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7 марта 24, 03:40

Dmitry MetalLord

Лирика : Deeds Of Flesh : Path Of The Weakening : A Violent God

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A Violent God

Path Of The Weakening (1999)

Deeds Of Flesh

Behold a white horse
And he who set upon him
Was called faithful and true
And in righteousness he doth judge and make war
His eyes were as a flame of fire
And on his head were many crawns
And he had a name written
That no man knew but he himself
And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood
And the armies followed him upon white horses
Clothed in fine linen, white and clean
And out of this mouth goeth a sharp sword
That with it he should smite the nations
And he shall rule then with a rod of iron
And the remnant were slain
With the sword


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