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16 November 13, 23:50
Artist: VA
Album: The Best Instrumental Metal - vol.38
Year: 2013
Style: Instrumental, Heavy Metal, Progressive Metal, Power Metal, Gothic Metal, Doom Metal, Atmospheric Black Metal
Album: The Best Instrumental Metal - vol.38
Year: 2013
Style: Instrumental, Heavy Metal, Progressive Metal, Power Metal, Gothic Metal, Doom Metal, Atmospheric Black Metal
01. Jelonek - Mad Toad
02. LodeStar Dynasty - Once
03. Steam Engine - Negative Rainbow
04. Sympuls-E - Иллюзия Света
05. The String Quartet - Oracle- The Dream
06. Tim Hecker & Daniel Lopathin - Whole Earth Tascam
07. Trinity Avenue - Motions
08. Денис Андрианов - Стоп!
09. Стары Ольса - Гальярда-Балет-Гальярда
10. Dream Theater - Vacant
11. Journal - Village Of The Elders
12. David T. Chastain - Spontaneous Combustions
13. Helloween - I Can
14. Howard Shorfe - The King Of The Golden Hall
15. It Dwells Within - Rules Of Conformity
16. Jelonek - Magic Night in the Slaughterhouse
17. LodeStar Dynasty - Element Of Treachery
18. Sympuls-E - Люди, Которые Видели Солнце
19. The String Quartet - Soliloquy
20. Tim Hecker & Daniel Lopatin - GRM Blue I
21. Денис Андрианов - Doomed
22. Стары Ольса - Выправа
23. Dream Theater - Stream Of Consciousness
24. Journal - Blight Reflections
25. David T. Chastain - It Doesn't Have To Be
26. Helloween - Grapowski Malmsuite
27. Howard Shore - The Black Gate Is Closed
28. It Dwells Within - We Won't Go Silently
29. Jelonek - Romantic Revenge
30. LodeStar Dynasty - Nomad
31. Sympuls-E - Последний Шанс
32. The String Quartet - Grand Finale
33. Tim Hecker & Daniel Lopatin - GRM Blue II
34. Денис Андрианов - Когда я умру (Мастер Cover)
35. Стары Ольса - A que por
36. Jounral - Unlorja (Instrumental)
37. David T. Chastain - Project 107 Code 3X
38. Howard Shore - Evenstar
39. It Dwells Within - All Difficulties
40. Jelonek - Sabre Dance [A.Khachaturian]
41. LodeStar Dynasty - Tears & Mistakes
42. Sympuls-E - Спираль Времени
43. The String Quartet - A Passage To Bangkok
44. Tim Hecker & Daniel Lopathin - Racist Drone
45. Денис Андрианов - Себя закапываю я
46. Стары Ольса - Танцы
47. Journal - Illuminance
48. David T. Chastain - The Oracle Within
49. Howard Shore - The White Rider
50. It Dwels Within - Tools Of Insight
51. Jelonek - Old Sorrow
52. LodeStar Dynasty - Navigation
53. Sympuls-E - Кристальный Дождь
54. The String Quartet - The Twilight Zone
55. Tim Hecker & Daniel Lopatin - Grey Geisha
56. Journal - Festooned With Snakes
57. Howard Shore - Treebeard
58. It Dwells Within - Violent By Necessity
59. Jelonek - SchizoFerret
60. LodeStar Dynasty -Transient
61. Sympuls-E - Наш Пульс
62. The String Quartet - Lessons
63. Tim Hecker & Daniel Lopatin - Instrumental Tourist
64. Стары Ольса - Руевiт
65. Journal - A Remarkable Abomination
66. Howard Shore - The Leave Taking
67. It Dwells Within - Ride
68. Jelonek - Harmattan
69. LodeStar Dynasty - Dream Again
70. The String Quartet - Tears
71. Tim Hecker & Daniel Lopatin - Ritual For Consumption
72. Стары Ольса - Праклён
73. Journal - Affinity
74. Howard Shore - Helm's Deep
75. Jelonek - Cementary Woodpeacker - Promised Kadish
76. LodeStar Dynasty - Under The Sun
77. The String Quartet - Something For Nothing
78. Tim Hecker & Daniel Lopatin - Vaccination No.2
79. Стары Ольса - Конский бранль
80. Howard Shore - The Forbidden Pool
81. Jelonek - Lord Mantis Dilemma
82. Howard Shore - Georges & Hugo
83. Стары Ольса - Пiр
84. Burzum - Han Som Reise
85. Burzum - herrenvolk daudi baldrs
86. Helloween - Les Hambourgeois Walkways
87. Сергей Маврин - Ветер странствий
02. LodeStar Dynasty - Once
03. Steam Engine - Negative Rainbow
04. Sympuls-E - Иллюзия Света
05. The String Quartet - Oracle- The Dream
06. Tim Hecker & Daniel Lopathin - Whole Earth Tascam
07. Trinity Avenue - Motions
08. Денис Андрианов - Стоп!
