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7 May 10, 09:24
Artist: Ambush
Album: Fright Night
Year: 2010
Style: HardCore
Country: USA
Album: Fright Night
Year: 2010
Style: HardCore
Country: USA
1. Open Credits
2. Unholy Matrimony
3. Fema Death Camps
4. New American Holocaust
5. Misery
6. Interlude
7. The Tourist
8. Out For Blood
9. Courage Pt 2
10. Friendship
11. Interlude
12. Waverly's White Death
13. Anti-Thiest
14. Social Science
15. Sin Eater
2. Unholy Matrimony
3. Fema Death Camps
4. New American Holocaust
5. Misery
6. Interlude
7. The Tourist
8. Out For Blood
9. Courage Pt 2
10. Friendship
11. Interlude
12. Waverly's White Death
13. Anti-Thiest
14. Social Science
15. Sin Eater
Views: 3401
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6 May 10, 19:42
Artist: John 5
Album: he Art Of Malice
Year: 2010
Style: Heavy Metal / Instrumental / Guitar Virtuoso
Country: USA
Album: he Art Of Malice
Year: 2010
Style: Heavy Metal / Instrumental / Guitar Virtuoso
Country: USA
01. The Nightmare Unravels (4:54)
02. The Art Of Malice (1:46)
03. Ill Will Or Spite (4:03)
04. J.W. (3:10)
05. Ya Dig? (3:52)
06. Can I Live Again (4:02)
07. Portrayed As Unremorseful (3:29)
08. Steel Guitar Rag (2:59)
09. Wayne County Killer (3:42)
10. Fractured Mirror (Ace Frehley Cover) (5:09)
11. The S. Lot (4:13)
12. The Last Page Turned (3:35)
02. The Art Of Malice (1:46)
03. Ill Will Or Spite (4:03)
04. J.W. (3:10)
05. Ya Dig? (3:52)
06. Can I Live Again (4:02)
07. Portrayed As Unremorseful (3:29)
08. Steel Guitar Rag (2:59)
09. Wayne County Killer (3:42)
10. Fractured Mirror (Ace Frehley Cover) (5:09)
11. The S. Lot (4:13)
12. The Last Page Turned (3:35)
Views: 3658
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4 May 10, 00:20
Artist: Syn:drom
Album: With Flesh Unbound
Year: 2010
Style: Technical Death Metal
Country: Sweden
Album: With Flesh Unbound
Year: 2010
Style: Technical Death Metal
Country: Sweden
1. Intro (Devoured) 01:27
2. Scorned Messiah 03:01
3. The Marked One 03:15
4. Obsolete Gods 03:14
5. In Utter Contempt 03:34
6. Trapped Beyond 04:10
7. A New World Order 03:37
8. Smashing The Face Of Belief 03:28
9. Hands Of Vengeance 03:31
10. Winds Of Disease 05:14
2. Scorned Messiah 03:01
3. The Marked One 03:15
4. Obsolete Gods 03:14
5. In Utter Contempt 03:34
6. Trapped Beyond 04:10
7. A New World Order 03:37
8. Smashing The Face Of Belief 03:28
9. Hands Of Vengeance 03:31
10. Winds Of Disease 05:14
Views: 3625
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23 April 10, 21:59
Artist: Evig Natt
Album: Darkland
Year: 2010
Style: Gothic | Dark Metal
Country: Norway
Album: Darkland
Year: 2010
Style: Gothic | Dark Metal
Country: Norway
1. Darkland 05:39
2. Evig Natt 05:47
3. Until The End 07:15
4. I Die Again 06:09
5. Sjelelaus 05:01
6. The Wanderer 04:52
7. Withered Garden 05:13
8. My Sin 07:17
9. Epitaph 09:08
2. Evig Natt 05:47
3. Until The End 07:15
4. I Die Again 06:09
5. Sjelelaus 05:01
6. The Wanderer 04:52
7. Withered Garden 05:13
8. My Sin 07:17
9. Epitaph 09:08
Views: 3475
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20 April 10, 20:55
Artist: Karmic Link
Album: Esoterica
Year: 2010
Style: Progressive/Gothic Metal
Country: Sweden
Album: Esoterica
Year: 2010
Style: Progressive/Gothic Metal
Country: Sweden
1. Cold 4:01
2. Esoterica 5:14
3. Fire 4:35
