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27 July 10, 11:47
Malmort - MCDXXXI+-+MCDXL+%28EP%29 (2010)
Artist: Malmort
Year: 2010
Style: Black Metal
Country: Франция
1. Wrath of a Son
2. Drowned in Lake of Blood
3. Sword Under Furnace Bridge
5. Black Funeral (Mercyful Fate cover)
27 July 10, 11:25
Extirpation - Tormentor+Supreme+Black+Katharsis (2010)
Artist: Extirpation
Album: Tormentor Supreme Black Katharsis
Year: 2010
Style: Brutal Death
Country: Испания
1.Delightful Aberration Lead You Into Paradise Timeless Chaos 02:53
2.Domini Inferi Mephistopheles 03:50
3.Bottomless Abyss 04:14
4.Devilish Luciferius Oath 04:50
5.Tormentor Supreme Black Katharsis 05:19
6.Garailari Nuklear Birrintzaile 04:39
7.Oneiric Communion Wrathfull of Khaosophy 05:13
25 July 10, 19:43
Spuolus - Behind+the+Event+Horizon (2010)
Artist: Spuolus
Album: Behind the Event Horizon
Year: 2010
Style: Atmospheric Black, Doom Metal
1. I stand Nowhere 18:51
2. Your Defencelessness 18:29
3. The last Vanishing 14:24
4. Arcane Annihilation 07:14
25 July 10, 19:41
The+Funeral+Pyre - Vultures+at+Dawn (2010)
Artist: The Funeral Pyre
Album: Vultures at Dawn
Year: 2010
Style: Black Metal, Melodic Death
Country: США
1. Vultures 4:24
2. Destroying Gods 5:39
3. Monolith 5:39
4. Blistered Hands 4:11
5. Personal Exile 3:51
6. Seeking Flesh and Bone 3:14
7. To Watch the Earth Rot 2:19
8. Clarity of Time 5:21
23 July 10, 01:05
Darkseed - Poison+Awaits (2010)
Artist: Darkseed
Album: Poison Awaits
Year: 2010
Style: Industrial / Doom / Gothic Metal
Country: Germany
1. Roads
2. Incinerate
3. Poison Awaits
4. Seeds Of Sorrow
5. All Is Vanity
6. Black Throne
7. A Dual Pact
8. Torn To Shatters
9. No Promise In The Heavens
10. Striving For Fire
11. Timeless Skies
12. King In The Sun
20 July 10, 10:41
Painted+Black - Cold+Comfort (2010)
Artist: Painted Black
Album: Cold Comfort
Year: 2010
Style: Death Metal, Progressive Doom
Country: Португалия
1. Via Dolorosa
2. ShadowBound
3. The End Of Tides
4. Absent Heart
5. Cold Comfort (Release)
6. Winter (Storm)
7. The Rain In June (Out Of Season)
8. Inevitability
19 July 10, 01:05
PostNecrum - Estruendo+De+Legiones (2007)
Artist: PostNecrum
Album: Estruendo De Legiones
Year: 2007
Style: Melodic Black
01.- Intro
02.- K'in Ich Ahau
03.- Resurrección
04.- La Batalla Final
05.- Estruendo De Legiones
06.- Katum
07.- La Guerra Ha Comenzado
08.- A Través De Las Llamas
09.- Sacrificio
10.- Necrofília
19 July 10, 01:02
Walquiria - Our+Blood+Now+Is+Eternal (2008)
Artist: Walquiria
Album: Our Blood Now Is Eternal
Year: 2008
Style: Black Metal
01.- Prolog
02.- Our Blood Now Is Eternal
03.- Bloodylands
04.- Cantabric Nights
05.- From The Iberian Sky
06.- 1548
07.- Dont Be Afraid To Die
08.- Dark Lands
09.- Under The White Full Moonlight
10.- Outro
19 July 10, 00:51
Sacrilego - Sodomizando+Virgenes+%28Demo%29 (2008)
Artist: Sacrilego
Album: Sodomizando Virgenes (Demo)
Year: 2008
Style: Black Metal, Death Metal
01.- Persiguiendo Perras
02.- Sodomizando Vírgenes
03.- Sacrílego - Tortura Sexual
04.- Posesión Demoniaca