09. Стары Ольса - Гальярда-Балет-Гальярда
10. Dream Theater - Vacant
11. Journal - Village Of The Elders
12. David T. Chastain - Spontaneous Combustions
13. Helloween - I Can
14. Howard Shorfe - The King Of The Golden Hall
15. It Dwells Within - Rules Of Conformity
16. Jelonek - Magic Night in the Slaughterhouse
17. LodeStar Dynasty - Element Of Treachery
18. Sympuls-E - Люди, Которые Видели Солнце
19. The String Quartet - Soliloquy
20. Tim Hecker & Daniel Lopatin - GRM Blue I
21. Денис Андрианов - Doomed
22. Стары Ольса - Выправа
23. Dream Theater - Stream Of Consciousness
24. Journal - Blight Reflections
25. David T. Chastain - It Doesn't Have To Be
26. Helloween - Grapowski Malmsuite
27. Howard Shore - The Black Gate Is Closed
28. It Dwells Within - We Won't Go Silently
29. Jelonek - Romantic Revenge
30. LodeStar Dynasty - Nomad
31. Sympuls-E - Последний Шанс
32. The String Quartet - Grand Finale
33. Tim Hecker & Daniel Lopatin - GRM Blue II
34. Денис Андрианов - Когда я умру (Мастер Cover)
35. Стары Ольса - A que por
36. Jounral - Unlorja (Instrumental)
37. David T. Chastain - Project 107 Code 3X
38. Howard Shore - Evenstar
39. It Dwells Within - All Difficulties
40. Jelonek - Sabre Dance [A.Khachaturian]
41. LodeStar Dynasty - Tears & Mistakes
42. Sympuls-E - Спираль Времени
43. The String Quartet - A Passage To Bangkok
44. Tim Hecker & Daniel Lopathin - Racist Drone
45. Денис Андрианов - Себя закапываю я
46. Стары Ольса - Танцы
47. Journal - Illuminance
48. David T. Chastain - The Oracle Within
49. Howard Shore - The White Rider
50. It Dwels Within - Tools Of Insight
51. Jelonek - Old Sorrow
52. LodeStar Dynasty - Navigation
53. Sympuls-E - Кристальный Дождь
54. The String Quartet - The Twilight Zone
55. Tim Hecker & Daniel Lopatin - Grey Geisha
56. Journal - Festooned With Snakes
57. Howard Shore - Treebeard
58. It Dwells Within - Violent By Necessity
59. Jelonek - SchizoFerret
60. LodeStar Dynasty -Transient
61. Sympuls-E - Наш Пульс
62. The String Quartet - Lessons
63. Tim Hecker & Daniel Lopatin - Instrumental Tourist
64. Стары Ольса - Руевiт
65. Journal - A Remarkable Abomination
66. Howard Shore - The Leave Taking
67. It Dwells Within - Ride
68. Jelonek - Harmattan
69. LodeStar Dynasty - Dream Again
70. The String Quartet - Tears
71. Tim Hecker & Daniel Lopatin - Ritual For Consumption
72. Стары Ольса - Праклён
73. Journal - Affinity
74. Howard Shore - Helm's Deep
75. Jelonek - Cementary Woodpeacker - Promised Kadish
76. LodeStar Dynasty - Under The Sun
77. The String Quartet - Something For Nothing
78. Tim Hecker & Daniel Lopatin - Vaccination No.2
79. Стары Ольса - Конский бранль
80. Howard Shore - The Forbidden Pool
81. Jelonek - Lord Mantis Dilemma
82. Howard Shore - Georges & Hugo
83. Стары Ольса - Пiр
84. Burzum - Han Som Reise
85. Burzum - herrenvolk daudi baldrs
86. Helloween - Les Hambourgeois Walkways
87. Сергей Маврин - Ветер странствий
Views: 3659
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16 November 13, 23:41
Artist: VA
Album: The Best Instrumental Metal - vol.34
Year: 2013
Style: Instrumental, Heavy Metal, Black Metal, Neo-CLassic, Ambient, Atmospheric Black Metal
Album: The Best Instrumental Metal - vol.34
Year: 2013
Style: Instrumental, Heavy Metal, Black Metal, Neo-CLassic, Ambient, Atmospheric Black Metal
01. Burzum - Dominus Sathanas
02. Austere - Coma II
03. The String Quartet - Sabbath bloody sabbath
04. Burzum - Den Onde Kysten
05 .Cold World - Winterreise
06. The String Quartet - Sweet leaf
07. Burzum - Han Som Reiste
08. Zenith Maudlin - Veda II
09. The String Quartet - Iron man
10. Burzum - Naar Himmelen Klarner
11. Hypomanie - Youth Pictures in C Major
12. The String Quartet - Changes
13. Burzum - Svarte Troner
14. Moonlit Wake - Twilight
15. The String Quartet - Electric funeral
16. Burzum - Leukes Renkespill (Introduksjon)
17. Thy Light - Suici.De.pression
18. The String Quartet - Paranoid
19. Burzum - Belus' Tilbakekomst (Konklusjon)
20. Misanthropic Art - Silence of the Past Days