4. Whispers On A Breeze 3:34
5. Still 4:19
6. The Separate Reality 4:20
7. Pleasure Is Nothing Without Pain 3:02
8. Twisting Patterns 4:02
9. This Affliction 5:33
10. A Tattered Canvas 4:26
11. Vanilla Skies 3:52
2. Esoterica 5:14
3. Fire 4:35
4. Whispers On A Breeze 3:34
5. Still 4:19
6. The Separate Reality 4:20
7. Pleasure Is Nothing Without Pain 3:02
8. Twisting Patterns 4:02
9. This Affliction 5:33
10. A Tattered Canvas 4:26
11. Vanilla Skies 3:52
Views: 3146
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20 April 10, 18:23
Artist: Folkodia
Album: Battlecry
Year: 2010
Style: Folk | Viking Metal
Country: Lithuania
Album: Battlecry
Year: 2010
Style: Folk | Viking Metal
Country: Lithuania
1. Eagle's Blood 5:01
2. Battlecry 4:08
3. Blood-Red Axes 4:19
4. The Celestial Giants 3:12
5. Hunter In The Wild 4:32
6. The Celestial Host 4:48
7. The Oath Of Runes 4:17
8. Invoking The Sidhe 4:21
9. Pale Prince On A Moonlit Shore 4:40
10. The Hour Of Wrath 4:41
11. Sword In Hand 5:09
2. Battlecry 4:08
3. Blood-Red Axes 4:19
4. The Celestial Giants 3:12
5. Hunter In The Wild 4:32
6. The Celestial Host 4:48
7. The Oath Of Runes 4:17
8. Invoking The Sidhe 4:21
9. Pale Prince On A Moonlit Shore 4:40
10. The Hour Of Wrath 4:41
11. Sword In Hand 5:09
Views: 3367
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19 April 10, 21:42
Artist: Dofka
Album: Humanity Bleak
Year: 2010
Style: Thrash | Progressive Metal
Country: USA
Album: Humanity Bleak
Year: 2010
Style: Thrash | Progressive Metal
Country: USA
1. Tragedy Remains
2. Evocation
3. The Bitter End
4. World On Fire
5. Humanity Bleak
6. Second God
7. Blood Runs Black
8. Immaculate Lie
9. This Sacred Flame
10. 23 Pine Avenue
2. Evocation
3. The Bitter End
4. World On Fire
5. Humanity Bleak
6. Second God
7. Blood Runs Black
8. Immaculate Lie
9. This Sacred Flame
10. 23 Pine Avenue
Views: 3400
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9 April 10, 17:27
Artist: Voices Of Destiny
Album: From The Ashes
Year: 2010
Style: Symphonic Power/Heavy Metal
Country: Germany
Album: From The Ashes
Year: 2010
Style: Symphonic Power/Heavy Metal
Country: Germany
1. Ray Of Hope (3:15)
2. Twisting The Knife (3:33)
3. Return From The Ashes (3:23)
4. Relief (2:58)
5. Icecold (4:52)
6. Apathy (3:34)
7. Endeavour To Life (4:22)
8. All Eyes On Me (3:46)
9. Bitter Visions (5:01)
10. Hourglass (3:49)
11. Red Winter's Snow II: Blood And Stone (3:45)
12. Not The One (3:35)
2. Twisting The Knife (3:33)
3. Return From The Ashes (3:23)
4. Relief (2:58)
5. Icecold (4:52)
6. Apathy (3:34)
7. Endeavour To Life (4:22)
8. All Eyes On Me (3:46)
9. Bitter Visions (5:01)
10. Hourglass (3:49)
11. Red Winter's Snow II: Blood And Stone (3:45)
12. Not The One (3:35)
Views: 3208
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3 April 10, 22:40
Artist: Frankenshred
Album: Cauldron Of Evil
Year: 2010
Style: Heavy Metal/Shred
Country: United States
Album: Cauldron Of Evil
Year: 2010
Style: Heavy Metal/Shred
Country: United States
1. Dogs Of War 3:05
2. Psychosis Of The Mind 3:06
3. Axe To Grind 3:33
4. Trial By Fire 3:43
5. W.W.S. 2:04
6. Cauldron Of Evil 4:58
7. The Devil's Eye 6:45
8. I Feel Your Pain 3:36
9. The Haunting 3:04
10. Let The Punishment Fit The Crime 4:44
11. Pray For Your Sins 4:26
12. In For The Kill 4:01
13. Raise Your Fist 4:21
