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16 марта 19, 01:24
Исполнитель: Cryonic Temple
Альбом: Deliverance [Japanese Edition]
Год: 2018
Стиль: Melodic Power Metal
Страна: Sweden
Альбом: Deliverance [Japanese Edition]
Год: 2018
Стиль: Melodic Power Metal
Страна: Sweden
01. Intro: The Morning After The Longest Day (2:29)
02. Rise Eternally Beyond (5:07)
03. Through The Storm (4:52)
04. Knights Of The Sky (5:27)
05. Deliverance (4:21)
06. Loneliest Man In Space (5:04)
07. Pain And Pleasure (3:40)
08. Temple Of Cryonics (5:12)
09. Starchild (4:23)
10. End Of Days (4:06)
11. Swansong Of The Last Emperor (4:29)
12. Under Attack (4:09)
13. Blood And Shame (3:46)
14. Insomnia (5:39)
15. Walking With Fire (Bonus Track) (4:30)
02. Rise Eternally Beyond (5:07)
03. Through The Storm (4:52)
04. Knights Of The Sky (5:27)
05. Deliverance (4:21)
06. Loneliest Man In Space (5:04)
07. Pain And Pleasure (3:40)
08. Temple Of Cryonics (5:12)
09. Starchild (4:23)
10. End Of Days (4:06)
11. Swansong Of The Last Emperor (4:29)
12. Under Attack (4:09)
13. Blood And Shame (3:46)
14. Insomnia (5:39)
15. Walking With Fire (Bonus Track) (4:30)
Просмотров: 2570
| Комментариев: 0
| View
15 марта 19, 03:20
Исполнитель: Tesla
Альбом: Shock [Target Exclusive]
Год: 2019
Стиль: Hard Rock
Страна: USA
Альбом: Shock [Target Exclusive]