21. The String Quartet - Solitude
22. Burzum - Fra Verdenstreet
23. Lamentations of the Ashen - ...In Dreams Painted Red
24. The String Quartet - Supernaut
25. Burzum - Til Hel Og Tilbake Igjen
26. Kulde - Into The Nightfall
27. The String Quartet - Into the void
28. Burzum - The Coming (Introduction)
29. Funeral Depression - Melancholy
30. The String Quartet - Sacrement (The original song)
31. Burzum - Sassu Wunnu (Introduction)
32. Forgotten Tomb - Springtime Depression
33. The String Quartet - Dazed And Confused
34. Burzum - Call of the Siren (Introduction)
35. Niflheim - Le Neurasthenique
36. The String Quartet - Stairway To Heaven
37. Burzum - Channeling the Power of Minds Into a New God
38. Cold Womb Descent - Aybu Uol Fyh po Ajika Tvi
39. The String Quartet - Going To California
40. Burzum - Blóðstokkinn
41. Svart - Forlorad I
42. The String Quartet - No Quarter
43. Burzum - Surtr Sunnan
44. Lost Inside - Life Lacking Substance
45. The String Quartet - Bron-Y-Aur Stomp
46. Burzum - Níðhögg
47. Cry - Sui-side
48. The String Quartet - The Immigrant Song
49. Angelica - Harvest
50. Apostle - Armageddon
51. Becoming the Archetype - Denouement
52. Casting Crowns - O Come, O Come, Emmanuel
53. Deliverance - Instrumental
54. Demon Hunter - Metal Instrumental set to Hellgate
55. Eterna - After Shadows
56. Living sacrifice - Into again
57. Narnia - Misty Morning
58. P.O.D. boom
59. Rage Of Angels - Prelude For The Gods
60. Seventh Avenue - Storm I
61. Underoath - Casting Such a Thin Shadow
62. Whitecross - The Hammer and the Nail
63. The String Quartet - The Ocean
64. Apostle - Parting The Red Sea
65. Becoming the Archetype - March of the Dead
66. Casting Crowns - While You Were Sleeping
67. Demon Hunter - Someone To Hate
68. Narnia - The Return Of Aslan
69. P.O.D. Eternal
70. Seventh Avenue - Storm Li
71. Underoath - Catch Myself Catching Myself
72. Whitecross - The Eternal Fire
73. The String Quartet - Moby Dick
74. Becoming the Archetype - Night's Sorrow
75. Casting Crowns - Who am I
76. Demon Hunter - This Is The Line
77. Narnia - The Light at the End of the Tunnel
78. P.O.D. Youth of the Nation
79. Underoath - Desperate Times, Desperate Measures
80. The String Quartet - Carouselambra
81. Becoming the Archetype - Nocturne
82. P.O.D. satellite
83. Underoath - Illuminator
84. The String Quartet - Dancing Days
85. Becoming the Archetype - The Machine Killer
86. Underoath - Reinventing Your Exit
87. The String Quartet - Whole Lotta Love
88. Эгрегор Тьмы - Daudi Baldrs
89. The Descent Of The Sun - Det Som En Gang Var
90. Эгрегор Тьмы - Hermodr A Helferd
91. The Descent Of The Sun - Dunkelheit
92. Эгрегор Тьмы - Balferd Baldrs
93. Struluckt - What Once Was
94. Struluckt - Hermodr A Helferd
95. Эгрегор Тьмы - I Heimr Heljar
96. Struluckt - Lost Wisdom
97. Struluckt - Illa Tithandi
98. Эгрегор Тьмы - Illa Tidandi
99. Struluckt - Rundgang Um Die Traszendental
100. Struluckt - Moti Ragarokum
101. Эгрегор Тьмы - Moti Ragnarokum
102. Struluckt - Die Kraft Des Mitgefuhls (The Power Of Empathy)
103. Struluckt - Der Weinende Hadnur
104. Primitivity - Foreclosure Of A Dream
105. Чёрный Кофе - ВозДуха
02. Austere - Coma II
03. The String Quartet - Sabbath bloody sabbath
04. Burzum - Den Onde Kysten
05 .Cold World - Winterreise
06. The String Quartet - Sweet leaf
07. Burzum - Han Som Reiste
08. Zenith Maudlin - Veda II
09. The String Quartet - Iron man
10. Burzum - Naar Himmelen Klarner
11. Hypomanie - Youth Pictures in C Major
12. The String Quartet - Changes
13. Burzum - Svarte Troner
14. Moonlit Wake - Twilight
15. The String Quartet - Electric funeral
16. Burzum - Leukes Renkespill (Introduksjon)
17. Thy Light - Suici.De.pression
18. The String Quartet - Paranoid
19. Burzum - Belus' Tilbakekomst (Konklusjon)
20. Misanthropic Art - Silence of the Past Days
21. The String Quartet - Solitude
22. Burzum - Fra Verdenstreet
23. Lamentations of the Ashen - ...In Dreams Painted Red
24. The String Quartet - Supernaut
25. Burzum - Til Hel Og Tilbake Igjen