14. Play Through The Pain 4:43
15. It's Your Turn To Rock 5:05
16. Play To Win 4:37
2. Psychosis Of The Mind 3:06
3. Axe To Grind 3:33
4. Trial By Fire 3:43
5. W.W.S. 2:04
6. Cauldron Of Evil 4:58
7. The Devil's Eye 6:45
8. I Feel Your Pain 3:36
9. The Haunting 3:04
10. Let The Punishment Fit The Crime 4:44
11. Pray For Your Sins 4:26
12. In For The Kill 4:01
13. Raise Your Fist 4:21
14. Play Through The Pain 4:43
15. It's Your Turn To Rock 5:05
16. Play To Win 4:37
Views: 3725
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31 March 10, 23:30
Artist: Holy Dragons
Album: Zerstorer
Year: 2010
Style: Heavy/Power metal
Country: Казахстан
Album: Zerstorer
Year: 2010
Style: Heavy/Power metal
Country: Казахстан
01. Doomsday Angels
02. The Man who Saved the World / Crush of Chrome Dome
03. Project A119
04. M.A.D. Mutual Assured Destruction / AN602 – Wind of Hate
05. Сuban Crisis
06. F.R.A.G.I.L.E.
07. NORAD Alert
08. The Day After
09. HL7442
10. Able Archer 83 – DEFCON 1 / Zerstörer
02. The Man who Saved the World / Crush of Chrome Dome
03. Project A119
04. M.A.D. Mutual Assured Destruction / AN602 – Wind of Hate
05. Сuban Crisis
06. F.R.A.G.I.L.E.
07. NORAD Alert
08. The Day After
09. HL7442
10. Able Archer 83 – DEFCON 1 / Zerstörer
Views: 3296
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31 March 10, 09:07
Artist: The Decapitated Midgets
Album: 30 Ways To Die
Year: 2009
Style: Death Metal
Country: Finland
Album: 30 Ways To Die
Year: 2009
Style: Death Metal
Country: Finland
01. Maggots Devouring Your Innards
02. Compressive Asphyxia
03. Lethal Liver Failure
04. Splattered in a Car Crash
05. Pathologist Slices Your Festering Corpse During Your Very Own Autopsy
06. Explosive Menstruation
07. Boiled Alive in Your Own Piss
08. Brainburger with Slashed Fingers
09. Kidney Tumour, Bloody Piss and Death
10. Kidnapped, Killed, Gutted and Cooked
11. Executed In The Electric Chair... The Smell Of Flesh
12. Fermented Bile Cocktail
13. Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
14. Unexpected Brain Haemorrhage
15. Seven Days
16. Slowly Sliced with a Dull Blade
17. Dramatic Decapitation and Gore Shower
18. Malignant Neoplasm
19. Forced Giblet Gurgling
20. Bloody Rectum/Bloody Diorrhea
21. Human Haggis
22. Human Head on a Cannibal's Plate
23. Cannibalized in a Big City
24. Gore-Tex Killer
25. Guts in Tea
26. Mutilated in the Toilet
27. Hang Himself with His Own Veins
28. Blowing Implants
29. Eaten Alive by the Rats in the Sewers
30. Fallen from the 34th Floor, Splattered to the Ground
02. Compressive Asphyxia
03. Lethal Liver Failure
04. Splattered in a Car Crash
05. Pathologist Slices Your Festering Corpse During Your Very Own Autopsy
06. Explosive Menstruation
07. Boiled Alive in Your Own Piss
08. Brainburger with Slashed Fingers
09. Kidney Tumour, Bloody Piss and Death
10. Kidnapped, Killed, Gutted and Cooked
11. Executed In The Electric Chair... The Smell Of Flesh
12. Fermented Bile Cocktail
13. Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
14. Unexpected Brain Haemorrhage
15. Seven Days
16. Slowly Sliced with a Dull Blade
17. Dramatic Decapitation and Gore Shower
18. Malignant Neoplasm
19. Forced Giblet Gurgling
20. Bloody Rectum/Bloody Diorrhea
21. Human Haggis
22. Human Head on a Cannibal's Plate
23. Cannibalized in a Big City
24. Gore-Tex Killer