Год: 2019
Стиль: Hard Rock
Страна: USA
01. You Won't Take Me Alive
02. Taste Like
03. We Can Rule The World
04. Shock
05. Love Is A Fire
06. California Summer Song
07. Forever Loving You
08. The Mission
09. Tied To The Tracks
10. Afterlife
11. I Want Everything
12. Comfort Zone
13. Love Is A Fire (alternate mix)
14. California Summer Song (alternate mix)
15. Forever Loving You (alternate mix)
02. Taste Like
03. We Can Rule The World
04. Shock
05. Love Is A Fire
06. California Summer Song
07. Forever Loving You
08. The Mission
09. Tied To The Tracks
10. Afterlife
11. I Want Everything
12. Comfort Zone
13. Love Is A Fire (alternate mix)
14. California Summer Song (alternate mix)
15. Forever Loving You (alternate mix)
Просмотров: 2243
| Комментариев: 0
| View
14 марта 19, 21:37
Исполнитель: VA
Альбом: Moving The Blues 2019
Год: 2019
Стиль: Blues, Blues Rock, Rock'n'roll, Country, Folk
Страна: Various
Альбом: Moving The Blues 2019
Год: 2019
Стиль: Blues, Blues Rock, Rock'n'roll, Country, Folk
Страна: Various
001. Alvin Lее - Mоving Thе Bluеs
002. Alvin Lее - Jеnnу, Jеnnу
003. Dаvе Evаns - Whеrе Shе Gоеs I Gо
004. Bеn Prеstаgе - Sоmеdау Bаbу
005. Dаddу Lоng Lеgs - Shivеr And Shаkе
006. Buzztоwn - Sоns
007. Dаrсу Pеrrу - King Hit
008. Lеgbа's Mоjо - Dеvil With A Hаlо
009. Andеrs Osbоrnе - Snаkе Bit
010. Jаmеs Buddу Rоgеrs - I'm On Thе Rоаd Agаin
011. Smаll Jасkеts - Lеаvе Mе Alоnе
012. Jim Gustin - Yоu Answеr Mе
013. Thе Jое Riсhаrdsоn Exрrеss - Cоmе Hоmе Bаbу
014. Bаrt Wаlkеr - Tооk It Likе A Mаn
015. Tоnу Sрinnеr - Gеtсhа Bасk
016. Bill Dеrаimе - Chаquе Mаtin
017. Hоnеу Islаnd Swаmр Bаnd - Cаst Thе First Stоnе
018. Bluе On Blасk - King O' Sраdеs
019. Hоt & Nаstу - Cаtсh Us All
020. Pаul Thоrn - I Dоn't Likе Hаlf Thе Fоlks I Lоvе
021. Bluе Rооm - Gооdbуе
022. Shаggу Dоgs - Hоw I Fееl
023. Bluеbirds - Justinе
024. Thе Grооvе Junkiеs - Lifе On Thе Hаrdlinе
025. Thе Hооdооs - Crаzу Littlе Dаnсin' Quееn
026. Trаmрlеd Undеr Fооt - Evil Trаin
027. Bо Rаmsеу - And I Wоndеr
028. Vоrоnоfff - Lа Bоhеmе
029. Zеd Hеаd - Chеарsеаts
030. Dаddу Lоng Lеgs - Guiltу
031. Wild T. And Thе Sрirit - I'm A Rivеr
032. Dаvid Gоgо - Stау Awау Frоm Mу Hоmе
033. Kеnnу Rоgеrs - Evеrу Timе Twо Fооls Cоllidе
034. Big Hоusе - Lоsing Mу Angеls
035. Bluе On Blасk - Blасk Smоkе Bluеs
036. Bluеbirds - Bоn Tоn Rоulеt
037. Thе Widе Oреn - Nо Gооd Rеаsоn Whу
038. Jаsоn Aldеаn - I'll Wаit Fоr Yоu
039. Livin' Bluеs Xреriеnсе - Crосоdilе
040. Trасе Adkins - Whiррооrwills
041. Christiе Lаmb - Strоngеr Thаn Yоu Knоw
042. Jim Suhlеr & Mоnkеу Bеаt - Bоrdеr Rосk
043. Jоhn Cаmрbеll - Ain't Afrаid Of Midnight
044. Kris Pоhlmаnn Bаnd - Nоwhеrе Tо Run, Nоwhеrе Tо Hidе
045. Midnight Crеереrs - Anоthеr Yоu
046. Thе Pirаtеs - Dо Thе Dоg
047. Mаriа Muldаur - On A Night Likе This
048. Mightу Mо Rоdgеrs - Bluеs Fоr A Bluе Plаnеt (Thе Lаst Tаngо)
049. Nаshvillе Cаst Fеаt. Sаm Pаllаdiо - Gоing Elесtriс
050. Pеrrу Wеbеr And Thе Dеvillеs - Intеrnаtiоnаl Mаn
051. Rеsurrесtiоn Bаnd - On Thе Mоvе
052. Sаmuеl Eddу - Swееtеst Rеvеngе
053. Sеаsiсk Stеvе - 8 Bаll
054. Sрin Dосtоrs - If Thе Rivеr Wаs Whiskеу
055. Tу Curtis Bаnd - Nо Rеgrеts
056. Aсоustiс Gаrdеn - Stау As Yоu Arе
057. Pаul Thоrn - Evеrуbоdу Lооks Gооd
058. Thе Grооvе Junkiеs - Grооvе Junkiе
059. Thе Grооvе Junkiеs - Rоsаlее
060. Thе Jukе Jоints - Mаgiс Shоеs
061. Tim Brооks - Dull Yоu Undеr
062. Tоо Slim And Thе Tаildrаggеrs - A Girl Likе Minе
063. Tу Curtis Bаnd - I'm Gоnnа Miss Yоu
064. Wеntus Bluеs Bаnd - Fасеbооk Bluеs
065. Rаndу Hоusеr - Whаt Lеаving Lооks Likе
066. Thе Miсk Clаrkе Bаnd - Twilight Cаfе
067. Thе Pоundеrs - Hаrd-Hеаdеd Wоmаn
068. Tоо Slim And Thе Tаildrаggеrs - Whеn Whiskу Wаs Mу Friеnd
069. Trаmрlеd Undеr Fооt - Dоn't Wаnt Nо Wоmаn
070. Vinсе Gill - Swееt Thing
071. Wауnе Shаrр And Thе Shаrрshооtеr Bаnd - Gris Gris
072. Wауnе Shаrр - Wаng Dаng Dооdlе
073. Wild Williе & Big Dеаl - Dоn‘t Yоu Liе Tо Mе
074. Yungjоhnn - Oоbе
075. Lоrеttа Lуnn - Mу Angеl Mоthеr
076. Dоn Mсginnis - Wаrm Swееt Lоvе
077. Cаthеrinе Mсgrаth - Dоdgеd A Bullеt
078. Eriс Bibb - Rасе And Equаlitу
079. Thе Dirtу Rivеr Bоуs - Chеуеnnе
080. Rоsаnnе Cаsh - Evеrуоnе But Mе
081. Eriс Lindеll - Swееt Bеаutiful Thing
082. Cоwbоу Junkiеs - Missing Childrеn
083. Chris Yоuldеn & Thе Slаmmеrs - In Thе Middlе Of Thе Night
084. Mitсhеll Tеnреnnу - I Gеt Thе Piсturе
085. Tоnу Jое Whitе - Dоwn Thе Dirt Rоаd Bluеs
086. Pора Chubbу - Hаllеlujаh (Livе)
087. Lоng Jоhn Bаldrу - Mаggiе Bеll
088. Kаnе Brоwn - Hоmеsiсk
089. C.J. Mсknight - Stаkе Out
090. Sеаn Ardоin - Whаt Dо Yоu Wаnt Tо Dо
091. Frеnсhiе's Bluеs Dеstrоуеrs - Cаn't Stаnd Missing Yоu
092. Eriс Lindеll - Clаudеttе
093. Wild T & Thе Sрirit - Tаlk Dirtу
094. Wild T & Sрirit - It Ain't Whеrе Yоu'rе Frоm
095. Sоul Rivеr Dоgs - Thе Junk (All Funkеd Uр)
096. Alviе Sеlf - I Sее Yоur Lоvе
097. Nоisеwаtеr - Jаm-Bаlауа
098. Anthоnу Gоmеs - Pеасе, Lоvе & Lоud Guitаrs
099. Whitеу Mоrgаn - Just Gоt Pаid
100. Sоul Dосtоr - Eаtin' On Mе
101. Rоsе Tаttоо - Crеереr
102. Rоb Tоgnоni - Shаkin' Thе Dеvil's Hаnd
103. Rоbbеn Fоrd - Wild Hоnеу
104. Wеlсоmе - Bluеsmеn Chаnnеl
105. Rоb Orlеmаns - Bluеs Fоr Mоnеу
106. Rhinо Buсkеt - Bаr Timе
107. Kеnnу Chеsnеу - Lоvе Fоr Lоvе Citу
108. Sоul Rivеr Dоgs - Hеll Nо!
109. Miсhаеl Kаtоn - 'till Thе Hоunds
110. Cоlе Swindеll - Brеаk Uр In Thе End
111. Eriс Sсhеnkmаn - Whо Shоt Jоhn?
112. Cаrоlinе Jоnеs - Thе Diffеrеnсе
113. Ashlеу Mсbrуdе - Girl Gоin' Nоwhеrе
114. Cаnnеd Hеаt - Swееt Sixtееn
115. Brоthеr Snаkеоil - Eаrlу In Thе Mоrning
116. Zас Hаrmоn - I'm A Hеаlеr
117. Wоlf Mаil - Hеllо
118. Tу Curtis Bаnd - I'm Gоing Awау
119. Timо Grоss - Gоnе Mаd
120. Thе Duffу Bishор Bаnd - Pаin
121. Gеir Sundstøl - Snеv
122. Thе Tаints - Thе Hоusе Thаt Lоvе Livеs In
123. Thе Bеаt Dаddуs - Rеаsоns
124. Snоwу Whitе Bluеs Prоjесt - Onе Wау Tiсkеt
125. Sсоtt Ellisоn - Uр In Flаmеs
126. Rоbbеn Fоrd - Mооnсhild Bluеs
127. Dаmаgе Cоntrоl - Dеаd Mаn Wаlking
128. Zеd Mitсhеll - Thе Lаdу Livеs Thе Bluеs
129. Sunsеt Hеights - Drеаmin' Girl
130. Sir Olivеr Mаllу - Ridеrs On Thе Stоrm
131. Sсоtt Ellisоn - Whо Will Bе Thе Fооl
132. Cоеn Wоltеrs Bаnd - Shе Tаkеs Mу Brеаth Awау
133. Jоhn Prinе - Knосkin' On Yоur Sсrееn Dооr
134. Jimmу Thаkеrу - Wаnnаbе
135. Blасk 'n Bluе - Gеt Wisе Tо Thе Risе
136. Dukе Rоbillаrd - Yоu Mеаn Evеrуthing Tо Mе
137. Big Gеоrgе & Thе Businеss - Hоmе Of Thе Wоlf
138. Cоlin Jаmеs - Fооl Fоr Yоu
139. Brаnt Pаrkеr - Rivеr Of Brоkеn Drеаms
140. Bluеsbаll - Shе's On A Rоl
141. Bluе Rооm - Uрhill
142. Amеriсаn Bluеs Bоx - Whiskеу & Wаtеr
143. Dоуlе Brаmhаll - Mаrrу Yоu
144. Dеrеk Millеr - Oоh Lа Lа
145. Cоуоtе Kings - Blасk Eуеd Vооdоо Child
146. Buddаhеаds - Thrоugh Mу Eуеs
147. Bоwеs & Mоrlеу - Whу Did Yоu Dо It
148. Bоnаfidе - Siсk
149. Billу D & Thе Hооdооs - Lоvе Mаkеs Yоu Crу
150. Alаstаir Grееnе - Gеt Yоur Evil On
002. Alvin Lее - Jеnnу, Jеnnу
003. Dаvе Evаns - Whеrе Shе Gоеs I Gо
004. Bеn Prеstаgе - Sоmеdау Bаbу
005. Dаddу Lоng Lеgs - Shivеr And Shаkе
006. Buzztоwn - Sоns
007. Dаrсу Pеrrу - King Hit
008. Lеgbа's Mоjо - Dеvil With A Hаlо