26. Kulde - Into The Nightfall
27. The String Quartet - Into the void
28. Burzum - The Coming (Introduction)
29. Funeral Depression - Melancholy
30. The String Quartet - Sacrement (The original song)
31. Burzum - Sassu Wunnu (Introduction)
32. Forgotten Tomb - Springtime Depression
33. The String Quartet - Dazed And Confused
34. Burzum - Call of the Siren (Introduction)
35. Niflheim - Le Neurasthenique
36. The String Quartet - Stairway To Heaven
37. Burzum - Channeling the Power of Minds Into a New God
38. Cold Womb Descent - Aybu Uol Fyh po Ajika Tvi
39. The String Quartet - Going To California
40. Burzum - Blóðstokkinn
41. Svart - Forlorad I
42. The String Quartet - No Quarter
43. Burzum - Surtr Sunnan
44. Lost Inside - Life Lacking Substance
45. The String Quartet - Bron-Y-Aur Stomp
46. Burzum - Níðhögg
47. Cry - Sui-side
48. The String Quartet - The Immigrant Song
49. Angelica - Harvest
50. Apostle - Armageddon
51. Becoming the Archetype - Denouement
52. Casting Crowns - O Come, O Come, Emmanuel
53. Deliverance - Instrumental
54. Demon Hunter - Metal Instrumental set to Hellgate
55. Eterna - After Shadows
56. Living sacrifice - Into again
57. Narnia - Misty Morning
58. P.O.D. boom
59. Rage Of Angels - Prelude For The Gods
60. Seventh Avenue - Storm I
61. Underoath - Casting Such a Thin Shadow
62. Whitecross - The Hammer and the Nail
63. The String Quartet - The Ocean
64. Apostle - Parting The Red Sea
65. Becoming the Archetype - March of the Dead
66. Casting Crowns - While You Were Sleeping
67. Demon Hunter - Someone To Hate
68. Narnia - The Return Of Aslan
69. P.O.D. Eternal
70. Seventh Avenue - Storm Li
71. Underoath - Catch Myself Catching Myself
72. Whitecross - The Eternal Fire
73. The String Quartet - Moby Dick
74. Becoming the Archetype - Night's Sorrow
75. Casting Crowns - Who am I
76. Demon Hunter - This Is The Line
77. Narnia - The Light at the End of the Tunnel
78. P.O.D. Youth of the Nation
79. Underoath - Desperate Times, Desperate Measures
80. The String Quartet - Carouselambra
81. Becoming the Archetype - Nocturne
82. P.O.D. satellite
83. Underoath - Illuminator
84. The String Quartet - Dancing Days
85. Becoming the Archetype - The Machine Killer
86. Underoath - Reinventing Your Exit
87. The String Quartet - Whole Lotta Love
88. Эгрегор Тьмы - Daudi Baldrs
89. The Descent Of The Sun - Det Som En Gang Var
90. Эгрегор Тьмы - Hermodr A Helferd
91. The Descent Of The Sun - Dunkelheit
92. Эгрегор Тьмы - Balferd Baldrs
93. Struluckt - What Once Was
94. Struluckt - Hermodr A Helferd
95. Эгрегор Тьмы - I Heimr Heljar
96. Struluckt - Lost Wisdom
97. Struluckt - Illa Tithandi
98. Эгрегор Тьмы - Illa Tidandi
99. Struluckt - Rundgang Um Die Traszendental
100. Struluckt - Moti Ragarokum
101. Эгрегор Тьмы - Moti Ragnarokum
102. Struluckt - Die Kraft Des Mitgefuhls (The Power Of Empathy)
103. Struluckt - Der Weinende Hadnur
104. Primitivity - Foreclosure Of A Dream
105. Чёрный Кофе - ВозДуха
Views: 3839
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16 November 13, 21:50
Artist: VA
Album: The Best Instrumental Metal - vol.06
Year: 2013
Style: Instrumental, Hard Rock, Heavy Metal, Power Metal, Symphonic Power Metal, Symphonic Black Metal, Neo-Classic, Progressive Metal, Thrash Metal, Power Metal
Album: The Best Instrumental Metal - vol.06
Year: 2013
Style: Instrumental, Hard Rock, Heavy Metal, Power Metal, Symphonic Power Metal, Symphonic Black Metal, Neo-Classic, Progressive Metal, Thrash Metal, Power Metal
01. Rage - Morituri Te Salutant
02. Apocalyptica - Prologue (Apprehension)
03. Эпидемия - Золотые_Драконы
04. Rage - Prelude Of Souls
05. Nightwish - Ghost Love Score
06. Blind Guardian - Theatre Of Pain
07. Tarja Turunen - Boy and The Ghost
08. Victor Smolski - Majesty & Passion
09. Cергей Маврин - До свидания
10. Артерия - Один На Один
11. Blackmore's Night - Beyond the Sunset
12. Мельница - Вереск
13. Apocalyptica - No Education
14. Metallica - Turn the page
15. Ария - Потерянный рай
16. Megadeth - Segue
