| En
15 November 10, 18:02
Saddam SaddamHussein Hussein
Notifycations of Saddam
13 July 14, 13:46
User "GlobMetal News" wants to add user "Tears of Death" to friends list
21 July 11, 22:59
User "YUliya Marius" wants to add user "Aleksandr Evalle_Irdis" to friends list
21 July 11, 22:56
User "YUliya Marius" wants to add user "Tears of Death" to friends list
21 July 11, 22:55
User "YUliya Marius" wants to add user "Saddam SaddamHussein" to friends list
2 March 11, 23:08
User "Katrin ex-scythe" add comment for release: Nile - Those Whom The Gods Detest (2009) - Brutal, Death Metal Technical
14 February 11, 20:13
User "alek other" approved friend request from user "Tears of Death"
14 December 10, 13:06
User "We Must Die" wants to add user "Aleksandr Evalle_Irdis" to friends list
6 December 10, 03:07
User "Tears of Death" wants to add user "Sergey Dark Funeral" to friends list
24 November 10, 17:16
User "Tears of Death" approved friend request from user "V�tal�y Butscha"
22 November 10, 22:49
User "V�tal�y Butscha" wants to add user "Tears of Death" to friends list
22 November 10, 15:20
User "Tears of Death" approved friend request from user "Mihail Caleb"
5 November 10, 06:45
User "Mihail Caleb" wants to add user "Tears of Death" to friends list
1 November 10, 17:07
User "Aleksandr Evalle_Irdis" added new comment on wall of user "Dagon Doom Bringer"
23 October 10, 10:55
User "Rolf covenua" approved friend request from user "Tears of Death"
19 October 10, 11:19
User "Saddam SaddamHussein" approved friend request from user "Tears of Death"
19 October 10, 01:19
User "Dima Dominium" approved friend request from user "Tears of Death"
18 October 10, 12:43
User "Pavel zax13" approved friend request from user "Tears of Death"
17 October 10, 17:19
User "Petya AntiGod" approved friend request from user "Tears of Death"
17 October 10, 17:07
User "Tears of Death" wants to add user "Petya AntiGod" to friends list
17 October 10, 17:07
User "Tears of Death" remove user "Aleksandr Evalle_Irdis" from friends
17 October 10, 17:06
User "Tears of Death" wants to add user "Pavel zax13" to friends list
17 October 10, 17:05
User "Tears of Death" wants to add user "Rolf covenua" to friends list
17 October 10, 17:01
User "Tears of Death" wants to add user "alek other" to friends list
17 October 10, 17:01
User "Tears of Death" wants to add user "Dima Dominium" to friends list
17 October 10, 17:00
User "Tears of Death" wants to add user "Ivan Kashmar" to friends list
17 October 10, 17:00
User "Tears of Death" wants to add user "anger666 anger666" to friends list
17 October 10, 16:58
User "Tears of Death" wants to add user "Saddam SaddamHussein" to friends list