25. Guts in Tea
26. Mutilated in the Toilet
27. Hang Himself with His Own Veins
28. Blowing Implants
29. Eaten Alive by the Rats in the Sewers
30. Fallen from the 34th Floor, Splattered to the Ground
Views: 3175
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26 March 10, 22:35
Artist: Jimi Hendrix
Album: Valleys Of Neptune
Year: 2010
Style: Classic Rock / Psychedelic Blues / Hard Rock
Country: USA
Album: Valleys Of Neptune
Year: 2010
Style: Classic Rock / Psychedelic Blues / Hard Rock
Country: USA
01 Stone Free 3:47
02 Valleys Of Neptune 4:04
03 Bleeding Heart 6:23
04 Hear My Train A Comin 7:32
05 Mr. Bad Luck 2:58
06 Sunshine Of Your Love 6:47
07 Lover Man 4:18
08 Ships Passing Through The Night 5:52
09 Fire 3:12
10 Red House 8:23
11 Lullaby For The Summer 3:49
12 Crying Blue Rain 4:57
02 Valleys Of Neptune 4:04
03 Bleeding Heart 6:23
04 Hear My Train A Comin 7:32
05 Mr. Bad Luck 2:58
06 Sunshine Of Your Love 6:47
07 Lover Man 4:18
08 Ships Passing Through The Night 5:52
09 Fire 3:12
10 Red House 8:23
11 Lullaby For The Summer 3:49
12 Crying Blue Rain 4:57
Views: 3512
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24 March 10, 23:03
Artist: Eternal Cry
Album: The Garden Of Dead Flowers
Year: 2009
Style: Doom/Gothic Metal/Harsh Male & Female Vocals
Country: Spain
Album: The Garden Of Dead Flowers
Year: 2009
Style: Doom/Gothic Metal/Harsh Male & Female Vocals
Country: Spain
01. Nasty Question
02. The Awakening
03. In Front Of The Mirror
04. The Garden
05. Evening
06. The Beloved's Dead
07. Full Moon
08. Mystic Face
09. Sanguinis Lacrimae
10. After A Hundred Falls
11. Seeds Of Hatred
12. Sensations
02. The Awakening
03. In Front Of The Mirror
04. The Garden
05. Evening
06. The Beloved's Dead
07. Full Moon
08. Mystic Face
09. Sanguinis Lacrimae
10. After A Hundred Falls
11. Seeds Of Hatred
12. Sensations
Views: 2974
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22 March 10, 02:11
Artist: Marduk
Album: Wormwood
Year: 2010
Style: Black metal
Country: Sweden
Album: Wormwood
Year: 2010
Style: Black metal
Country: Sweden
Nowhere, No-one, Nothing
Funeral Dawn
This Fleshly Void
Unclosing The Curse
Into Utter Madness
Phosphorous Redeemer
To Redirect Perdition
Marduk - Whorecrown
Chrous Of Cracking Necks
As A Garment
Funeral Dawn
This Fleshly Void
Unclosing The Curse
Into Utter Madness
Phosphorous Redeemer
To Redirect Perdition
Marduk - Whorecrown
Chrous Of Cracking Necks
As A Garment
Views: 4041
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9 March 10, 10:34
Artist: The Kinks
Album: Phobia
Year: 1993
Style: рок-н-ролл
Country: Великобритания
Album: Phobia
Year: 1993
Style: рок-н-ролл
Country: Великобритания
1. Opening
2. Wall Of fire
3. Drift Away
4. Still Searching
5. Phobia
6. Only A dream
7. Don't
8. Babies
9. Over The Edge
10. Surviving
11. It's Alright (Don't Think About It)
12. The Informer
13. Hatred (A Duet)
14. Somebody Stole My Car
15. Close To The Wire
16. Scattered
17. Did Ya
2. Wall Of fire
3. Drift Away
4. Still Searching
5. Phobia
6. Only A dream
7. Don't
8. Babies
9. Over The Edge
10. Surviving
11. It's Alright (Don't Think About It)
12. The Informer
13. Hatred (A Duet)
14. Somebody Stole My Car
15. Close To The Wire
16. Scattered
17. Did Ya
Views: 2672
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9 March 10, 10:25
Artist: W.A.S.P.