17. Death - Lack of Comprehension
18. Мастер - Металл доктор
19. Эпидемия - Сказание Снегов
20. Rage - Black
21. Blind Guardian - Wheel Of Time
22. Cradle Of Filth - The Rape and Ruin of Angels (Hosannas in Extremis)
23. Lacuna Coil - Within Me
24. Dimmu Borgir - The Serpentine Offering
25. In Flames - Dreamscape
26. Children Of Bodom - Instrumental
27. Scorpions - Send Me An Angel
28. Deep Purple - Lalena
29. Blackmore's Night - Dance Of The Darkness
30. Мельница - Двери Тамерлана
31. Nobody One - Танцульки
32. Apocalyptica - Faraway
33. Tarja Turunen - Crimson Deep
34. Nightwish - I Want My Tears Back
35. Queen - Don't Stop Me Now
36. Led Zeppelin - Whole Lotta Love
37. Black Sabbath - Faires Wear Boots
38. Aerosmith - Pink
39. ACDC - rock n' roll train
40. Guns N' Roses - This I Love
41. Dream Theater - Constant Motion
42. Motley Crue - Home Sweet Home
43. Metallica - Unforgiven 2
44. Ария - Беспечный ангел
45. Артерия - Лети На Свет
46. Эпидемия - Пролог
47. Rage - Confusion
48. Apocalyptica - Faraway
49. Nightwish - Imaginaerum
50. Cradle Of Filth - Dusk and Her Embrace
51. Tarja Turunen - Dark Star
52. Victor Smolski - Courante
53. Burzum - Der Tod Wuotans
54. Blackmore's Night - Durch den Wald zum Bachhaus
55. Мельница - Дракон
56. Jug - Soundcheck
57. Metallica - The Memory Remains
58. Scorpions - Night Lights
59. Led Zeppelin - Swan Song
60. Dream Theater - Erotomania
61. Nobody One - Садовый Фанк
62. Queen - Foolin' Around
63. Black Sabbath - Fairies Wear Boots
64. Guns N' Roses - The Ballad of Death
65. Эпидемия - Сказание Огня
66. Rage - Depression
67. Victor Smolski - Gavotte
68. Nightwish - Kuolema Tekee Taiteilijan
69. Tarja Turunen - I Feel Immortal
70. In Flames - Drenched in Fear
71. Children Of Bodom - Not My Funeral
72. Dimmu Borgir - Det Nye Riket
73. Cradle Of Filth - Summer Dying Fast
74. Blackmore's Night - Fayre Thee Well
75. Мельница - Зима
76. Apocalyptica - Somewhere Around Nothing
77. Rage - Ensemble
78. Dream Theater - Far From Heaven
79. Judas Priest - Hellion-Electric Eye
80. Nobody One - Ахтунг!
81. Queen - Radio Ga-Ga
82. Metallica - Fuel
83. Scorpions - Coast To Coast
84. Black Sabbath - Fluff
85. Nobody One - Портвейшок
86. Nightwish - Last Of The Wilds
87. Tarja Turunen - I walk alone
88. Rage - Shadows
89. Scorpions - Deadly Sting Suite
90. Rage - Suite Lingua Mortis Confusion
91. Blackmore's Night - Greensleeves
92. Rage - Shadows II
93. In Flames - Episode 666
94. Children Of Bodom - Roundtrip to Hell and Back.
95. Nobody One - Железобетон
96. Accept - The Moldau
97. Queen - Who want's to live forever
98. Accept - Solveig's Song
99. Scorpions - Crossfire
100. Accept - Blues For Elise
101. Apocalyptica - Drive
102. Cradle Of Filth-The Twisted Nails of Faith
103. Burzum-Tuistos Herz
104. Dimmu Borgir-Mourning Palace
105. Metallica-No Leaf Clover
106. Ария-Антихрист
107. Эпидемия-Пройди Свой Путь
108. Rage-Alive But Dead
109. Howard Shore-Into The Tunnels
110. Manowar-The March
111. Коррозия Металла-Ночь В Опере
02. Apocalyptica - Prologue (Apprehension)
03. Эпидемия - Золотые_Драконы
04. Rage - Prelude Of Souls
05. Nightwish - Ghost Love Score
06. Blind Guardian - Theatre Of Pain
07. Tarja Turunen - Boy and The Ghost
08. Victor Smolski - Majesty & Passion
09. Cергей Маврин - До свидания
10. Артерия - Один На Один
11. Blackmore's Night - Beyond the Sunset
12. Мельница - Вереск
13. Apocalyptica - No Education
14. Metallica - Turn the page
15. Ария - Потерянный рай
16. Megadeth - Segue
17. Death - Lack of Comprehension
18. Мастер - Металл доктор
19. Эпидемия - Сказание Снегов
20. Rage - Black
21. Blind Guardian - Wheel Of Time
22. Cradle Of Filth - The Rape and Ruin of Angels (Hosannas in Extremis)
23. Lacuna Coil - Within Me
24. Dimmu Borgir - The Serpentine Offering
25. In Flames - Dreamscape
26. Children Of Bodom - Instrumental
27. Scorpions - Send Me An Angel
28. Deep Purple - Lalena
29. Blackmore's Night - Dance Of The Darkness
30. Мельница - Двери Тамерлана
31. Nobody One - Танцульки
