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8 June 11, 12:42
Artist: Ourobiguous
Album: An Oath To Forever Defile
Year: 2011
Style: Avant-Garde Black Metal
Country: USA
Album: An Oath To Forever Defile
Year: 2011
Style: Avant-Garde Black Metal
Country: USA
1. An Oath To Forever Defile 02:52
2. Those Who Are Damned 02:45
3. Grotesque In Form 05:33
4. All Is One, One Is All 06:09
5. The Beacon 04:07
6. The Truth Behind Truths 01:36
7. The Sinner Within 05:50
8. Raping The Deity Of Pius (Exploration Of The Self) 04:56
9. The Feast Of Cain 07:37
10. Reunion Of The Fallen 14:48
2. Those Who Are Damned 02:45
3. Grotesque In Form 05:33
4. All Is One, One Is All 06:09
5. The Beacon 04:07
6. The Truth Behind Truths 01:36
7. The Sinner Within 05:50
8. Raping The Deity Of Pius (Exploration Of The Self) 04:56
9. The Feast Of Cain 07:37
10. Reunion Of The Fallen 14:48
Views: 3555
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23 March 11, 18:53
Artist: Ourobiguous
Album: Dreaming
Year: 2011
Style: Avant-Garde/Atmospheric Post-Black Metal
Country: USA
Album: Dreaming
Year: 2011
Style: Avant-Garde/Atmospheric Post-Black Metal
Country: USA
1. Into The Woods… 06:36
2. And Descending Downwards… 10:08
3. Into The Morning Mist… 03:02
4. And Slowly Freezing… 19:23
5. But The Moon Shines Brightly… 25:34
6. As I Begin Dreaming Again 07:07
1. Into The Woods… 06:36
2. And Descending Downwards… 10:08
3. Into The Morning Mist… 03:02
4. And Slowly Freezing… 19:23
5. But The Moon Shines Brightly… 25:34
6. As I Begin Dreaming Again 07:07
Views: 3994
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