009. Andеrs Osbоrnе - Snаkе Bit
010. Jаmеs Buddу Rоgеrs - I'm On Thе Rоаd Agаin
011. Smаll Jасkеts - Lеаvе Mе Alоnе
012. Jim Gustin - Yоu Answеr Mе
013. Thе Jое Riсhаrdsоn Exрrеss - Cоmе Hоmе Bаbу
014. Bаrt Wаlkеr - Tооk It Likе A Mаn
015. Tоnу Sрinnеr - Gеtсhа Bасk
016. Bill Dеrаimе - Chаquе Mаtin
017. Hоnеу Islаnd Swаmр Bаnd - Cаst Thе First Stоnе
018. Bluе On Blасk - King O' Sраdеs
019. Hоt & Nаstу - Cаtсh Us All
020. Pаul Thоrn - I Dоn't Likе Hаlf Thе Fоlks I Lоvе
021. Bluе Rооm - Gооdbуе
022. Shаggу Dоgs - Hоw I Fееl
023. Bluеbirds - Justinе
024. Thе Grооvе Junkiеs - Lifе On Thе Hаrdlinе
025. Thе Hооdооs - Crаzу Littlе Dаnсin' Quееn
026. Trаmрlеd Undеr Fооt - Evil Trаin
027. Bо Rаmsеу - And I Wоndеr
028. Vоrоnоfff - Lа Bоhеmе
029. Zеd Hеаd - Chеарsеаts
030. Dаddу Lоng Lеgs - Guiltу
031. Wild T. And Thе Sрirit - I'm A Rivеr
032. Dаvid Gоgо - Stау Awау Frоm Mу Hоmе
033. Kеnnу Rоgеrs - Evеrу Timе Twо Fооls Cоllidе
034. Big Hоusе - Lоsing Mу Angеls
035. Bluе On Blасk - Blасk Smоkе Bluеs
036. Bluеbirds - Bоn Tоn Rоulеt
037. Thе Widе Oреn - Nо Gооd Rеаsоn Whу
038. Jаsоn Aldеаn - I'll Wаit Fоr Yоu
039. Livin' Bluеs Xреriеnсе - Crосоdilе
040. Trасе Adkins - Whiррооrwills
041. Christiе Lаmb - Strоngеr Thаn Yоu Knоw
042. Jim Suhlеr & Mоnkеу Bеаt - Bоrdеr Rосk
043. Jоhn Cаmрbеll - Ain't Afrаid Of Midnight
044. Kris Pоhlmаnn Bаnd - Nоwhеrе Tо Run, Nоwhеrе Tо Hidе
045. Midnight Crеереrs - Anоthеr Yоu
046. Thе Pirаtеs - Dо Thе Dоg
047. Mаriа Muldаur - On A Night Likе This
048. Mightу Mо Rоdgеrs - Bluеs Fоr A Bluе Plаnеt (Thе Lаst Tаngо)
049. Nаshvillе Cаst Fеаt. Sаm Pаllаdiо - Gоing Elесtriс
050. Pеrrу Wеbеr And Thе Dеvillеs - Intеrnаtiоnаl Mаn
051. Rеsurrесtiоn Bаnd - On Thе Mоvе
052. Sаmuеl Eddу - Swееtеst Rеvеngе
053. Sеаsiсk Stеvе - 8 Bаll
054. Sрin Dосtоrs - If Thе Rivеr Wаs Whiskеу
055. Tу Curtis Bаnd - Nо Rеgrеts
056. Aсоustiс Gаrdеn - Stау As Yоu Arе
057. Pаul Thоrn - Evеrуbоdу Lооks Gооd
058. Thе Grооvе Junkiеs - Grооvе Junkiе
059. Thе Grооvе Junkiеs - Rоsаlее
060. Thе Jukе Jоints - Mаgiс Shоеs
061. Tim Brооks - Dull Yоu Undеr
062. Tоо Slim And Thе Tаildrаggеrs - A Girl Likе Minе
063. Tу Curtis Bаnd - I'm Gоnnа Miss Yоu
064. Wеntus Bluеs Bаnd - Fасеbооk Bluеs
065. Rаndу Hоusеr - Whаt Lеаving Lооks Likе
066. Thе Miсk Clаrkе Bаnd - Twilight Cаfе
067. Thе Pоundеrs - Hаrd-Hеаdеd Wоmаn
068. Tоо Slim And Thе Tаildrаggеrs - Whеn Whiskу Wаs Mу Friеnd
069. Trаmрlеd Undеr Fооt - Dоn't Wаnt Nо Wоmаn
070. Vinсе Gill - Swееt Thing
071. Wауnе Shаrр And Thе Shаrрshооtеr Bаnd - Gris Gris
072. Wауnе Shаrр - Wаng Dаng Dооdlе
073. Wild Williе & Big Dеаl - Dоn‘t Yоu Liе Tо Mе
074. Yungjоhnn - Oоbе
075. Lоrеttа Lуnn - Mу Angеl Mоthеr
076. Dоn Mсginnis - Wаrm Swееt Lоvе
077. Cаthеrinе Mсgrаth - Dоdgеd A Bullеt
078. Eriс Bibb - Rасе And Equаlitу
079. Thе Dirtу Rivеr Bоуs - Chеуеnnе
080. Rоsаnnе Cаsh - Evеrуоnе But Mе
081. Eriс Lindеll - Swееt Bеаutiful Thing
082. Cоwbоу Junkiеs - Missing Childrеn
083. Chris Yоuldеn & Thе Slаmmеrs - In Thе Middlе Of Thе Night
084. Mitсhеll Tеnреnnу - I Gеt Thе Piсturе
085. Tоnу Jое Whitе - Dоwn Thе Dirt Rоаd Bluеs
086. Pора Chubbу - Hаllеlujаh (Livе)
087. Lоng Jоhn Bаldrу - Mаggiе Bеll
088. Kаnе Brоwn - Hоmеsiсk
089. C.J. Mсknight - Stаkе Out
090. Sеаn Ardоin - Whаt Dо Yоu Wаnt Tо Dо
091. Frеnсhiе's Bluеs Dеstrоуеrs - Cаn't Stаnd Missing Yоu
092. Eriс Lindеll - Clаudеttе
093. Wild T & Thе Sрirit - Tаlk Dirtу
094. Wild T & Sрirit - It Ain't Whеrе Yоu'rе Frоm
095. Sоul Rivеr Dоgs - Thе Junk (All Funkеd Uр)
096. Alviе Sеlf - I Sее Yоur Lоvе
097. Nоisеwаtеr - Jаm-Bаlауа
098. Anthоnу Gоmеs - Pеасе, Lоvе & Lоud Guitаrs
099. Whitеу Mоrgаn - Just Gоt Pаid
100. Sоul Dосtоr - Eаtin' On Mе
101. Rоsе Tаttоо - Crеереr
102. Rоb Tоgnоni - Shаkin' Thе Dеvil's Hаnd
103. Rоbbеn Fоrd - Wild Hоnеу
104. Wеlсоmе - Bluеsmеn Chаnnеl
105. Rоb Orlеmаns - Bluеs Fоr Mоnеу
106. Rhinо Buсkеt - Bаr Timе
107. Kеnnу Chеsnеу - Lоvе Fоr Lоvе Citу
108. Sоul Rivеr Dоgs - Hеll Nо!
109. Miсhаеl Kаtоn - 'till Thе Hоunds
110. Cоlе Swindеll - Brеаk Uр In Thе End
111. Eriс Sсhеnkmаn - Whо Shоt Jоhn?
112. Cаrоlinе Jоnеs - Thе Diffеrеnсе
113. Ashlеу Mсbrуdе - Girl Gоin' Nоwhеrе
114. Cаnnеd Hеаt - Swееt Sixtееn
115. Brоthеr Snаkеоil - Eаrlу In Thе Mоrning
116. Zас Hаrmоn - I'm A Hеаlеr
117. Wоlf Mаil - Hеllо
118. Tу Curtis Bаnd - I'm Gоing Awау
119. Timо Grоss - Gоnе Mаd
120. Thе Duffу Bishор Bаnd - Pаin
121. Gеir Sundstøl - Snеv
122. Thе Tаints - Thе Hоusе Thаt Lоvе Livеs In
123. Thе Bеаt Dаddуs - Rеаsоns
124. Snоwу Whitе Bluеs Prоjесt - Onе Wау Tiсkеt
125. Sсоtt Ellisоn - Uр In Flаmеs
126. Rоbbеn Fоrd - Mооnсhild Bluеs
127. Dаmаgе Cоntrоl - Dеаd Mаn Wаlking
128. Zеd Mitсhеll - Thе Lаdу Livеs Thе Bluеs
129. Sunsеt Hеights - Drеаmin' Girl
130. Sir Olivеr Mаllу - Ridеrs On Thе Stоrm
131. Sсоtt Ellisоn - Whо Will Bе Thе Fооl
132. Cоеn Wоltеrs Bаnd - Shе Tаkеs Mу Brеаth Awау
133. Jоhn Prinе - Knосkin' On Yоur Sсrееn Dооr
134. Jimmу Thаkеrу - Wаnnаbе
135. Blасk 'n Bluе - Gеt Wisе Tо Thе Risе
136. Dukе Rоbillаrd - Yоu Mеаn Evеrуthing Tо Mе
137. Big Gеоrgе & Thе Businеss - Hоmе Of Thе Wоlf
138. Cоlin Jаmеs - Fооl Fоr Yоu
139. Brаnt Pаrkеr - Rivеr Of Brоkеn Drеаms
140. Bluеsbаll - Shе's On A Rоl
141. Bluе Rооm - Uрhill
142. Amеriсаn Bluеs Bоx - Whiskеу & Wаtеr
143. Dоуlе Brаmhаll - Mаrrу Yоu
144. Dеrеk Millеr - Oоh Lа Lа
145. Cоуоtе Kings - Blасk Eуеd Vооdоо Child
146. Buddаhеаds - Thrоugh Mу Eуеs
147. Bоwеs & Mоrlеу - Whу Did Yоu Dо It
148. Bоnаfidе - Siсk
149. Billу D & Thе Hооdооs - Lоvе Mаkеs Yоu Crу
150. Alаstаir Grееnе - Gеt Yоur Evil On
Просмотров: 2804
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14 марта 19, 19:39
Исполнитель: Rotting Christ
Альбом: The Heretics [Deluxe Edition]
Год: 2019
Стиль: Melodic Black Metal, Dark Metal
Страна: Greece
Альбом: The Heretics [Deluxe Edition]
Год: 2019
Стиль: Melodic Black Metal, Dark Metal
Страна: Greece
01. In The Name Of God (04:13)
02. Vetry Zlye (Ветры Злые) (03:14)
03. Heaven And Hell And Fire (04:52)
04. Hallowed Be Thy Name (05:06)
05. Dies Irae (03:45)
06. I Believe (Πιστευω) (03:42)
07. Fire God And Fear (04:50)
08. The Voice Of Universe (05:23)
09. The New Messiah (03:07)
10. The Raven (05:23)
11. The Sons Of Hell (Bonus Track) (04:18)
12. Phobos (Bonus Track) (04:13)
02. Vetry Zlye (Ветры Злые) (03:14)
03. Heaven And Hell And Fire (04:52)
04. Hallowed Be Thy Name (05:06)
05. Dies Irae (03:45)
06. I Believe (Πιστευω) (03:42)
07. Fire God And Fear (04:50)
08. The Voice Of Universe (05:23)
09. The New Messiah (03:07)
10. The Raven (05:23)
11. The Sons Of Hell (Bonus Track) (04:18)
12. Phobos (Bonus Track) (04:13)
Просмотров: 2329
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13 марта 19, 17:26
Исполнитель: Machines Dream
Альбом: Revisionist History
Год: 2019
Стиль: Progressive Rock
Страна: Canada
Альбом: Revisionist History
Год: 2019
Стиль: Progressive Rock
Страна: Canada
01. Immunity
02. Trading Stars For Solitude
03. Broken Door
04. My Ocean Is Electric
05. A Poor Turn For The Soul
06. Jupiter
07. Battersea Transcendental
08. A Stones Throw
09. Boundaries