32. Apocalyptica - Faraway
33. Tarja Turunen - Crimson Deep
34. Nightwish - I Want My Tears Back
35. Queen - Don't Stop Me Now
36. Led Zeppelin - Whole Lotta Love
37. Black Sabbath - Faires Wear Boots
38. Aerosmith - Pink
39. ACDC - rock n' roll train
40. Guns N' Roses - This I Love
41. Dream Theater - Constant Motion
42. Motley Crue - Home Sweet Home
43. Metallica - Unforgiven 2
44. Ария - Беспечный ангел
45. Артерия - Лети На Свет
46. Эпидемия - Пролог
47. Rage - Confusion
48. Apocalyptica - Faraway
49. Nightwish - Imaginaerum
50. Cradle Of Filth - Dusk and Her Embrace
51. Tarja Turunen - Dark Star
52. Victor Smolski - Courante
53. Burzum - Der Tod Wuotans
54. Blackmore's Night - Durch den Wald zum Bachhaus
55. Мельница - Дракон
56. Jug - Soundcheck
57. Metallica - The Memory Remains
58. Scorpions - Night Lights
59. Led Zeppelin - Swan Song
60. Dream Theater - Erotomania
61. Nobody One - Садовый Фанк
62. Queen - Foolin' Around
63. Black Sabbath - Fairies Wear Boots
64. Guns N' Roses - The Ballad of Death
65. Эпидемия - Сказание Огня
66. Rage - Depression
67. Victor Smolski - Gavotte
68. Nightwish - Kuolema Tekee Taiteilijan
69. Tarja Turunen - I Feel Immortal
70. In Flames - Drenched in Fear
71. Children Of Bodom - Not My Funeral
72. Dimmu Borgir - Det Nye Riket
73. Cradle Of Filth - Summer Dying Fast
74. Blackmore's Night - Fayre Thee Well
75. Мельница - Зима
76. Apocalyptica - Somewhere Around Nothing
77. Rage - Ensemble
78. Dream Theater - Far From Heaven
79. Judas Priest - Hellion-Electric Eye
80. Nobody One - Ахтунг!
81. Queen - Radio Ga-Ga
82. Metallica - Fuel
83. Scorpions - Coast To Coast
84. Black Sabbath - Fluff
85. Nobody One - Портвейшок
86. Nightwish - Last Of The Wilds
87. Tarja Turunen - I walk alone
88. Rage - Shadows
89. Scorpions - Deadly Sting Suite
90. Rage - Suite Lingua Mortis Confusion
91. Blackmore's Night - Greensleeves
92. Rage - Shadows II
93. In Flames - Episode 666
94. Children Of Bodom - Roundtrip to Hell and Back.
95. Nobody One - Железобетон
96. Accept - The Moldau
97. Queen - Who want's to live forever
98. Accept - Solveig's Song
99. Scorpions - Crossfire
100. Accept - Blues For Elise
101. Apocalyptica - Drive
102. Cradle Of Filth-The Twisted Nails of Faith
103. Burzum-Tuistos Herz
104. Dimmu Borgir-Mourning Palace
105. Metallica-No Leaf Clover
106. Ария-Антихрист
107. Эпидемия-Пройди Свой Путь
108. Rage-Alive But Dead
109. Howard Shore-Into The Tunnels
110. Manowar-The March
111. Коррозия Металла-Ночь В Опере
Views: 3781
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8 August 13, 06:07
Artist: SOiL
Album: Whole
Year: 2013
Style: Alternative Metal / Hard Rock
Country: USA
Album: Whole
Year: 2013
Style: Alternative Metal / Hard Rock
Country: USA
01. Loaded Gun (02:53)
02. The Hate Song (03:13)
03. Ugly (03:47)
04. Way Gone (03:32)
05. Psychopath (02:43)
06. Shine On (03:25)
07. Wake Up (03:04)
08. Amalgamation (03:36)
09. My Time (03:04)
10. Little Liar (03:34)
11. One Love (04:49)
Soil — американская метал-группа играющий в стиле альтернативный метал. Коллектив образовался в Чикаго, штат Иллинойс. Группа добилась мирового признания после выпуска второго полноформатного альбома «Scars» (2001 год). Добиться успеха коллективу помогли такие хиты как «Halo», «Breaking Me Down» и «Unreal» благодаря агрессивному, но мелодичному звуку. На сегодня продано более 60000 экземпляров альбома.
02. The Hate Song (03:13)
03. Ugly (03:47)
04. Way Gone (03:32)
05. Psychopath (02:43)
06. Shine On (03:25)
07. Wake Up (03:04)
08. Amalgamation (03:36)
09. My Time (03:04)
10. Little Liar (03:34)
11. One Love (04:49)
Soil — американская метал-группа играющий в стиле альтернативный метал. Коллектив образовался в Чикаго, штат Иллинойс. Группа добилась мирового признания после выпуска второго полноформатного альбома «Scars» (2001 год). Добиться успеха коллективу помогли такие хиты как «Halo», «Breaking Me Down» и «Unreal» благодаря агрессивному, но мелодичному звуку. На сегодня продано более 60000 экземпляров альбома.