05.- Pactus Diabolicum Satanis
18 July 10, 23:40
Mal+Etre - Torment (2010)
Artist: Mal Etre
Album: Torment
Year: 2010
Style: Atmospheric Black, Ambient
1. Vie Impure 09:59
2. Forest 03:07
3. My Funeral 10:42
4. Unblessed Beings 08:04
5. Sad Day 03:32
6. Son Ame Saigne 09:25
7. October Falls 04:38
14 July 10, 09:49
Hell%E2%80%99s+Thrash+Horsemen - Going+Sane (2010)
Artist: Hell’s Thrash Horsemen
Album: Going Sane
Year: 2010
Style: Thrash Metal
Country: Россия
01. Injection (Intro) 1:20
02. Black Label 3:10
03. My Last Resort 4:15
04. Global Genocide 3:00
05. Stop The Corruption 0:25
06. Razor’s Edge 4:20
07. Nuclear Attack 3:31
08. Death Sentence 3:20
09. Rifle Shots 4:22
10. Abomination 2:28
11. True Lies 3:35
12. Kill Fucking Bitch 1:43
14 July 10, 04:53
Einfall - The+Art+To+Enslave (2009)
Artist: Einfall
Album: The Art To Enslave
Year: 2009
Style: Black Metal
Country: Россия
01. Intro 01:23
02. Enslavement 04:02
03. Mean Light 03:39
04. Sacred Legacy 03:14
05. Evil (Lying Truth) 03:43
06. The Lost Essence 02:56
07. Wormy Cage Of Elysium 03:43
08. The Coming Of Time In Darkness 04:06
09. Fight For The Inner Life 03:40
10. Behind Horizon Of Mind 04:56
14 July 10, 04:44
Dark+Land - Paths+Of+The+Dead+%5BDemo%5D (2008)
Artist: Dark Land
Album: Paths Of The Dead [Demo]
Year: 2008
Style: Melodic Black
01.- Frozen Realm
02.- Twelve Demons [Version 2008]
03.- The Last Breath Of Lemuria [Version 2008]
04.- Paths Of The Dead
14 July 10, 04:28
%D0%A2%D1%8C%D0%BC%D0%B0 - %D0%98%D0%BC%D0%BC%D0%BE%D1%80%D1%82%D0%B0%D0%BB%D0%B8%D0%B7%D0%B0%D1%86%D0%B8%D1%8F+%D0%9E%D1%82%D1%80%D0%B5%D1%87%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%B8%D1%8F (2009)
Artist: Тьма
Album: Иммортализация Отречения
Year: 2009
Style: Raw Black Metal, Atmospheric Black
Country: Россия
1. Одиночество
2. Иммортализация
3. Грозовая Ночь
4. Быть Проклятым
5. Истина
6. Не Нужно Ничего
7. Ворон
8. Безысходность
9. Через Кровь
10. Во Имя Сатаны
11. Последний Закат
12. Cover Wintersun
13. И Снова Боль
14 July 10, 04:14
Against+My+Better+Judgement - Fate+Got+Black+%5BEP%5D (2010)
Artist: Against My Better Judgement
Album: Fate Got Black [EP]
Year: 2010
Style: Melodic Death
Country: Греция
2.Red flowers on white ground
3.Falling Veil
4.Forbidden tree
5.Fate got Black
12 July 10, 19:33
Krocht - Erfgoed+%5BPromo%5D+ (2008)
Artist: Krocht
Album: Erfgoed [Promo]
Year: 2008
Style: Black Metal
Country: Нидерланды
1.Wolkbreuk (intro)
2.Mir Nach
3.Het Verdronken Land
12 July 10, 19:04
Norinian - D.E.S.O.L.A.T.E.D.+%5BDemo%5D (2005)
Artist: Norinian
Album: D.E.S.O.L.A.T.E.D. [Demo]
Year: 2005
Style: Black Metal
Country: Нидерланды
2.The Sinner
12 July 10, 15:45
Verdunkeln - Verdunkeln (2005)
Artist: Verdunkeln
Album: Verdunkeln
Year: 2005
Style: Black Metal
Country: Германия
1. Intro - 02:48
2. Wechselbalg - 04:23
3. Blutrunst - 04:28
4. Einst war es mal... - 09:04
5. Erlkönigs Tochter - 04:12
6. Schwarze Fährte - 04:33
7. Trümmer - 06:04
8. Trolltraum - 08:08
12 July 10, 15:41
Malignant+Inception - Black+Death (1997)
Artist: Malignant Inception