10. Toronto Skyline
11. London By Night
12. Unarmed At Sea
13. Mad For All Seasons
14. Stop Waiting For Miracles
15. Locusts
16. Colder Rain
17. Everyone Says Goodbye
18. The Session
02. Trading Stars For Solitude
03. Broken Door
04. My Ocean Is Electric
05. A Poor Turn For The Soul
06. Jupiter
07. Battersea Transcendental
08. A Stones Throw
09. Boundaries
10. Toronto Skyline
11. London By Night
12. Unarmed At Sea
13. Mad For All Seasons
14. Stop Waiting For Miracles
15. Locusts
16. Colder Rain
17. Everyone Says Goodbye
18. The Session
Просмотров: 2297
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11 марта 19, 19:36
Исполнитель: Children of Bodom
Альбом: Hexed [Deluxe Edition]
Год: 2019
Стиль: Melodic Death Metal
Страна: Finland
Альбом: Hexed [Deluxe Edition]
Год: 2019
Стиль: Melodic Death Metal
Страна: Finland
01. This Road
02. Under Grass and Clover
03. Glass Houses
04. Hecate’s Nightmare
05. Kick in the Spleen
06. Platitudes and Barren Words
07. Hexed
08. Relapse (The Nature of My Crime)
09. Say Never Look Back
10. Soon Departed
11. Knuckleduster
12. I Worship Chaos (Live) (Bonus Tracks)
13. Morrigan (Live) (Bonus Tracks)
14. Knuckleduster (Remix) (Bonus Tracks)
02. Under Grass and Clover
03. Glass Houses
04. Hecate’s Nightmare
05. Kick in the Spleen
06. Platitudes and Barren Words
07. Hexed
08. Relapse (The Nature of My Crime)
09. Say Never Look Back
10. Soon Departed
11. Knuckleduster
12. I Worship Chaos (Live) (Bonus Tracks)
13. Morrigan (Live) (Bonus Tracks)
14. Knuckleduster (Remix) (Bonus Tracks)
Просмотров: 2254
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10 марта 19, 17:26
Исполнитель: Beast In Black
Альбом: From Hell With Love [Bonus Edition]
Год: 2019
Стиль: Melodic Heavy Metal, Power Metal
Страна: Finland
Альбом: From Hell With Love [Bonus Edition]
Год: 2019
Стиль: Melodic Heavy Metal, Power Metal
Страна: Finland
01. Cry Out For A Hero
02. From Hell With Love
03. Sweet True Lies
04. Repentless
05. Die By The Blade
06. Oceandeep
07. Unlimited Sin
08. True Believer
09. This Is War
10. Heart of Steel
11. No Surrender
12. Killed By Death (Motörhead cover) [Bonus Track]
13. No Easy Way Out (Robert Tepper cover) [Bonus Track]
02. From Hell With Love
03. Sweet True Lies
04. Repentless
05. Die By The Blade
06. Oceandeep
07. Unlimited Sin
08. True Believer
09. This Is War
10. Heart of Steel
11. No Surrender
12. Killed By Death (Motörhead cover) [Bonus Track]
13. No Easy Way Out (Robert Tepper cover) [Bonus Track]
Просмотров: 2297
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8 марта 19, 15:54
Исполнитель: Varkan
Альбом: Varkan
Год: 2019
Стиль: Speed Metal, Heavy Metal
Страна: USA
Альбом: Varkan
Год: 2019
Стиль: Speed Metal, Heavy Metal
Страна: USA
01. Divided States
02. Shadow Self
03. Eclipse of My Soul
04. Rats from a Sinking Ship
05. Nocturnal Pollutions
06. The Revenge of the Black Queen
07. The Wound Never Heals
08. Born on Samhain
09. Filthy Human Race
10. Epilogue
02. Shadow Self
03. Eclipse of My Soul
04. Rats from a Sinking Ship
05. Nocturnal Pollutions
06. The Revenge of the Black Queen
07. The Wound Never Heals
08. Born on Samhain
09. Filthy Human Race
10. Epilogue
Просмотров: 2316
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8 марта 19, 01:24
Исполнитель: Mago De Oz
Альбом: Ira Dei
Год: 2019
Стиль: Melodic Power Metal, Folk Metal
Страна: Spain
Альбом: Ira Dei
Год: 2019
Стиль: Melodic Power Metal, Folk Metal
Страна: Spain
Disc 1:
01. Jerusalem D.C. 03:21
02. In Eternum 09:01
03. El amor brujo 05:51
04. Tu funeral 05:17
05. Ciudad esmeralda 04:37
06. Tequila mucho por vivir 03:49
07. Te traere el horizonte 04:48
08. Opera Mortis (O mio babino caro / Nessum dorma version) 02:42
09. La cantiga de las brujas 05:54
10. Espera en el cielo 05:51
Disc 2:
01. Opus Tenebrae 00:57
02. Suspiria 04:07
03. Y que nunca te falte un "te quiero" 03:47
04. Bajo mi piel 04:31
05. Jimmy "tiro en el pie" 05:08
06. Infinitum (Trine 2 OST cover) 04:15
07. El septimo sello 04:09
08. Ira Dei (Apocalipsis) 18:01
01. Jerusalem D.C. 03:21
02. In Eternum 09:01
03. El amor brujo 05:51
04. Tu funeral 05:17
05. Ciudad esmeralda 04:37
06. Tequila mucho por vivir 03:49
07. Te traere el horizonte 04:48
08. Opera Mortis (O mio babino caro / Nessum dorma version) 02:42
09. La cantiga de las brujas 05:54
10. Espera en el cielo 05:51
Disc 2:
01. Opus Tenebrae 00:57
02. Suspiria 04:07
03. Y que nunca te falte un "te quiero" 03:47
04. Bajo mi piel 04:31
05. Jimmy "tiro en el pie" 05:08
06. Infinitum (Trine 2 OST cover) 04:15
07. El septimo sello 04:09
08. Ira Dei (Apocalipsis) 18:01
Просмотров: 2804
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7 марта 19, 17:38
Исполнитель: Led Zeppelin
Альбом: The Greatest Hits
Год: 2019
Стиль: Blues Rock, Hard Rock, Folk Rock
Страна: UK
Альбом: The Greatest Hits
Год: 2019
Стиль: Blues Rock, Hard Rock, Folk Rock
Страна: UK
01. Whole Lotta Love
02. Since I've Been Loving You
03. Black Dog
04. Rock And Roll
05. The Song Remains The Same
06. Living Loving Maid (She's Just A Woman)
07. No Quarter
08. Black Country Woman
09. Ramble On
10. When The Levee Breaks
11. Bring It On Home
12. Bron-Y-Aur Stomp
13. Communication Breakdown
14. Boogie With Stu
15. Kashmir
16. Gallows Pole
17. D'Yer Mak'er
18. All My Love
19. Trampled Under Foot
20. Out on the Tiles
21. Misty Mountain Hop
22. Heartbreaker
23. Carouselambra
24. Walter's Walk
25. Thank You
26. Stairway To Heaven
27. Hot Dog
28. Dazed And Confused
29. The Lemon Song
30. Over The Hills And Far Away
31. In My Time of Dying
32. Fool In The Rain
33. Celebration Day
34. What Is And What Should Never Be
35. The Rover
36. South Bound Saurez
37. Good Times Bad Times
38. Friends
39. Babe I'm Gonna Leave You
40. Immigrant Song
41. In The Evening
02. Since I've Been Loving You
03. Black Dog
04. Rock And Roll
05. The Song Remains The Same
06. Living Loving Maid (She's Just A Woman)
07. No Quarter
08. Black Country Woman
09. Ramble On
10. When The Levee Breaks
11. Bring It On Home
12. Bron-Y-Aur Stomp
13. Communication Breakdown
14. Boogie With Stu
15. Kashmir
16. Gallows Pole
17. D'Yer Mak'er
18. All My Love
19. Trampled Under Foot
20. Out on the Tiles
21. Misty Mountain Hop
22. Heartbreaker
23. Carouselambra
24. Walter's Walk
25. Thank You
26. Stairway To Heaven
27. Hot Dog
28. Dazed And Confused
29. The Lemon Song
30. Over The Hills And Far Away
31. In My Time of Dying
32. Fool In The Rain
33. Celebration Day
34. What Is And What Should Never Be
35. The Rover
36. South Bound Saurez
37. Good Times Bad Times
38. Friends
39. Babe I'm Gonna Leave You
40. Immigrant Song
41. In The Evening
Просмотров: 2598
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7 марта 19, 16:10
Исполнитель: VA
Альбом: Rock Legends: The Ultimate Collection
Год: 2018
Стиль: Rock, Alternative Rock, Hard Rock, Hard 'n' Heavy, Heavy Metal, Power Metal, Thrash Metal
Страна: Various
Альбом: Rock Legends: The Ultimate Collection
Год: 2018
Стиль: Rock, Alternative Rock, Hard Rock, Hard 'n' Heavy, Heavy Metal, Power Metal, Thrash Metal