Views: 2922
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23 February 13, 08:07
Artist: Black Sound Empire
Album: Sisma
Year: 2013
Style: Post-Hardcore, Nu Metal, Experimental
Country: Италия
Album: Sisma
Year: 2013
Style: Post-Hardcore, Nu Metal, Experimental
Country: Италия
1. Sober (4:35)
2. Cheval (7:30)
3. Shine Like Gold (5:24)
4. Stationary (5:39)
5. Everybody (4:24)
6. Maybe (4:44)
7. Telling (4:53)
8. Grey Whole (4:20)
9. All My Love (5:17)
2. Cheval (7:30)
3. Shine Like Gold (5:24)
4. Stationary (5:39)
5. Everybody (4:24)
6. Maybe (4:44)
7. Telling (4:53)
8. Grey Whole (4:20)
9. All My Love (5:17)
Views: 2973
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22 November 12, 15:19
Artist: Robert Plant
Album: Live At HSBC Arena [Rio De Janeiro]
Year: 2012
Style: Hard Rock, Classic Rock
Country: Великобритания
Album: Live At HSBC Arena [Rio De Janeiro]
Year: 2012
Style: Hard Rock, Classic Rock
Country: Великобритания
01. Introduction
02. Fixin' To Die
03. Tin Pan Alley
04. 44 (Howlin' Wolf Cover)
05. Friends (Led Zeppelin Song)
06. Spoonful (Howlin' Wolf Cover)
07. Somebody Knocking
08. Black Dog (Led Zeppelin Song)
09. Bron-Y-Aur Stomp (Led Zeppelin Song)
10. Enchanter
11. Another Tribe
12. Ramble On (Led Zeppelin Song)
13. Witchdoctor (John Mayall & The Bluesbreakers Cover)
14. Who Do You Love? > Whole Lotta Love > Steal Away > Bury My Body
15. Going To California (Led Zeppelin Song)
16. Gallows Pole (Led Zeppelin Song)
17. Rock and Roll (Led Zeppelin Song)
02. Fixin' To Die
03. Tin Pan Alley
04. 44 (Howlin' Wolf Cover)
05. Friends (Led Zeppelin Song)
06. Spoonful (Howlin' Wolf Cover)
07. Somebody Knocking
08. Black Dog (Led Zeppelin Song)
09. Bron-Y-Aur Stomp (Led Zeppelin Song)
10. Enchanter
11. Another Tribe
12. Ramble On (Led Zeppelin Song)
13. Witchdoctor (John Mayall & The Bluesbreakers Cover)
14. Who Do You Love? > Whole Lotta Love > Steal Away > Bury My Body
15. Going To California (Led Zeppelin Song)
16. Gallows Pole (Led Zeppelin Song)
17. Rock and Roll (Led Zeppelin Song)
Views: 3018
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18 January 11, 01:20
Artist: VA
Album: The Heavy Metal Anthology
Year: 2010
Style: Hard Rock / Heavy Metal
Country: Various
Album: The Heavy Metal Anthology
Year: 2010
Style: Hard Rock / Heavy Metal
Country: Various
01 Sepultura - Screaming For Vengeance 03:32
02 Dave Mustaine & Marty Friedman - School's Out 03:58
03 Motorhead - Burner 02:52
04 Ted Nugent - Rag Doll 04:50
05 Geordie - Black Cat Woman 03:16
06 Glenn Hughes - Gettin' Tighter 04:34
07 Michael Schenker Group - Doctor Doctor 04:46
08 Rick Derringer - Rock N' Roll Hoochie Koo 03:40
09 Girlschool - Take It All Away 03:12
10 Foghat - I Just Want To Make Love To You 04:39
11 Ian Gillan - Smoke On The Water 05:34
12 Hawkwind - Motorhead 03:05
13 Paul Dianno - Wrathchild 02:49
14 Blue Cheer - Summertime Blues 04:13
01 Quiet Riot - Metal Health 05:14
02 L.A. Guns - Sex Action 03:53
03 Warrant - Cherry Pie 03:05
04 Guns N' Roses - Nice Boys 02:38
05 Dee Snider - Crazy Train 05:13
06 Brett Michaels - Nothin? But A Good Time 04:22
07 Hollywood Rose - Anything Goes 04:51
08 L.A. Guns - My Michelle 03:38
09 Ratt - Back For More 04:09
10 Great White - Once Bitten, Twice Shy 05:15
11 Don Dokken - Eighteen 05:09
12 Bang Tango - 20th Century Boy 03:45
13 Kevin Dubrow - Whole Lotta Love 04:08
14 Lita Ford - Kiss Me Deadly 04:23
01 Jimmy Page, John Bonham & Screamin' Lord Such - Wailing Sounds 02:36
02 Vince Neil & George Lynch - Paranoid 03:34
03 Joe Lynn Turner & Phil Collen - Back In Black 04:30
04 Chuck Billy & Jake E. Lee - Seek & Destroy 06:42
05 Sebastian Bach & Michael Schenker - I Don't Live Today 03:53
06 Lemmy & Ted Nugent - Tie Your Mother Down 03:46
07 Bruce Kulick & John Corabi - Hot For The Teacher 04:43
