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7 March 24, 03:40

Dmitry MetalLord

Lyrics : Anal Cunt : I Like It When You Die : You're Best Friend Is You

0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

You're Best Friend Is You

I Like It When You Die (1997)

Anal Cunt

no one cares what you say,no one gives a shit about norway
no one can stand the way you talk,except your girlfriend,the greasy wop

[1st chorus:]
everyone mistakes you for a jew
your best friend is you

you have hook nose like a fucking jew
your best friend is you

no one cares about what you wrote,you're nothing but a spic,a 5 foot joke
every show you book is a fucking flop,you're a fucking midget and your broad's a wop

[2nd chorus:]
no one cares what your last show drew
your best friend is you

you're about as tall as tattoo
your best friend is you

your favorite letter's f
flunk-you flunked out of school
flop-every show that you do
fail-every class that you take
friends-not one you can make


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