Страна: Various
01. Rainbow - I Surrender
02. Thin Lizzy - The Boys Are Back In Town
03. Kiss - Rock And Roll All Nite
04. Dio - Rainbow In The Dark
05. Free - Wishing Well
06. Iggy Pop - Real Wild Child (Wild One)
07. The Velvet Underground - I'm Waiting For The Man
08. Rod Stewart - Maggie May
09. Lynyrd Skynyrd - Sweet Home Alabama
10. Cher - Just Like Jessie James
11. Gary Moore - Really Gonna Rock Tonight
12. Status Quo - Caroline
13. Gene Simmons - Carnival Of Souls
14. New York Dolls - Personality Crisis
15. Cinderella - Gypsy Road
16. Motorhead - I Got Mine
17. Billy Idol - Scream
18. Nazareth - Bad Bad Boy
19. Fleetwood Mac - Man Of The World
20. The Troggs - Wild Thing
01. Emerson, Lake & Palmer - Fanfare For The Common Man
02. Nazareth - This Flight Tonight
03. Magnum - The Spirit
04. Uriah Heep - Easy Livin'
05. Rush - Tom Sawyer
06. Motorhead - Overkill
07. Tesla - Modern Day Cowboy
08. Angel Witch - Angel Witch
09. Girlschool - Race With The Devil
10. The Runaways - Cherry Bomb
11. Big Country - In A Big Country
12. Gary Moore - Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood
13. Dokken - Breaking The Chains (Live)
14. Anthrax - Indians
15. Helloween - Dr. Stein
16. Kreator - Pleasure To Kill
17. UFO - Doctor Doctor
18. Status Quo - Mean Girl
19. Joe Walsh - Rocky Mountain Way
20. The Allman Brothers - Ramblin' Man
01. Asia - Heat Of The Moment
02. Magnum - Just Like A Arrow
03. Nazareth - Piece Of My Heart
04. Bachman-Turner Overdrive - Roll On Down The Highway
05. Uriah Heep - Gypsy
06. Simple Minds - Don't You Forget About Me
07. Blondie - Call Me
08. The Cure - Just Like Heaven
09. Roxy Music - More Than This
10. The Damned - Life Goes On
11. Hawkwind - Night Of The Hawks
12. Nazareth - May The Sunshine
13. The Damned - Lovely Money
14. Hanoi Rocks - I Want You
15. L.A Guns - The Ballad Of Jayne
16. Bonnie Tyler - It's A Heartache
17. Uriah Heep - Lady In Black
18. Barclay James Harvest - Mocking Bird
19. Status Quo - Pictures Of Matchstick Men
20. The Moody Blues - Your Wildest Dreams
01. Scorpions - Wind Of Change
02. Extreme - Hole Hearted
03. Magnum - On A Storyteller's Night
04. Girlschool & Motorhead - Please Don't Touch
05. Little Angels - Too Much To Young
06. Hawkwind - Motorway City
07. Venom - To Hell And Back
08. Girlschool - Hit And Run
09. Atomic Rooster - The Devil's Answer
10. Helloween - I Want Out
11. Samson - Riding With The Angels
12. Juicy Lucy - Who Do You Love?
13. Climax Blues Band - Couldn't Get It Right
14. Rose Tattoo - Rock 'N Roll Outlaw
15. Be Bop Deluxe - Ships In The Night
16. Atomic Rooster - Tomorrow Night
17. Curved Air - Back Street Luv
18. Tenpole Tudor - Swords Of A Thousand Men
19. The Cooper Temple Clause - Who Needs Enemies?
20. Black Rebel Motorcycle Club - Ain't No Easy Way
01. Queens Of The Stone Age - No One Knows
02. Papa Roach - Last Resort
03. Marilyn Manson - The Beautiful People
04. 3 Doors Down - Kryptonite
05. Puddle Of Mudd - Blurry
06. Breaking Benjamin - The Diary Of Jane
07. Fall Out Boy - My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark (Light Em Up)
08. Hoobastank - The Reason
09. Sonic Youth - Incinerate
10. Lenny Kravitz - Fly Away
11. Hole - Celebrity Skin
12. Gun - Word Up
13. Blink-182 - What's My Age Again?
14. Weezer - Beverly Hills
15. Ugly Kid Joe - Everything About You
16. Alien Ant Farm - Movies
17. Sum 41 - In Too Deep
18. Therapy? - Screamager
19. Raging Speedhorn - The Gush
20. The Cooper Temple Clause - Promises Promises
01. Rainbow - I Surrender
02. Thin Lizzy - The Boys Are Back In Town
03. Kiss - Rock And Roll All Nite
04. Dio - Rainbow In The Dark
05. Free - Wishing Well
06. Iggy Pop - Real Wild Child (Wild One)
07. The Velvet Underground - I'm Waiting For The Man
08. Rod Stewart - Maggie May
09. Lynyrd Skynyrd - Sweet Home Alabama
10. Cher - Just Like Jessie James
11. Gary Moore - Really Gonna Rock Tonight
12. Status Quo - Caroline
13. Gene Simmons - Carnival Of Souls
14. New York Dolls - Personality Crisis
15. Cinderella - Gypsy Road
16. Motorhead - I Got Mine
17. Billy Idol - Scream
18. Nazareth - Bad Bad Boy
19. Fleetwood Mac - Man Of The World
20. The Troggs - Wild Thing
01. Emerson, Lake & Palmer - Fanfare For The Common Man
02. Nazareth - This Flight Tonight
03. Magnum - The Spirit
04. Uriah Heep - Easy Livin'
05. Rush - Tom Sawyer
06. Motorhead - Overkill
07. Tesla - Modern Day Cowboy
08. Angel Witch - Angel Witch
09. Girlschool - Race With The Devil
10. The Runaways - Cherry Bomb
11. Big Country - In A Big Country
12. Gary Moore - Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood
13. Dokken - Breaking The Chains (Live)
14. Anthrax - Indians
15. Helloween - Dr. Stein
16. Kreator - Pleasure To Kill
17. UFO - Doctor Doctor
18. Status Quo - Mean Girl
19. Joe Walsh - Rocky Mountain Way
20. The Allman Brothers - Ramblin' Man
01. Asia - Heat Of The Moment
02. Magnum - Just Like A Arrow
03. Nazareth - Piece Of My Heart
04. Bachman-Turner Overdrive - Roll On Down The Highway
05. Uriah Heep - Gypsy
06. Simple Minds - Don't You Forget About Me
07. Blondie - Call Me
08. The Cure - Just Like Heaven
09. Roxy Music - More Than This
10. The Damned - Life Goes On
11. Hawkwind - Night Of The Hawks
12. Nazareth - May The Sunshine
13. The Damned - Lovely Money
14. Hanoi Rocks - I Want You
15. L.A Guns - The Ballad Of Jayne
16. Bonnie Tyler - It's A Heartache
17. Uriah Heep - Lady In Black
18. Barclay James Harvest - Mocking Bird
19. Status Quo - Pictures Of Matchstick Men
20. The Moody Blues - Your Wildest Dreams
01. Scorpions - Wind Of Change
02. Extreme - Hole Hearted
03. Magnum - On A Storyteller's Night
04. Girlschool & Motorhead - Please Don't Touch
05. Little Angels - Too Much To Young
06. Hawkwind - Motorway City
07. Venom - To Hell And Back
08. Girlschool - Hit And Run
09. Atomic Rooster - The Devil's Answer
10. Helloween - I Want Out
11. Samson - Riding With The Angels
12. Juicy Lucy - Who Do You Love?
13. Climax Blues Band - Couldn't Get It Right
14. Rose Tattoo - Rock 'N Roll Outlaw
15. Be Bop Deluxe - Ships In The Night
16. Atomic Rooster - Tomorrow Night
17. Curved Air - Back Street Luv
18. Tenpole Tudor - Swords Of A Thousand Men
19. The Cooper Temple Clause - Who Needs Enemies?
20. Black Rebel Motorcycle Club - Ain't No Easy Way
01. Queens Of The Stone Age - No One Knows
02. Papa Roach - Last Resort
03. Marilyn Manson - The Beautiful People
04. 3 Doors Down - Kryptonite
05. Puddle Of Mudd - Blurry
06. Breaking Benjamin - The Diary Of Jane
07. Fall Out Boy - My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark (Light Em Up)
08. Hoobastank - The Reason
09. Sonic Youth - Incinerate
10. Lenny Kravitz - Fly Away
11. Hole - Celebrity Skin
12. Gun - Word Up
13. Blink-182 - What's My Age Again?
14. Weezer - Beverly Hills
15. Ugly Kid Joe - Everything About You
16. Alien Ant Farm - Movies
17. Sum 41 - In Too Deep
18. Therapy? - Screamager
19. Raging Speedhorn - The Gush
20. The Cooper Temple Clause - Promises Promises
Просмотров: 3074
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6 марта 19, 16:58
Исполнитель: Rock Goddess
Альбом: This Time
Год: 2019
Стиль: Heavy Metal
Страна: UK
Альбом: This Time
Год: 2019
Стиль: Heavy Metal
Страна: UK
01. Are You Ready?
02. Obsession
03. Two Wrongs Don't Make a Right
04. Calling to Space
05. Flying to See You
06. Why Do We Never Learn?
07. This Time
08. It's My Turn
09. Drive Me Away
Британская женская heavy metal группа Rock Goddess выпустила свой новый альбом "This Time", на собственном лейбле. Продюсером материала был Wes Maebe (UB40, Robert Plant, NEW MODEL ARMY, PRAYING MANTIS).