08 Glenn Hughes & Jake E. Lee - Get Down Make Love 04:09
09 Hollywood Roses & Mick Taylor - Jailbreak 04:07
10 Vince Neil & Mick Mars - Cold Ethyl 04:02
11 Lemmy & Jake E. Lee - It's A Long Way To The Top 05:37
12 Michael Schenker & Gary Barden - Out On The Tiles 04:25
13 Stephen Pearcy & Jake E. Lee - Runnin' With The Devil 03:43
14 Samson - Hard Times 04:35
01 Sepultura - Screaming For Vengeance 03:32
02 Dave Mustaine & Marty Friedman - School's Out 03:58
03 Motorhead - Burner 02:52
04 Ted Nugent - Rag Doll 04:50
05 Geordie - Black Cat Woman 03:16
06 Glenn Hughes - Gettin' Tighter 04:34
07 Michael Schenker Group - Doctor Doctor 04:46
08 Rick Derringer - Rock N' Roll Hoochie Koo 03:40
09 Girlschool - Take It All Away 03:12
10 Foghat - I Just Want To Make Love To You 04:39
11 Ian Gillan - Smoke On The Water 05:34
12 Hawkwind - Motorhead 03:05
13 Paul Dianno - Wrathchild 02:49
14 Blue Cheer - Summertime Blues 04:13
01 Quiet Riot - Metal Health 05:14
02 L.A. Guns - Sex Action 03:53
03 Warrant - Cherry Pie 03:05
04 Guns N' Roses - Nice Boys 02:38
05 Dee Snider - Crazy Train 05:13
06 Brett Michaels - Nothin? But A Good Time 04:22
07 Hollywood Rose - Anything Goes 04:51
08 L.A. Guns - My Michelle 03:38
09 Ratt - Back For More 04:09
10 Great White - Once Bitten, Twice Shy 05:15
11 Don Dokken - Eighteen 05:09
12 Bang Tango - 20th Century Boy 03:45
13 Kevin Dubrow - Whole Lotta Love 04:08
14 Lita Ford - Kiss Me Deadly 04:23
01 Jimmy Page, John Bonham & Screamin' Lord Such - Wailing Sounds 02:36
02 Vince Neil & George Lynch - Paranoid 03:34
03 Joe Lynn Turner & Phil Collen - Back In Black 04:30
04 Chuck Billy & Jake E. Lee - Seek & Destroy 06:42
05 Sebastian Bach & Michael Schenker - I Don't Live Today 03:53
06 Lemmy & Ted Nugent - Tie Your Mother Down 03:46
07 Bruce Kulick & John Corabi - Hot For The Teacher 04:43
08 Glenn Hughes & Jake E. Lee - Get Down Make Love 04:09
09 Hollywood Roses & Mick Taylor - Jailbreak 04:07
10 Vince Neil & Mick Mars - Cold Ethyl 04:02
11 Lemmy & Jake E. Lee - It's A Long Way To The Top 05:37
12 Michael Schenker & Gary Barden - Out On The Tiles 04:25
13 Stephen Pearcy & Jake E. Lee - Runnin' With The Devil 03:43
14 Samson - Hard Times 04:35
Views: 4084
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15 October 10, 22:46
Artist: Manzana
Album: Babies Of Revolution
Year: 2008
Style: Gothic /Industrial Metal /Alternative Rock / Female Vocal
Country: Finland
Album: Babies Of Revolution
Year: 2008
Style: Gothic /Industrial Metal /Alternative Rock / Female Vocal
Country: Finland
1. Wash My Sins Away 04:40
2. Panda Girl 03:56
3. Sweet Revenge 04:59
4. Near Death Experience 03:46
5. End Of The World 04:03
6. Fake 04:48
7. Nothing As Whole As A Broken Heart 04:44
8. World Is A Vampire 03:27
9. Cherry Pit 05:41
2. Panda Girl 03:56
3. Sweet Revenge 04:59
4. Near Death Experience 03:46
5. End Of The World 04:03
6. Fake 04:48
7. Nothing As Whole As A Broken Heart 04:44
8. World Is A Vampire 03:27
9. Cherry Pit 05:41
Views: 3413
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11 May 10, 12:13
Artist: Ginger
Album: Dark Page Chronicles
Year: 2010
Style: Melodic Hardcore
Country: France
Album: Dark Page Chronicles
Year: 2010
Style: Melodic Hardcore
Country: France
01.An Introduction...
02. Under The Flag
03. The Time Keeper
04. Scenister
05. The Gunkanjima Syndrome
06. From Freedom To Stardom
07. Sour Ink
08. Missing Actors
09. 19
10. The Cradle And The Tree
11. Eager Heartache
12. A Million Within A Whole
13 - ...To Outrodestruction
02. Under The Flag
03. The Time Keeper
04. Scenister
05. The Gunkanjima Syndrome
06. From Freedom To Stardom
07. Sour Ink
08. Missing Actors
09. 19
10. The Cradle And The Tree
11. Eager Heartache
12. A Million Within A Whole
13 - ...To Outrodestruction
Views: 3360
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