Album: Babylon
Year: 2009
Style: хэви-метал
Country: США
Album: Babylon
Year: 2009
Style: хэви-метал
Country: США
1. 01 Crazy
2. 02 Live To Die Another Day
3. 03 Babylon's Burning
4. 04 Burn
5. 05 Into The Fire
6. 06 Thunder Red
7. 07 Seas of Fire
8. 08 Godless Run
9. 09 Promised Land
2. 02 Live To Die Another Day
3. 03 Babylon's Burning
4. 04 Burn
5. 05 Into The Fire
6. 06 Thunder Red
7. 07 Seas of Fire
8. 08 Godless Run
9. 09 Promised Land
Views: 2741
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9 March 10, 09:40
Artist: In-Quest
Album: Made Out Of Negative Matter
Year: 2010
Style: technical death metal
Country: Belgium
Album: Made Out Of Negative Matter
Year: 2010
Style: technical death metal
Country: Belgium
1. Ignition Sequence 4:40
2. Mind Over Matter 3:13
3. Asynchronous Transmission 4:18
4. Walk Of A Million Mouths 3:02
5. Thy Subsonic Collapse 6:41
6. The Auxiliary Theory 5:42
7. Dysfunctional Inscapes 1:26
8. Compelled Misogyny 5:50
9. Anomaly Of A Tortured Mind 5:41
10. Hybris... 3:04
11. Evasive Crosscurrents 6:33
2. Mind Over Matter 3:13
3. Asynchronous Transmission 4:18
4. Walk Of A Million Mouths 3:02
5. Thy Subsonic Collapse 6:41
6. The Auxiliary Theory 5:42
7. Dysfunctional Inscapes 1:26
8. Compelled Misogyny 5:50
9. Anomaly Of A Tortured Mind 5:41
10. Hybris... 3:04
11. Evasive Crosscurrents 6:33
Views: 2654
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7 March 10, 12:18
Artist: Meshuggah
Album: Alive
Year: 2010
Style: Technical Death Metal/Progressive Post-Thrash Metal/Math Metal
Country: Sweden
Album: Alive
Year: 2010
Style: Technical Death Metal/Progressive Post-Thrash Metal/Math Metal
Country: Sweden
01. Perpetual Black Second (Tokyo)
02. Electric Red (Tokyo)
03. Rational Gaze (Tokyo)
04. Pravus (Tokyo)
05. Lethargica (Toronto)
06. Combustion (Toronto)
07. Straws Pulled at Random (Toronto)
08. New Millennium Cyanide Christ (Montreal)
09. Stengah (Montreal)
10. The Mouth Licking What Youve Bled (Montreal)
11. Humiliative (Montreal)
12. Bleed (Montreal)
02. Electric Red (Tokyo)
03. Rational Gaze (Tokyo)
04. Pravus (Tokyo)
05. Lethargica (Toronto)
06. Combustion (Toronto)
07. Straws Pulled at Random (Toronto)
08. New Millennium Cyanide Christ (Montreal)
09. Stengah (Montreal)
10. The Mouth Licking What Youve Bled (Montreal)
11. Humiliative (Montreal)
12. Bleed (Montreal)
Views: 3361
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7 March 10, 12:17
Artist: Meshuggah
Album: obZen
Year: 2008
Style: Technical Death Metal/Progressive Post-Thrash Metal/Math Metal
Country: Sweden
Album: obZen
Year: 2008
Style: Technical Death Metal/Progressive Post-Thrash Metal/Math Metal
Country: Sweden
1. Combustion
2. Electric Red
3. Bleed
4. Lethargica
5. ObZen
6. The Spiteful Snake
7. Pineal Gland Optics
8. Pravus
9. Dancers To A Discordant System
2. Electric Red
3. Bleed
4. Lethargica
5. ObZen
6. The Spiteful Snake
7. Pineal Gland Optics
8. Pravus
9. Dancers To A Discordant System
Views: 3058
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7 March 10, 11:25
Artist: Visceral Bleeding
Album: Absorbing The Disarray
Year: 2006
Style: Technical Brutal Death Metal
Country: Sweden
Album: Absorbing The Disarray
Year: 2006
Style: Technical Brutal Death Metal
Country: Sweden
2.Disgust the Vile
3.Despise Defined
4.Perpetual Torment Commence
5.Emulated Sense: Failure
6.Rip the Flesh
7.Absorbing the Disarray