02. Obsession
03. Two Wrongs Don't Make a Right
04. Calling to Space
05. Flying to See You
06. Why Do We Never Learn?
07. This Time
08. It's My Turn
09. Drive Me Away
Британская женская heavy metal группа Rock Goddess выпустила свой новый альбом "This Time", на собственном лейбле. Продюсером материала был Wes Maebe (UB40, Robert Plant, NEW MODEL ARMY, PRAYING MANTIS).
Просмотров: 2655
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5 марта 19, 17:36
Исполнитель: Bryan Adams
Альбом: Shine A Light
Год: 2019
Стиль: Classic Pock, Pop Rock, Soft Rock
Страна: UK
Альбом: Shine A Light
Год: 2019
Стиль: Classic Pock, Pop Rock, Soft Rock
Страна: UK
1. Shine A Light
2. That's How Strong Our Love Is ft. Jennifer Lopez
3. Part Friday Night, Part Sunday Morning
4. Driving Under The Influence Of Love
5. All Or Nothing
6. No Time For Love
7. I Could Get Used To This
8. Talk to Me
9. I Hear You Knockin'
10. Nobody's Girl
11. Don't Look Back
12. Whiskey In The Jar
2. That's How Strong Our Love Is ft. Jennifer Lopez
3. Part Friday Night, Part Sunday Morning
4. Driving Under The Influence Of Love
5. All Or Nothing
6. No Time For Love
7. I Could Get Used To This
8. Talk to Me
9. I Hear You Knockin'
10. Nobody's Girl
11. Don't Look Back
12. Whiskey In The Jar
Просмотров: 2109
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5 марта 19, 03:20
Исполнитель: Iron Savior
Альбом: Kill Or Get Killed [Japanese Edition]
Год: 2019
Стиль: Power Metal
Страна: Germany
Альбом: Kill Or Get Killed [Japanese Edition]
Год: 2019
Стиль: Power Metal
Страна: Germany
CD1: Kill Or Get Killed
01. Kill Or Get Killed (5:43)
02. Roaring Thunder (4:23)
03. Eternal Quest (4:31)
04. From Dust And Ruble (4:40)
05. Sinner Or Saint (5:05)
06. Stand Up And Fight (4:23)
07. Heroes Ascending (4:17)
08. Never Stop Believing (4:14)
09. Until We Meet Again (7:55)
10. Legends Of Glory (4:36)
CD2: Bonus Disc
01. Sin City (AC/DC Cover) (4:24)
02. Run To You (Bryan Adams Cover) (3:50)
03. Cyberhero 2.0 (4:58)
04. Farewell And Goodbye 2.0 (6:01)
05. Kill Or Get Killed (Radio Edit) (5:15)
06. Kill Or Get Killed (Karaoke Version) (5:43)
07. Overkill (8:36)
01. Kill Or Get Killed (5:43)
02. Roaring Thunder (4:23)
03. Eternal Quest (4:31)
04. From Dust And Ruble (4:40)
05. Sinner Or Saint (5:05)
06. Stand Up And Fight (4:23)
07. Heroes Ascending (4:17)
08. Never Stop Believing (4:14)
09. Until We Meet Again (7:55)
10. Legends Of Glory (4:36)
CD2: Bonus Disc
01. Sin City (AC/DC Cover) (4:24)
02. Run To You (Bryan Adams Cover) (3:50)
03. Cyberhero 2.0 (4:58)
04. Farewell And Goodbye 2.0 (6:01)
05. Kill Or Get Killed (Radio Edit) (5:15)
06. Kill Or Get Killed (Karaoke Version) (5:43)
07. Overkill (8:36)
Просмотров: 2577
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4 марта 19, 09:38
Исполнитель: Thirty Seconds To Mars
Альбом: AMERICA [Deluxe Edition]
Год: 2018
Стиль: Alternative Rock
Страна: USA
Альбом: AMERICA [Deluxe Edition]
Год: 2018
Стиль: Alternative Rock
Страна: USA
01. Walk On Water (03:05)
02. Dangerous Night (produced by Zedd) (03:20)
03. Rescue Me (03:38)
04. One Track Mind (Feat. A$AP Rocky) (04:20)
05. Monolith (01:38)
06. Love Is Madness (Feat. Halsey) (03:55)
07. Great Wide Open (04:49)
08. Hail To The Victor (03:22)
09. Dawn Will Rise (03:57)
10. Remedy (03:17)
11. Live Like A Dream (04:07)
12. Rider (02:58)
13. Walk On Water (Acoustic) [Bonus Track] (03:08)
14. Walk On Water (R3hab Remix) [Bonus Track] (02:41)
15. Dangerous Night (Cheat Codes Remix) [Bonus Track] (03:03)
02. Dangerous Night (produced by Zedd) (03:20)
03. Rescue Me (03:38)
04. One Track Mind (Feat. A$AP Rocky) (04:20)
05. Monolith (01:38)
06. Love Is Madness (Feat. Halsey) (03:55)
07. Great Wide Open (04:49)
08. Hail To The Victor (03:22)
09. Dawn Will Rise (03:57)
10. Remedy (03:17)
11. Live Like A Dream (04:07)
12. Rider (02:58)
13. Walk On Water (Acoustic) [Bonus Track] (03:08)
14. Walk On Water (R3hab Remix) [Bonus Track] (02:41)
15. Dangerous Night (Cheat Codes Remix) [Bonus Track] (03:03)
Просмотров: 2397
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3 марта 19, 22:45
Исполнитель: Ten Years After
Альбом: The Platinum Collection
Год: 2019
Стиль: Blues Rock, Melodic Hard Rock
Страна: UK
Альбом: The Platinum Collection
Год: 2019
Стиль: Blues Rock, Melodic Hard Rock
Страна: UK
Disc One
01. Love Like A Man
02. Think About The Times
03. Religion
04. You're Driving Me Crazy
05. Speed Kills
06. Portable People
07. The Bluest Blues
08. Positive Vibrations
09. I'd Love To Change The World
10. Hear Me Calling
11. As The Sun Still Burns Away
12. 50,000 Miles Beneath My Brain
13. Outside My Window
Disc Two
01. Bad Scene
02. Over The Hill
03. Going Back To Birmingham
04. Look Into My Life
05. Look Me Straight Into The Eyes
06. I'm Coming On
07. Sugar The Road
08. Working On The Road
09. Standing At The Station
10. Without You
11. It's Getting Harder
12. Waiting For the Judgement Day
«Ten Years After» - английская группа, исполнявшая блюз-рок и хард-рок с джазовыми элементами и вошедшая в историю с классическими синглами «I’m Going Home» и «Love Like A Man».
01. Love Like A Man
02. Think About The Times
03. Religion
04. You're Driving Me Crazy
05. Speed Kills
06. Portable People
07. The Bluest Blues
08. Positive Vibrations
09. I'd Love To Change The World
10. Hear Me Calling
11. As The Sun Still Burns Away
12. 50,000 Miles Beneath My Brain
13. Outside My Window
Disc Two
01. Bad Scene
02. Over The Hill
03. Going Back To Birmingham
04. Look Into My Life
05. Look Me Straight Into The Eyes
06. I'm Coming On
07. Sugar The Road
08. Working On The Road
09. Standing At The Station
10. Without You
11. It's Getting Harder
12. Waiting For the Judgement Day
«Ten Years After» - английская группа, исполнявшая блюз-рок и хард-рок с джазовыми элементами и вошедшая в историю с классическими синглами «I’m Going Home» и «Love Like A Man».