Album: Black Death
Year: 1997
Style: Death Metal
Country: США
1.Surviving Off Humanity
4.Black Death Prt I - Mark of Malignance
5.Black Death Prt II - The Inception
6.Dictator Of Adolescence
7.Dreams Within Dreams
9.The Void
11.The Calling
12 July 10, 15:38
Movimento+Avanguardia+Ermetico - Stelle+Senza+Luce (2010)
Artist: Movimento Avanguardia Ermetico
Album: Stelle Senza Luce
Year: 2010
Style: Black Metal
Country: Италия
1. Decade di Isolamento e aristocratico distacco 09:18
2. Ritorno alle porte dell’essere 06:49
3. Spazi remoti di abissi interiori 11:42
4. Falchi d’acciaio oltre la nebbia 08:42
5. Qaundo l’Onore sfida l’infamia 04:27
12 July 10, 15:35
Blackspell - Visions+of+Gloom (2010)
Artist: Blackspell
Album: Visions of Gloom
Year: 2010
Style: Black Metal, Ambient
1. I Summon Cthulhu 04:00
2. Exotic Keys to the Unknown 11:20
3. Eternal Winter to My Soul 05:08
4. As the Joy Cursed By Grief … 30:37
12 July 10, 15:32
Eterul - Verso+Ascendere+%5BDemo%5D (2009)
Artist: Eterul
Album: Verso Ascendere [Demo]
Year: 2009
Style: Ambient, Atmospheric Black
1. Entering Dismay In Ethereal Subtunnels 01:04
2. Conjured From Freezing Planes 05:29
3. Stagnant Ponds 05:02
4. In a Desert of Parallel Realities 07:00
5. Glades of Rainfall 05:33
6. Unified Subconcious 01:27
12 July 10, 15:30
Alpthraum - Dying+Sun+%5BDemo%5D (2010)
Artist: Alpthraum
Album: Dying Sun [Demo]
Year: 2010
Style: Black Metal, Symphonic Metal, Atmospheric Metal
Country: Канада
1. Awakening {Intro} 2:30
2. Dying Sun 4:36
3. Burning With Cold Fire 5:21
4. Do Not Fear The Known 5:50
12 July 10, 15:01
Matlata+Tlacolole - Matlata+Tlacolole+%5BEP%5D (2008)
Artist: Matlata Tlacolole
Album: Matlata Tlacolole [EP]
Year: 2008
Style: Black Metal, Pagan Metal
01.ntro - Teoyotica Heuyaltepetl
03.Matlata Tlacolole
04.Nenotoca Pochtecatl
05.Tlaicaliztli Tepepan
06.Tlazotzonalli Centli
12 July 10, 14:37
Dodsferd - Another+Two+Of+Your+Scars+And+The+World+Is+Dead+%5BDemo%5D (2010)
Artist: Dodsferd
Album: Another Two Of Your Scars And The World Is Dead [Demo]
Year: 2010
Style: Black Metal
Country: Греция
1. Only Thorns Can Embrace Your Condemned Throne
2. Another Two of Your Scars and the World is Dead
12 July 10, 14:32
Hiemal - Age+Of+Darkened+Hearts+%5BDemo%5D (2005)
Artist: Hiemal
Album: Age Of Darkened Hearts [Demo]
Year: 2005
Style: Black Metal
Country: Бразилия
2.Polar Storm
3.Age Of Darkened Hearts
12 July 10, 14:27
Burning+Church+Forest - Book+2 (2009)
Artist: Burning Church Forest
Album: Book 2
Year: 2009
Style: Black Metal
Country: Австралия
1.Chapter 1 - Ashes of the Crucifix (10:50)
2.Chapter 2 - The Freezing Fog (05:01)
3.Chapter 3 - The Dead Trees (12:48)
4.Chapter 4 - Watching the Alter Burn (10:07)
5.Chapter 5 - Sacrfice Your Freedom (19:28)
12 July 10, 14:25
Burning+Church+Forest - Book+1 (2009)
Artist: Burning Church Forest
Album: Book 1
Year: 2009
Style: Black Metal
Country: Австралия
1.Chapter 1 (10:08)
2.Chapter 2 (09:22)
3.Chapter 3 (13:21)
4.Chapter 4 (18:08)
1205 - 1232 of 1330
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