos - Female Vocals, Guitar, Keyboard (2002- ) (Remembrance (Fra), Dahlia's Tear, In Somnis, Aythis)
Eowyn - Bass (2006- ) (Lux Incerta, AlysS)
Antoine - Drums (2006- )

Альбом включает 4 трека из Promo "Requiem For My Soul, Eternal Rest For My Heart" и 2 новых трека "Requiem" и "Severance".
31 March 10, 17:10
Lacuna+Coil - Shallow+Life (2009)
Artist: Lacuna Coil
Album: Shallow Life
Year: 2009
Style: Gothic Metal
Country: Italy
01. Survive
02. I Won't Tell You
03. Not Enough
04. I'm Not Afraid
05. I Like It
06. Underdog
07. The Pain
08. Spellbound
09. Wide Awake
10. The Maze
11. Unchained
12. Shallow Life
31 March 10, 17:05
ETERNAL+TEARS+OF+SORROW - Children+Of+The+Dark+Waters+%28Ltd.Edt.%29 (2009)
Album: Children Of The Dark Waters (Ltd.Edt.)
Year: 2009
Style: Melodic Black/Death Metal
Country: Finland
01. Angelheart, Ravenheart (Act II: Children Of The Dark Waters)
02. Baptized By The Blood Of Angels
03. Tears Of Autumn Rain
04. Summon The Wild
05. Sea Of Whispers
06. Midnight Bird
07. Diary Of Demonic Dreams
08. When The Darkest Night Falls
09. Nocturne Thule
10. Sea Of Whispers (Acoustic Reprise) [European Digipack bonus]
11. Vilda Mánnu [Japanese bonus]
12. Sea Of Whispers (Karaoke Version) [Japanese bonus]
31 March 10, 17:01
Aythis - Glacia (2009)
Artist: Aythis
Album: Glacia
Year: 2009
Style: Ethereal/Funeral Ambient/Neoclassical
Country: France
01. The Violet
02. Le Temps d'un Voyage
03. Autan Noir
04. Glacia
05. Forget Me Not
06. Moonlit Path

Carline Van Roos - Everything (Lethian Dreams, Remembrance, In Somnis, Dahlia's Tear)
31 March 10, 09:07
The+Decapitated+Midgets+ - +30+Ways+To+Die (2009)
Artist: The Decapitated Midgets
Album: 30 Ways To Die
Year: 2009
Style: Death Metal
Country: Finland
01. Maggots Devouring Your Innards
02. Compressive Asphyxia
03. Lethal Liver Failure
04. Splattered in a Car Crash
05. Pathologist Slices Your Festering Corpse During Your Very Own Autopsy
06. Explosive Menstruation
07. Boiled Alive in Your Own Piss
08. Brainburger with Slashed Fingers
09. Kidney Tumour, Bloody Piss and Death
10. Kidnapped, Killed, Gutted and Cooked
11. Executed In The Electric Chair... The Smell Of Flesh
12. Fermented Bile Cocktail
13. Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
14. Unexpected Brain Haemorrhage
15. Seven Days
16. Slowly Sliced with a Dull Blade
17. Dramatic Decapitation and Gore Shower
18. Malignant Neoplasm
19. Forced Giblet Gurgling
20. Bloody Rectum/Bloody Diorrhea
21. Human Haggis
22. Human Head on a Cannibal's Plate
23. Cannibalized in a Big City
24. Gore-Tex Killer
25. Guts in Tea
26. Mutilated in the Toilet
27. Hang Himself with His Own Veins
28. Blowing Implants
29. Eaten Alive by the Rats in the Sewers
30. Fallen from the 34th Floor, Splattered to the Ground
30 March 10, 23:57
Elffor+ - +Frostbitten+Pain (2010)
Artist: Elffor
Album: Frostbitten Pain
Year: 2010
Style: Symphonic Black Metal/Ambient
Country: Spain
1. A Cold Funereal Breeze (9:55)
2. Instinct's Enslavement (9:20)
3. Ancestral Spirit (10:56)
4. Chaos Moon (8:19)
5. Icewind (8:01)
27 March 10, 23:37
%D0%9F%D0%B8%D0%BB%D0%B8%D0%B3%D1%80%D0%B8%D0%BC+ - +7.62+ (2010)
Artist: Пилигрим
Album: 7.62
Year: 2010
Style: Heavy/Power metal
Country: Россия
01. ИНТРО (муз. Ю.Плеханов)
02. БОЙНЯ (муз.А.Страйк, сл. Н.Кокорева)
03. В ОДНОМ СТРОЮ (муз. А.Страйк Ю.Плеханов, сл. А.Страйк)
04. МОЯ СТИХИЯ (муз. А.Страйк, сл. А.Страйк, А.Ковалев
05. ПОВЕРЬ МНЕ (муз. А.Страйк, А.Карпухин, сл. Free`da)
06. НА СЕВЕР (муз. А.Страйк, сл. А.Страйк)
07. МДКН (муз. А.Страйк, А.Карпухин, Ю.Плеханов, сл. А.Ковалев)
08. МЕРТВАЯ ХВАТКА (муз. А.Страйк, сл. Н.Кокорева, А.Страйк)
09. КРЕСТ И МЕЧ (муз. А.Ковалев, сл. А.Ковалев)
10. ПЛЯСКА СМЕРТНЫХ (муз. А.Страйк, сл. А.Страйк)
11. СТЕРЕТЬ (муз. А.Страйк, сл. А.Страйк, А.Ковалев)
12. ГЛОТОК ОГНЯ (Полная версия) муз. А.Страйк, сл. А.Страйк, А.Лынник)
13. Я ДЕРЖУСЬ (муз. А.Страйк, сл. А.Страйк, А.Ковалев)
14. Бонус. БОГИ НЕБА (Cover) гр. ДОРОГИ ОСЕНИ (муз. А. Ковалев, сл. А.Ковалев)
27 March 10, 22:22
Burzum+ - Belus+ (2010)
Artist: Burzum
Album: Belus
Year: 2010
Style: Black Metal / Ambient
Country: Norway
1. Leukes Renkespill (Introduksjon) 00:32
2. Belus' Doed 06:13
3. Glemselens Elv 11:36
4. Kaimadalthas' Nedstigning 06:31
5. Sverddans 02:23
6. Keliohesten 05:35
7. Morgenroede 08:38
8. Belus' Tilbakekomst (Konklusjon) 09:10
27 March 10, 00:06
++Dark+Blue+World+ - The+Perilous+Beauty+Of+Madness+ (2010)
Artist: Dark Blue World
Album: The Perilous Beauty Of Madness
Year: 2010
Style: Psychedelic/Alternative Rock
Country: Canada
01. Demimonde
02. I Looked For You
03. Tracking The Detectives
04. On A Wire
05. The Luck Of The Draw
06. Drift away
07. Nothing's Ever
08. Falling Man
09. Give Me A Reason
10. This War
11. Somebody
26 March 10, 22:35
Jimi+Hendrix+ - Valleys+Of+Neptune+ (2010)
Artist: Jimi Hendrix
Album: Valleys Of Neptune
Year: 2010
Style: Classic Rock / Psychedelic Blues / Hard Rock
Country: USA
01 Stone Free 3:47
02 Valleys Of Neptune 4:04
03 Bleeding Heart 6:23
04 Hear My Train A Comin 7:32
05 Mr. Bad Luck 2:58
06 Sunshine Of Your Love 6:47
07 Lover Man 4:18
08 Ships Passing Through The Night 5:52
09 Fire 3:12
10 Red House 8:23
11 Lullaby For The Summer 3:49
12 Crying Blue Rain 4:57
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