Просмотров: 2372
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3 марта 19, 21:02
Исполнитель: Athlantis
Альбом: The Way to Rock'n'Roll
Год: 2019
Стиль: Power Metal
Страна: Italy
Альбом: The Way to Rock'n'Roll
Год: 2019
Стиль: Power Metal
Страна: Italy
01. Letter to a Son
02. Prayer to the Lord
03. Heaven Can Wait
04. Forgive Me
05. No pain no More
06. Black Rose
07. Lady Starlight
08. If I
09. Reborn
10. The Way to RnR
02. Prayer to the Lord
03. Heaven Can Wait
04. Forgive Me
05. No pain no More
06. Black Rose
07. Lady Starlight
08. If I
09. Reborn
10. The Way to RnR
Просмотров: 2077
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2 марта 19, 12:29
Исполнитель: VA
Альбом: Classics in the Metal
Год: 2017
Стиль: Neo-classical Metal, Symphonic Metal
Страна: Various
Альбом: Classics in the Metal
Год: 2017
Стиль: Neo-classical Metal, Symphonic Metal
Страна: Various
01. At Vance - 5th Simfoniа
02. Steve Grant's Barockestra - Largo Al Factotum
03. Evil Masquerade - Badinerie
04. Dark Moor - Four Seasons.Winter
05. Vitalij Kuprij - Opus I
06. Arachnes - The Barber Of Seville
07. Luka Turilli - Caprice In A Minor
08. Masterplan - Lonely Winds of War
09. Mago De Oz - Czardas
10. Steve Grant's Barockestra - Dance Of The Cygnets
11. Epica - Montagues & Capulets
12. Skylark - Eine Kleine Nachtmusik
13. Viper - Moonlight
14. At Vance - Four Seasons. Summer
15. Stratovarius - Holy Light
16. Therion - Il Trovatore
17. Steve Grant's Barockestra - William Tell Overture
01. Gaja Prelude - Mystic Formula
02. Evil Masquerade - Ride Of The Valkyries
03. Epica - Presto
04. Warmen - Return
05. Iron Mask - Morgana’s Castle
06. Tierra Santa - Himno a La Alegria
07. Steve Grant's Barockestra - Badinerie
08. At Vance - Summer 2nd Set
09. Dark Moor - Swan Lake
10. Dragonland - Rondo a La Turka
11. Trans-Siberian Orchestra - Toccata
12. Angelica - Queen Of The Night
13. Steve Grant's Barockestra - Flight Of The Bumble Bee
14. Therion - Symphony No.9
15. Lisegang - Sabre Danse Macabre
16. Angelica - Ave Maria
17. Kaledon - Goodbye My Friend
01. Aunt Mary - In The Hall Of The Mountain King
02. Pathfinder - Pathway To The Moon
03. Dark Moor - The Moon
04. Steve Grant's Barockestra - Hair And A G String
05. Space Odyssey - The Pagamo Thrill
06. Emerson, Lake & Palmer - Romeo and Juliet
07. Nika & Friends - Tosca, Le Stelle
08. Heavatar - Replica
09. Stormwitch - Rondo Ala Turca
10. Kamelot - Forever
11. Nika & Friends - Carmen, Prelude
12. Trans-Siberian Orchestra - Queen Of The Winter Night
13. Nika & Friends - Toreador Song
14. Stacey Blades - Blue Danube
15. Trans-Siberian Orchestra - The Mountain
16. Vivaldi Metal Project - Thunderstorm
17. Trans-Siberian Orchestra - Requiem
01. Warmen - Salieri Strikes Back
02. Trans-Siberian Orchestra - A Last Illusion
03. Odyssea - Ride
04. Trans-Siberian Orchestra - Nutrocke
05. Stacey Blades - Tocata & Fugue
06. Trans-Siberian Orchestra - Wish Liszt
07. Nika & Friends - Carmen, Habanera
08. Vivaldi Metal Project - The Age of Dreams
09. Trans-Siberian Orchestra - Dreams Of Fireflies
10. Alsion - Way to Eternity
11. Stacey Blades - Ode to Joy
12. Mistheria - Chopin Fantaisie
13. Prime Time - Unity
14. Kee Marcello - Bumble Bee
15. Bonfire - InstruMetal
16. Vivaldi Metal Project - The Illusion of Eternity
17. Stacey Blades - Overture 1812
01. At Vance - 5th Simfoniа
02. Steve Grant's Barockestra - Largo Al Factotum
03. Evil Masquerade - Badinerie
04. Dark Moor - Four Seasons.Winter
05. Vitalij Kuprij - Opus I
06. Arachnes - The Barber Of Seville
07. Luka Turilli - Caprice In A Minor
08. Masterplan - Lonely Winds of War
09. Mago De Oz - Czardas
10. Steve Grant's Barockestra - Dance Of The Cygnets
11. Epica - Montagues & Capulets
12. Skylark - Eine Kleine Nachtmusik
13. Viper - Moonlight
14. At Vance - Four Seasons. Summer
15. Stratovarius - Holy Light
16. Therion - Il Trovatore
17. Steve Grant's Barockestra - William Tell Overture
01. Gaja Prelude - Mystic Formula
02. Evil Masquerade - Ride Of The Valkyries
03. Epica - Presto
04. Warmen - Return
05. Iron Mask - Morgana’s Castle
06. Tierra Santa - Himno a La Alegria
07. Steve Grant's Barockestra - Badinerie
08. At Vance - Summer 2nd Set
09. Dark Moor - Swan Lake
10. Dragonland - Rondo a La Turka
11. Trans-Siberian Orchestra - Toccata
12. Angelica - Queen Of The Night
13. Steve Grant's Barockestra - Flight Of The Bumble Bee
14. Therion - Symphony No.9
15. Lisegang - Sabre Danse Macabre
16. Angelica - Ave Maria
17. Kaledon - Goodbye My Friend
01. Aunt Mary - In The Hall Of The Mountain King
02. Pathfinder - Pathway To The Moon
03. Dark Moor - The Moon
04. Steve Grant's Barockestra - Hair And A G String
05. Space Odyssey - The Pagamo Thrill
06. Emerson, Lake & Palmer - Romeo and Juliet
07. Nika & Friends - Tosca, Le Stelle
08. Heavatar - Replica
09. Stormwitch - Rondo Ala Turca
10. Kamelot - Forever
11. Nika & Friends - Carmen, Prelude
12. Trans-Siberian Orchestra - Queen Of The Winter Night
13. Nika & Friends - Toreador Song
14. Stacey Blades - Blue Danube
15. Trans-Siberian Orchestra - The Mountain
16. Vivaldi Metal Project - Thunderstorm
17. Trans-Siberian Orchestra - Requiem
01. Warmen - Salieri Strikes Back
02. Trans-Siberian Orchestra - A Last Illusion
03. Odyssea - Ride
04. Trans-Siberian Orchestra - Nutrocke
05. Stacey Blades - Tocata & Fugue
06. Trans-Siberian Orchestra - Wish Liszt
07. Nika & Friends - Carmen, Habanera
08. Vivaldi Metal Project - The Age of Dreams
09. Trans-Siberian Orchestra - Dreams Of Fireflies
10. Alsion - Way to Eternity
11. Stacey Blades - Ode to Joy
12. Mistheria - Chopin Fantaisie
13. Prime Time - Unity
14. Kee Marcello - Bumble Bee
15. Bonfire - InstruMetal
16. Vivaldi Metal Project - The Illusion of Eternity
17. Stacey Blades - Overture 1812
Просмотров: 3085
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1 марта 19, 18:48
Исполнитель: In Flames
Альбом: I, the Mask [Limited Edition]
Год: 2019
Стиль: Melodic Death Metal, Alternative Metal, Modern Metal
Страна: Sweden
Альбом: I, the Mask [Limited Edition]
Год: 2019
Стиль: Melodic Death Metal, Alternative Metal, Modern Metal
Страна: Sweden
01. Voices
02. I, The Mask
03. Call My Name
04. I Am Above
05. Follow Me
06. (This Is Our) House
07. We Will Remember
08. In This Life
09. Burn
10. Deep Inside
11. All The Pain
12. Stay With Me
13. Not Alone (Bonus Track)
02. I, The Mask
03. Call My Name
04. I Am Above
05. Follow Me
06. (This Is Our) House
07. We Will Remember
08. In This Life
09. Burn
10. Deep Inside
11. All The Pain
12. Stay With Me
13. Not Alone (Bonus Track)
Просмотров: 2456
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1 марта 19, 13:05
Исполнитель: Queensryche
Альбом: The Verdict
Год: 2019
Стиль: Progressive Metal
Страна: USA
Альбом: The Verdict
Год: 2019
Стиль: Progressive Metal
Страна: USA
01. Blood Of The Levant 03:27
02. Man The Machine 03:50
03. Light-Years 04:08
04. Inside Out 04:31
05. Propaganda Fashion 03:36
06. Dark Reverie 04:23
07. Bent 05:58
08. Inner Unrest 03:50
09. Launder The Conscience 05:15
10. Portrait 05:16
02. Man The Machine 03:50
03. Light-Years 04:08
04. Inside Out 04:31
05. Propaganda Fashion 03:36
06. Dark Reverie 04:23
07. Bent 05:58
08. Inner Unrest 03:50
09. Launder The Conscience 05:15
10. Portrait 05:16
Просмотров: 2152
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28 февраля 19, 12:18
Исполнитель: Imperia
Альбом: Flames of Eternity
Год: 2019
Стиль: Symphonic Metal
Страна: Netherlands
Альбом: Flames of Eternity
Год: 2019
Стиль: Symphonic Metal
Страна: Netherlands
01. The Scarred Soul 05:31
02. Fear Is an Illusion 04:57
03. Unspoken Words 04:12
04. Book of Love 04:47
05. Blinded 03:39
06. Invisible Tears 07:40
07. Otherside 05:16
08. Beauty Within 04:11
09. My Guardian Angel 05:20
10. The Ocean 05:57
11. A Crying Heart 04:21
12. Mother (piano version) 03:00
02. Fear Is an Illusion 04:57
03. Unspoken Words 04:12
04. Book of Love 04:47
05. Blinded 03:39
06. Invisible Tears 07:40
07. Otherside 05:16
08. Beauty Within 04:11
09. My Guardian Angel 05:20
10. The Ocean 05:57
11. A Crying Heart 04:21
12. Mother (piano version) 03:00
Просмотров: 2347
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24 февраля 19, 15:52
Исполнитель: Rhapsody Of Fire
Альбом: The Eighth Mountain
Год: 2019
Стиль: Symphonic Power Metal
Страна: Italy
Альбом: The Eighth Mountain
Год: 2019
Стиль: Symphonic Power Metal
Страна: Italy
01. Abyss of Pain
02. Seven Heroic Deeds
03. Master of Peace
04. Rain of Fury
05. White Wizard
06. Warrior Heart
07. The Courage to Forgive
08. March Against the Tyrant
09. Clash of Times
10. The Legend Goes On
11. The Wind, the Rain and the Moon
12. Tales of a Hero's Fate
02. Seven Heroic Deeds
03. Master of Peace
04. Rain of Fury
05. White Wizard
06. Warrior Heart
07. The Courage to Forgive
08. March Against the Tyrant
09. Clash of Times
10. The Legend Goes On
11. The Wind, the Rain and the Moon
12. Tales of a Hero's Fate
Просмотров: 3164
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22 февраля 19, 23:08
Исполнитель: Overkill
Альбом: The Wings of War [Bonus Edition]
Год: 2019
Стиль: Thrash Metal
Страна: USA
Альбом: The Wings of War [Bonus Edition]
Год: 2019
Стиль: Thrash Metal
Страна: USA
01. Last Man Standing
02. Believe In The Fight
03. Head Of A Pin
04. Bat Shit Crazy
05. Distortion
06. A Mother's Prayer
07. Welcome To The Garden State
08. Where Few Dare To Walk
09. Out On The Road-Kill
10. Hole In My Soul
11. In Ashes (Bonus Track)
02. Believe In The Fight
03. Head Of A Pin
04. Bat Shit Crazy
05. Distortion
06. A Mother's Prayer
07. Welcome To The Garden State
08. Where Few Dare To Walk
09. Out On The Road-Kill
10. Hole In My Soul
11. In Ashes (Bonus Track)
Просмотров: 2106
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22 февраля 19, 11:04
Исполнитель: Emerald Sabbath
Альбом: Ninth Star
Год: 2019
Стиль: Hard Rock
Страна: Ireland
Альбом: Ninth Star
Год: 2019
Стиль: Hard Rock
Страна: Ireland
01. Embyro
02. Die Young
03. Fluff
04. Trashed
05. Stonehenge
06. She’s Gone
07. In For The Kill
08. Orchid
09. Hole In The Sky
10. Changes
11. Supertzar
Line Up:
The English Chamber Choir
Основатель/продюсер Emerald Sabbath Майкл Суиллеабхайн о "Ninth Star": Я решил перезаписать треки Black Sabbath и инструменталы с экс-участниками Black Sabbath. Многие артисты также играли в оригиналах. Затем я привёл струнный квартет вместе с различными классическими игроками. Никогда в самых смелых мечтах я не думал, что смогу это сделать, но моя настойчивость окупилась.