8.Awakened by Blood
9.Beyond the Realms of Reason
10.Bring Forth the Bedlam
11.Demise of the One That Conquered
2.Disgust the Vile
3.Despise Defined
4.Perpetual Torment Commence
5.Emulated Sense: Failure
6.Rip the Flesh
7.Absorbing the Disarray
8.Awakened by Blood
9.Beyond the Realms of Reason
10.Bring Forth the Bedlam
11.Demise of the One That Conquered
Views: 3311
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7 March 10, 11:23
Artist: Visceral Bleeding
Album: Remnants Revived
Year: 2005
Style: Technical Brutal Death Metal
Country: Sweden
Album: Remnants Revived
Year: 2005
Style: Technical Brutal Death Metal
Country: Sweden
01 - Spreader of decease (Burn the bitch)
02 - Carved down to the bone
03 - Gasping
04 - Remnants of deprivation
05 - State of putrefaction
06 - To disgrace condemned
07 - Time to retaliate
08 - Butcher knife impalement
09 - Exposive surgery
10 - Dreaming in red [Dismember cover]
11 - Carved down to the bone [remake]
12 - Stripped. raped and strangled [Cannibal Corpse cover]
02 - Carved down to the bone
03 - Gasping
04 - Remnants of deprivation
05 - State of putrefaction
06 - To disgrace condemned
07 - Time to retaliate
08 - Butcher knife impalement
09 - Exposive surgery
10 - Dreaming in red [Dismember cover]
11 - Carved down to the bone [remake]
12 - Stripped. raped and strangled [Cannibal Corpse cover]
Views: 3342
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7 March 10, 02:11
Artist: Death
Album: Symbolic
Year: 1995
Style: Death Metal Progressive
Country: USA
Album: Symbolic
Year: 1995
Style: Death Metal Progressive
Country: USA
01 - Symbolic
02 - Zero Tolerance
03 - Empty Words
04 - Sacred Serenity
05 - 1,000 Eyes
06 - Without Judgement
07 - Crystal Mountain
08 - Misanthrope
09 - Perennial Quest
02 - Zero Tolerance
03 - Empty Words
04 - Sacred Serenity
05 - 1,000 Eyes
06 - Without Judgement
07 - Crystal Mountain
08 - Misanthrope
09 - Perennial Quest
Views: 2687
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6 March 10, 14:59
Artist: Marduk
Album: Wormwood
Year: 2009
Style: Black
Country: SE
Album: Wormwood
Year: 2009
Style: Black
Country: SE
1. Nowhere, No-One, Nothing 03:20
2. Funeral Dawn 05:51
3. This Fleshly Void 03:07
4. Unclosing The Curse 02:15
5. Into Utter Madness 04:57
6. Phosphorous Redeemer 06:12
7. To Redirect Perdition 06:42
8. Whorecrown 05:30
9. Chorus Of Cracking Necks 03:48
10. As A Garment 04:18
2. Funeral Dawn 05:51
3. This Fleshly Void 03:07
4. Unclosing The Curse 02:15
5. Into Utter Madness 04:57
6. Phosphorous Redeemer 06:12
7. To Redirect Perdition 06:42
8. Whorecrown 05:30
9. Chorus Of Cracking Necks 03:48
10. As A Garment 04:18
Views: 3342
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6 March 10, 01:51
Artist: Tristania
Album: World Of Glass
Year: 2001
Style: Gothic Metal
Country: Norvey
Album: World Of Glass
Year: 2001
Style: Gothic Metal
Country: Norvey
1. The Shining Path 06:46
2. Wormwood 05:56
3. Tender Trip on Earth 05:18
4. Lost 06:03
5. Deadlocked 05:57
6. Selling Out 06:16
7. Hatred Grows 06:20
8. World of Glass 05:25
9. Crushed Dreams 07:39
2. Wormwood 05:56
3. Tender Trip on Earth 05:18
4. Lost 06:03
5. Deadlocked 05:57
6. Selling Out 06:16
7. Hatred Grows 06:20
8. World of Glass 05:25
9. Crushed Dreams 07:39
Views: 3000
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5 March 10, 23:50
Artist: Obscura