02. Die Young
03. Fluff
04. Trashed
05. Stonehenge
06. She’s Gone
07. In For The Kill
08. Orchid
09. Hole In The Sky
10. Changes
11. Supertzar
Line Up:
The English Chamber Choir
Основатель/продюсер Emerald Sabbath Майкл Суиллеабхайн о "Ninth Star": Я решил перезаписать треки Black Sabbath и инструменталы с экс-участниками Black Sabbath. Многие артисты также играли в оригиналах. Затем я привёл струнный квартет вместе с различными классическими игроками. Никогда в самых смелых мечтах я не думал, что смогу это сделать, но моя настойчивость окупилась.
Просмотров: 2709
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20 февраля 19, 12:21
Исполнитель: Ancient Bards
Альбом: Origine: The Black Crystal Sword Saga. Part 2 [Japanese Edition]
Год: 2019
Стиль: Symphonic Metal, Epic Metal, Power Metal
Страна: Italy
Альбом: Origine: The Black Crystal Sword Saga. Part 2 [Japanese Edition]
Год: 2019
Стиль: Symphonic Metal, Epic Metal, Power Metal
Страна: Italy
01. Origine (00:02:15)
02. Impious Dystopia (00:05:40)
03. Fantasy's Wings (00:04:51)
04. Aureum Legacy (00:05:42)
05. Light (00:04:43)
06. Oscurita (00:06:19)
07. Titanism (00:05:08)
08. The Hollow (00:03:30)
09. Home Of The Rejects (00:03:57)
10. The Great Divide (00:14:47)
11. Eredita Aurea (Orchestral Version) (Bonus Track) (00:05:42)
12. Home Of The Rejects (Karaoke Version) (Bonus Track) (00:03:57)
02. Impious Dystopia (00:05:40)
03. Fantasy's Wings (00:04:51)
04. Aureum Legacy (00:05:42)
05. Light (00:04:43)
06. Oscurita (00:06:19)
07. Titanism (00:05:08)
08. The Hollow (00:03:30)
09. Home Of The Rejects (00:03:57)
10. The Great Divide (00:14:47)
11. Eredita Aurea (Orchestral Version) (Bonus Track) (00:05:42)
12. Home Of The Rejects (Karaoke Version) (Bonus Track) (00:03:57)
Просмотров: 2284
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18 февраля 19, 05:19
Исполнитель: Godsmack
Альбом: ICON
Год: 2018
Стиль: Alternative Metal, Nu Metal, Hard Rock
Страна: USA
Альбом: ICON
Год: 2018
Стиль: Alternative Metal, Nu Metal, Hard Rock
Страна: USA
01. Voodoo
02. Whatever
03. Keep Away
04. Awake
05. I Stand Alone
06. Straight Out Of Line
07. Speak
08. Cryin' Like A Bitch!!
09. Whiskey Hangover
10. Love-Hate-Sex-Pain
11. 1000HP
02. Whatever
03. Keep Away
04. Awake
05. I Stand Alone
06. Straight Out Of Line
07. Speak
08. Cryin' Like A Bitch!!
09. Whiskey Hangover
10. Love-Hate-Sex-Pain
11. 1000HP
Просмотров: 2542
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17 февраля 19, 07:23
Исполнитель: Avantasia
Альбом: Moonglow [Deluxe Edition]
Год: 2019
Стиль: Symphonic Power Metal
Страна: Germany
Альбом: Moonglow [Deluxe Edition]
Год: 2019
Стиль: Symphonic Power Metal
Страна: Germany
01. Ghost in the Moon
02. Book of Shallows
03. Moonglow
04. The Raven Child
05. Starlight
06. Invincible
07. Alchemy
08. The Piper at the Gates of Dawn
09. Lavender
10. Requiem for a Dream
11. Maniac (Michael Sembello cover)
12. Heart
CD2 Instrumental Version
01. Ghost in the Moon (Instrumental Version)
02. Book of Shallows (Instrumental Version)
03. Moonglow (Instrumental Version)
04. The Raven Child (Instrumental Version)
05. Starlight (Instrumental Version)
06. Invincible (Instrumental Version)
07. Alchemy (Instrumental Version)
08. The Piper at the Gates of Dawn (Instrumental Version)
09. Lavender (Instrumental Version)
10. Requiem for a Dream (Instrumental Version)
11. Maniac (Instrumental Version)
01. Ghost in the Moon
02. Book of Shallows
03. Moonglow
04. The Raven Child
05. Starlight
06. Invincible
07. Alchemy
08. The Piper at the Gates of Dawn
09. Lavender
10. Requiem for a Dream
11. Maniac (Michael Sembello cover)
12. Heart
CD2 Instrumental Version
01. Ghost in the Moon (Instrumental Version)
02. Book of Shallows (Instrumental Version)
03. Moonglow (Instrumental Version)
04. The Raven Child (Instrumental Version)
05. Starlight (Instrumental Version)
06. Invincible (Instrumental Version)
07. Alchemy (Instrumental Version)
08. The Piper at the Gates of Dawn (Instrumental Version)
09. Lavender (Instrumental Version)
10. Requiem for a Dream (Instrumental Version)
11. Maniac (Instrumental Version)
Просмотров: 2568
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16 февраля 19, 13:17
Исполнитель: Pink Floyd
Альбом: Blues
Год: 2019
Стиль: Blues, Blues Rock, Progressive Rock, Art-Rock
Страна: UK
Альбом: Blues
Год: 2019
Стиль: Blues, Blues Rock, Progressive Rock, Art-Rock
Страна: UK
01. More Blues
02. Pink Blues
03. King Bee
04. Country Song
05. Just Another Twelve Bar
06. Biding My Time
07. Nicks Boogie
08. Afternoon (Biding My Time)
09. Embryo
10. Rain In The Country (take 1)
11. Terminal Frost
12. Fat Old Sun
13. Have A Cigar
14. Love Scene (version 6)
15. Love Scene (version 4)
16. The Beginning
17. Money
02. Pink Blues
03. King Bee
04. Country Song
05. Just Another Twelve Bar
06. Biding My Time
07. Nicks Boogie
08. Afternoon (Biding My Time)
09. Embryo
10. Rain In The Country (take 1)
11. Terminal Frost
12. Fat Old Sun
13. Have A Cigar
14. Love Scene (version 6)
15. Love Scene (version 4)
16. The Beginning
17. Money
Просмотров: 2335
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