Album: Retribution (2006) [Remastered 2010]
Year: 2006 - 2
Style: Progressive Technical Death Metal
Country: Germany
Album: Retribution (2006) [Remastered 2010]
Year: 2006 - 2
Style: Progressive Technical Death Metal
Country: Germany
1. Humankind 02:48
2. Nothing 04:57
3. Unhinged 02:17
4. None Shall Be Spared 05:58
5. Alone 03:45
6. Hymn to a Nocturnal Visitor 06:33
7. Intoxicated 02:30
8. Exit Life 03:49
9. Sentiment 06:11
10. Sweet Silence 03:16
11. Lack of Comprehension (Death Cover) 03:46
12. Synthetically Revived (Suffocation Cover) 04:04
13. God Of Emptiness (Morbid Angel) 06:01
2. Nothing 04:57
3. Unhinged 02:17
4. None Shall Be Spared 05:58
5. Alone 03:45
6. Hymn to a Nocturnal Visitor 06:33
7. Intoxicated 02:30
8. Exit Life 03:49
9. Sentiment 06:11
10. Sweet Silence 03:16
11. Lack of Comprehension (Death Cover) 03:46
12. Synthetically Revived (Suffocation Cover) 04:04
13. God Of Emptiness (Morbid Angel) 06:01
Views: 3018
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4 March 10, 22:09
Artist: Eternal Cry
Album: The Garden Of Dead Flowers
Year: 2009
Style: Gothic / Doom Metal
Country: Spain
Album: The Garden Of Dead Flowers
Year: 2009
Style: Gothic / Doom Metal
Country: Spain
01. Nasty Question
02. The Awakening
03. In Front Of The Mirror
04. The Garden
05. Evening
06. The Beloved's Dead
07. Full Moon
08. Mystic Face
09. Sanguinis Lacrimae
10. After A Hundred Falls
11. Seeds Of Hatred
12. Sensations
02. The Awakening
03. In Front Of The Mirror
04. The Garden
05. Evening
06. The Beloved's Dead
07. Full Moon
08. Mystic Face
09. Sanguinis Lacrimae
10. After A Hundred Falls
11. Seeds Of Hatred
12. Sensations
Views: 2514
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1 March 10, 20:06
Artist: Mors Principium Est
Album: The Unborn
Year: 2005
Style: Melodic Death Metal
Country: Fin
Album: The Unborn
Year: 2005
Style: Melodic Death Metal
Country: Fin
01. Altered state consciousness
02. blood of heroes (megadeth cover) (bonus)
03. Fragile flesh
04. No more (bonus)
05. Parasites of paradise
06. Pressure
07. Pure
08. Pirit conception
09. The glass womb
10. The harmony remains
11. The unborn
12. Two steps away
02. blood of heroes (megadeth cover) (bonus)
03. Fragile flesh
04. No more (bonus)
05. Parasites of paradise
06. Pressure
07. Pure
08. Pirit conception
09. The glass womb
10. The harmony remains
11. The unborn
12. Two steps away
Views: 2813
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1 March 10, 16:07
Artist: Lind Erebros
Album: Elven Oratory - Rebirth Of Light
Year: 2009
Style: Neoclassical/Instrumental
Country: Russia
Album: Elven Oratory - Rebirth Of Light
Year: 2009
Style: Neoclassical/Instrumental
Country: Russia
1. Valinor (4:10)
2. Valar Glory (3:52)
3. Farewell (1:41)
4. Sleep my Miriel (4:33)
5. Silmarills (1:58)
6. Noa marta (2:11)
7. Ungoliante (5:35)
8. Aldudenie (4:04)
9. Noldor (5:57)
10. Gotmog defeats Feanor (3:03)
11. Ered Vetrin at snow (1:52)
12. Isilkarmeo (2:20)
13. First Moon Night (1:42)
14. Anarkarmeo (4:44)
1. Valinor (4:10)
2. Valar Glory (3:52)
3. Farewell (1:41)
4. Sleep my Miriel (4:33)
5. Silmarills (1:58)
6. Noa marta (2:11)
7. Ungoliante (5:35)
8. Aldudenie (4:04)
9. Noldor (5:57)
10. Gotmog defeats Feanor (3:03)
11. Ered Vetrin at snow (1:52)
12. Isilkarmeo (2:20)
13. First Moon Night (1:42)
14. Anarkarmeo (4:44)
Views: 3296
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